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Second entry, a lot learned

Posted by perception is projection , 18 December 2014 · 1,223 views

yeeeee habit human potential
DAY 1:

day one was good. It actually happened to be my birthday, so I had a couple of things that were unexpected arise. Though the day was pretty damn good.
I didn’t do 5 hours of home. I spent some time doing some reflection(my traditional birthday celebration).
Other than that, I did all my new behaviors, without a struggle.

DAY 2:

Noots: Hydrafinil,(I forgot I took about .4 of SEMAX last night as well.)

Morning report: This morning I am seeing some resistance towards doing these new behaviors. I find that interesting because according to my past experiences and literature I have read, that shouldn’t be happening on day two as much.
Well atleast I am away of it. This part is where martialing my will power will really come in play. I am hoping with the help of noots, psychological tricks and a burning desire to grow I can easily overcome these silly feelings.

Night: The studying part is rough. I am wanting to procrastinate my stretching. Need to try to ignore my emotions and take care of buisness.

BTW i tried acytel Selank….. I don’t know if I like it or not(side on the more of the no side). Though I think I don’t like it more for a philosophical reason rather than functional reason. (I think facing fears is much more reward than taking something to overcome them. Then again that not what selank is suppose to help with. Anyway I am majorly rambliingg) probably should try it on its own, for a while….. but fuck that for now, no time, will in the summer.

Day 5:

Anyway it was shitty as a result of poor planning.
I didn’t sleep at my house and as a result I didn’t meditate, journal/reviewday and only brished my teeth 2x that day.

Day 6:

Noots: caffeine(this stuff is awesome, especially when I never drink then have a cup of tea once every month or two weeks)

Today was good. I didn't get the best of sleep and was definitely thrown off in the morning because I woke up an hour away from my house.
Didn't really have the morning ritual I was looking for. Though after doing this for a few days I have some intresting insights and new things I want to put into practice.

What I have learned so far.
For starts this is much harder than I first thought it would be.(This will be a fun challenge)
Second I realized I need to specify what exactly I mean by 5 hours of homework(it easy to just count time reading, responding to emails that are school related ect.)

Habit sequence 1 (So morning Ritual);
Eat, Listen to something motivating/inspiring/informative(but can't be the news)
meditate 20 minutes
review this years goals
review today goals/visualize outcome
stretch 15 minutes
spend rest of time reading some informative

Habit sequence 2
For the next 14 days do practice math test(its a 3 hour long test)
Spend 1 hour reviewing problems I did not get correct
Spend 30 minutes of econ paper

Habit Sequence 3 Brush teeth(for the second time) before leaving the house

Habit sequence 4 (night ritual)
Meditation(20 minutes in morning
Record about habit project.
plan next day
review/visualize goals before falling asleep

I decided to chunk this up into sequences because then I believe I can actually add way more habits, but do it like a workout(like a dedicated chunk of time where I do these funny exercises).

Also I noticed that I really have to make this a priority for the next(who knows 90-160days) till I really have this as a habit. This will be interesting to cultivate especially because there is always a lot change happening in my life.

I have yet to finish tonights practices, so I will post tomorrow with my progress.

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