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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Imminst general progress

Posted by brokenportal , 23 June 2010 · 1,860 views

Imminst is undergoing a lot of exciting upgrades. The progress is continuously flowing more and more freely as the weeks and months continue to fly by.Attached Image The ipb forum upgrades are looking like a smashing success. The functionality is off the charts, and there appears to be minimal hook ups, like loss of content, links, access etc... We now have a calendar, a shoutbox, reputation ratings, better rss, a better blog feed, a smoother look, a useful side bar of tid bits on what is going on around other areas of the forum, etc...

We have a fundraiser system that is looking to wrap up construction any time now, move through some final reviews and launch.

The donations and memberships continue to rise, along with the general registration numbers.

We have another conference in planning.

The teams are moving along alright, growing, slowly but surely.

Attached Image There are so many more things, big and small, happening all around. To find the rest you'll just have to do some more digging around the forum during these exciting times. Submerse yourself into the world that is the movements continued march toward our goals.

Though still far away, we are always getting closer, picking up speed as we go. Im confident we will make it to the control panels in time for most all of us to have that chance to see if we can get our portals to stay propped open, and you can be too. Keep up the good fight. Imminst 2010, continuing to step up together.

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