Introductory Plea;.
Posted by
Darkly Origins
03 October 2014
introduction mathematics darkly origins neuroscience biological constants
I've been busy with mine own projects, and have not been online in months;, as well - I'd like to update, and let people know I've been expelled from my College, and banned from all interrelated College-systems;, I've severe accusations against me, none of which were true: however, evidence for the contrary were doctored and submitted to my Dean, and Dean of Students, consequently leading to my expulsion;.as I've had plenty of free-time, I've taken advantage of such allotted time, and worked endlessly and tirelessly on my projects; cont...
cont. I feel, and in a profound manner that my works are truly innovative, and need recognition. I'm jobless, and broke: I need monetary funds to continue my varied work(s);, (I'm not asking for donations, nor gifts, but merely intuitive sympathy, recognition, name-forwarding, and most importantly: acclamation);, as I need acclamation for my work(s) to be seen, I need to be shared, and/or founded by the scientific community(s) of the world, whether by...scientists, enthusiasts, collaborators, investors, shareholders, members, or by politicians, academic institutions, lab-rats, doctors or mathematicians. cont...
cont. The point being: I need my name to be seen, and heard, so that I may continue my work(s), and in eventuated time(s), publish, as I feel my varied works can, and will change the way science works, as it will most undoubtedly and profoundly affect Biological understanding; as I've founded something invaluable, genius and innovative; please do what you can: I ask not for monetary donations, but any/all help is most sincerely appreciated, however - if one can, please share my name among colleagues, powerful/political scientifically ingrained' peoples, etc., my name is: Jacob A. Eder.
Thank you for your time, and help; I truly appreciate any and all commenting, assistance, and criticism;, and do welcome feedback and/or questions on my varied work(s); I will share my works in depth if asked, but only request that one does not steal from me, my ideals or works, if only to seek accrediting for oneself, whereas the acclamation would not belong.
Darkly Origins/Eerie Flickering
(Company Founding Name of mine: T3T's Innovations);.
Jacob A. Eder: Tomah, WI 54660 -
Sincerely, Verily, signed, Jacob A. Eder;
cont. I feel, and in a profound manner that my works are truly innovative, and need recognition. I'm jobless, and broke: I need monetary funds to continue my varied work(s);, (I'm not asking for donations, nor gifts, but merely intuitive sympathy, recognition, name-forwarding, and most importantly: acclamation);, as I need acclamation for my work(s) to be seen, I need to be shared, and/or founded by the scientific community(s) of the world, whether by...scientists, enthusiasts, collaborators, investors, shareholders, members, or by politicians, academic institutions, lab-rats, doctors or mathematicians. cont...
cont. The point being: I need my name to be seen, and heard, so that I may continue my work(s), and in eventuated time(s), publish, as I feel my varied works can, and will change the way science works, as it will most undoubtedly and profoundly affect Biological understanding; as I've founded something invaluable, genius and innovative; please do what you can: I ask not for monetary donations, but any/all help is most sincerely appreciated, however - if one can, please share my name among colleagues, powerful/political scientifically ingrained' peoples, etc., my name is: Jacob A. Eder.
Thank you for your time, and help; I truly appreciate any and all commenting, assistance, and criticism;, and do welcome feedback and/or questions on my varied work(s); I will share my works in depth if asked, but only request that one does not steal from me, my ideals or works, if only to seek accrediting for oneself, whereas the acclamation would not belong.
Darkly Origins/Eerie Flickering
(Company Founding Name of mine: T3T's Innovations);.
Jacob A. Eder: Tomah, WI 54660 -
Sincerely, Verily, signed, Jacob A. Eder;