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Ultrasonic Facial Cleansers and Options of Interest

Posted by YOLF , 29 April 2015 · 3,258 views

ultrasonic cleanser ultrasonic device ultrasonic alzheimers alzheimers dementia amyloid beta

Ok, looks like there are some new options out there for sonic cleansers that might do very well for mitigating some Alzheimers and Dementia pathologies. If I were to buy a new one, I'd probably get one of these. The first has five speeds to my units 4 speeds, the second appears to be reasonably priced 4 speed unit, and the third and fourth are looking like Ferraris with claims of faster cleansing with one able to penetrate to depths of 3-7cm (uses 28000Hz or 0.028MHz), that'll get pretty deep into your head if it works and it also claims to deliver faster results. The fourth can go as low as 0.024MHz which would presumably penetrate even deeper if low megahertz devices are best as discussed here



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Then of course there are ultrasonic viewing devices with potentially useful frequencies that might also be useful in detecting other maladies, and just maybe give us a view into our own heads. I haven't gotten that far into the research yet. But I would like to monitor internal organ health and what not in whatever way possible to get a head start on diagnosis. The first has 3 frequencies at 2.5/3.5/5.0MHZ with depths up to 16cm, the second has a larger screen and presumably a better "camera" (it only takes half the pictures), and the third one has higher frequencies, an attachment for "playing alien" and can reach depths of 24cm. Also has the larger screen. These are for veterinary use. We'll have to discuss using them on humans, but if they can work on lots of animals, why not a bald primate?


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I just bought number 3. I can't help feeling that I should be doing this every day. Advice would be appreciated as to how often to use this.

I'll be using mine once a week, though I'm using it for different reasons. I would follow the details of the study. Please comment on how well you find it to be working. That one has a lower frequency than the study if it's the third one in the first set, so YMMV, but IIRC, you already have a 1Mhz model. Maybe use each one every other week and see if you get a different result with either... Then use them both.

Ultrasound can literally rejuvenate skin. I can't believe this is not getting more attention. Do we have an oral bias here or what :)



Ultrasound Can Accelerate Skin Healing in the Elderly

Not all approaches to changing the behavior of cells so as to spur greater regeneration must necessarily involve drugs. Here researchers demonstrate that ultrasound can partially compensate for age-related deficiency in skin healing, and catalog some of the cellular biochemistry involved. This isn't a case of fixing the proximate cause of faltering wound healing, a decline in one specific type of cell signaling, but rather activating another mechanism that can act as a substitute to some degree. As the publicity materials note, deploying this treatment to the clinic should not be too much of a challenge given the present widespread use of ultrasound for other purposes:

Chronic skin healing defects are one of the leading challenges to lifelong wellbeing, affecting 2-5% of populations. Chronic wound formation is linked to age and diabetes and frequently leads to major limb amputation. Here we identify a strategy to reverse fibroblast senescence and improve healing rates.

In healthy skin, fibronectin activates Rac1 in fibroblasts, causing migration into the wound bed and driving wound contraction. We discover that mechanical stimulation of skin with ultrasound can overturn healing defects by activating a calcium/CamKinaseII/Tiam1/Rac1 pathway that substitutes for fibronectin-dependent signaling and promotes fibroblast migration. Treatment of diabetic and aged mice recruits fibroblasts to the wound bed and reduces healing times by 30%, restoring healing rates to those observed in young, healthy animals. Ultrasound treatment is equally effective in rescuing the healing defects of animals lacking fibronectin receptors, and can be blocked by pharmacological inhibition of the CamKinaseII pathway. Finally, we discover that the migration defects of fibroblasts from human venous leg ulcer patients can be reversed by ultrasound, demonstrating that the approach is applicable to human chronic samples.

By demonstrating that this alternative Rac1 pathway can substitute for that normally operating in skin, we identify future opportunities for management of chronic wounds.

Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/jid.2015.224

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