cure heart disease
Posted by
05 February 2008
going on from http://www.imminst.o...t...blogid=22 14-Jan 2008
what happens if people simply eat high density lipoprotein; does it pass the GI tract; its considered strongly heart protective http://en.wikipedia....ity_lipoprotein ; Algae could be engineered to make high density lipoprotein that becomes part of food or is animal feed to create cardioprotective beef n chicken
earlier I wrote about the possibility of creating chewing tobacco that was an atherosclerosis vaccine as well as a niacin source; niacin is very similar to nicotine well known as an atherosclerosis treatment; the idea being that such a drug would be popular plus be repeated plus research could verify that it strongly reduced mortality; I much prefer the idea of genetically engineering duckweed kind of like patent 6815184 to be an atherosclerosis vaccine as the medication supply automatically regenerates every 30 hours its portable across places n goes well with centerless social structures makes me think of David Pearce ideas
genetic heritability goes on cycles the period between near .9 correlation then near .4 is a litlle less than seven years page 327 on Jensen G intelligence tome
just think if waiting three years to have kids could remove genetic susceptibility to recessive genetic illnesses like heart disease as well as create opportunities to preserve traits like beauty or giftedness; it might be possible to find the chemical basis of the cycle then create resistance to genetic illness as a pill
I like the feminist aspect that this gives young women a maternal role reason to spend a few more years growing as people prior to having kids; much research supports the idea that older than teen moms are particularly effective parents
Is it the female posttranscription uterus or a different thing
I wonder if the period of all mammals is equivalent or if different lab animals have cycles like a month; this may be of value to genetics researchers
I like combining the oral GI tract mucosal active genetically engineered rice vaccine with the atherosclerosis vaccine currently being FDA qualified to create a wide application atherosclerosis cure
benefit 300k persons each year specialized measurement of blood flow like arterial pressure difference yet different is published as giving a few hours of warning prior to sudden death mi; I think that these sensors plus computation can go with vehicle steering wheels to predict mi giving time to treat; steering wheel cover with sensors reaches a large amount of the population a few times each d giving time to treat; idea is that cocoverage creates creates an advantage to those that are willing to be mi screened at their vehicle to attain cheaper coverage
different hormeisis pathways happen with different cytochemoenvironments; lipid membrane turnover control as a hormeisis form that causes cytes to generally upgrade their lipid processing abilities a direction or another; a non lipid hormeisis chemical form thus drives ntracyte lipid mobilization n outside cyte metabolism; is a cardioprotective atherosclerosis reducing or fat sequestering or fat mobilizing drug
thats a way to say "trainng" cytes to be hyper about mobilizing lipids is a chemoenvironmental result of lipid membrane turnover feedback; that would also go with making more mitochondria; obvious right the thing is which chemicals are unique hormeisis pathway triggers; with lipids it could be something wild like an annoyance lipid like trans fats with really annoying side groups or fringes; trans fats are cardionegative when eaten but it is possible that a multiply branched shaped trans fat could be tested to see if it upregulated lipid mobilization as a result of a hormeisis response;because hormeisis is basically overshoot on amelioration of a naughty thing; bacteria do rapid desaturation of fatty acid chains in existing phospholipids by induction of fatty acid desaturase; the study of a group of such hormeisis response ways might create fat control drugs; theres a big list of lipid modifying enzymes like fatty acid synthase at pubmed http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum any of which are iRNA regulatable to reduce adipose accumulation;
gee so you are saying just find an whateverase, then reregulate it
cure much of this: 60 percent of all heart attacks occur in the five-hour period of 6 am to 11 am
; early am heart disease; there are numerous chems that change rate of chemical processing whether with the well travelled liver enzymes or different brain pulsatile hormonal chems; perhaps modulation of these could remove the higher risk portion of the am creating reduced risk; if there is a nonhuman mammal model of circadian MI these not usually thought of as cardiac drugs could be tried to see if they reduce MI: whatever processes tryptophan; melatonin; gnrh; Atrial and brain natriuretic peptides;evening administered pxytocin or vasopressin; nsulin or metformin; I think ive read that people are on a 23ish hour cycle n that this is controlled chemically; what effect do those chems have on AM MI
i wonder if arterial pressure differences predict circadian AM MI on an acute basis; does this change a few hour prior to the MI; if it does a differential pulse detector could wake people up n software suggest a med
"more or less" a pegylated liposome roll could be created which becomes multiple liposomal transport vesicles after passing the GI tract this causes either more or less transport affinity of the full complement of normal body chemicals to all organs acting kind of like a volume knob on cytokines generally the hyperspecific liposomes that pass the blood brain barrier could be modified to create a GI tract passing liposomal "fleet" of bloodstream hypertransporeters of various wide classes of cytokines, nutrients n the like; basically what plasma proteins like albumn do but with human direction; itd be nifty to measure a few hundred different blood components; see which shift with age; then administer hypertransport lipid drugs to normalize those to young amounts; then measure disease reduction
i wonder if theres some bizarre thing that might change the AM MI thing; like those adjustable beds; what if they moved while you were asleep; elevated feet change things
Emotional and physical precipitants of ventricular arrhythmia paper says minutes preceding shock, an anger level > or =3 preceded 15% of events compared with 3% of control periods (P<0.04; odds ratio, 1.83; 95% confidence intervals, 1.04 to 3.16) Other mood states (anxiety, worry, sadness, happiness, challenge, feeling in control, or interest) did not differ; cure anger; perhaps THC or medical marijuana will reduce heart disease
organ functional youthifying chemical: i have a few hairs that grow from white back to their original color; with hair that means that the hair morphology changes from having voids to original form; this is a hundreds or Ks of cytes organ type structure being recomposed; whatever the chemistry that turns white hairs back to their original color could be duplicated then used on other organs like heart tissue; I only see a few of these hairs per year I'm thinking other people also have them
effect of romance on longevity; numerous physicians urge people to have vivid romances; if that is effective does it mean pegylated liposomes full of phenylethylamine work too
Ambient tra-la-la sounds like it could cure chd
party clinics where they give people neurotransmitter modulators that make people like dancing n then the people who would do well to be fitter like dancing a bunch so they keep having fun n being fit
bad idea: mosquitos as a vaccine function
well how do all those artery layers age; even arterioles have a bunch of nested layers; wikipedia says lumen size goes up with age; does that depend on a rate equivalent growth of 'thelial cytes; if you adjust that rate is arterial quality better; is better arterial quality ischemia resistance or more youthful tissue perfusion
bizarre alternative to the Maze procedure to create different cardiac zones to reduce fibrillation: trained or bred "heartworms"; supposedly these parasitize different mammals; if they could be specialized to created patterned tissue disruption the could cure fibrillation just like the Maze procedure; new scientist had a thing about a brain parasite that went to just the right place to affect host behavior to promote parasite function
there are a bunch of ischemia trouble reducing drugs; one approach to curing heart disease is to make the body more tolerant of ischemia; well known; the shoe that detects MI then drugs a person might do well with this Following conjugation of VIP to the TfRMAb, the intravenous administration of low doses, 10–20 μg/kg, of VIP in conscious rats resulted in a 65% increase in hemispheric cerebral blood flow The intravenous administration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) resulted in complete neuroprotection of pyramidal neurons in the CA1 sector of the hippocampus in rats subjected to 10 min of transient forebrain ischemia and isoelectric electroencephalograms, providing the BDNF was conjugated to a BBB molecular Trojan horse drug;pad people put n their shoes that detected cardiac state n then energetically delivered a drug; car airbags save a few thousand lives each year but a foot airbag could save hundreds of thousands, plus you just toss it n your shoe n ignore it unitil there is an event
its kind of like CRR as a sudden event pad that ultra widens brain blood transport to complement chest compressions
this idea goes well with CRR Postconditioning, a series of mechanical interruptions of reperfusion after ischemia, prevents ischemia/reperfusion injury in myocardial infarction. The extensive studies of postconditioning in myocardial infarction have led to clinical trials. This article reviews the protective effects of postconditioning against ischemia from the heart to the brain and provides insights on how studies of postconditioning in the field of heart ischemia have shed light on postconditioning of the brain. Because brain ischemia has many mechanisms in common with heart ischemia, it is logical to test whether postconditioning protects against brain ischemia as well
high tech stuff: do human tissues do quorum sensing; could they; if they could then the electrical basis of noncoordinated fibrillation could be redirected with quorum sensing
automata theory to the rescue:They were both able to show that, if a ring of excitable tissue was stimulated at a single point, the subsequent waves of depolarisation would pass around the ring. The waves eventually meet and cancel each other out, but, if an area of transient block occurred with a refractory period that blocked one wavefront and subsequently allowed the other to proceed retrogradely over the other path, then a self-sustaining circus movement phenomenon would result; rather than lesioning or Maze procedures perhaps a theoretically structured array of blips on the heart would create a fibrillation resistant automata pattern catheter surgery creates the blips with minimal nvasiveness
numerous tissues have patterns of dots; is there a way to stimulate a gene the human tissue has to run a dot pattern creation program; like if a fish has a speckle pattern you could trigger those genes but at cardiac muscle with Na or K ion pumps thus causing slight differences that act as a fibrillation resistant automata; http://en.wikipedia....ar_fibrillation ;use genes that are there to grow a protective pattern; it would be an MI preventing
high density lipoprotein is effective as the molecules clump together; wikipedia says its the bigger blobs that are associated with less atherosclerosis; is there a protein clumper that would go with high density lipoprotein such the clumps were more optimally sized; It is only the high density lipoprotein particles which become the largest (actually picking up and carrying cholesterol) which are protective
anyway moving on lets let two thirds of all the humans live through heart disease
utero twin hearts cause ventricular ejection fraction variation to compensate blood pressure change; blood pressure meds have ceratin effects; ventricular program response chemicals are different; use those chems to adjust ventricular response to beneficial absent blood pressure effect
nifty idea make time move backwards at organs bizarre nifty to think of the physics though; SENS is a computational approach but there are also computational approaches that are clockless kind of like automata; turing approaches create an object boundary around a type which is periodically reverted to type; a clockless approach notes that there is a field form that is different than object boundary which either means always messy or if messy is on state then always on; kind of like a chemical buffer has a linear region that is like an adequately functional area then that adequately functional area has durability; now how do you make a Ca ion 2d or 3d buffer such that its multiisoformable where the multiple isoforms have [n,][,mesh] molecular angle kerning may happen with a simple rotated polymer under compression to create emergent 2d or 3d tesselation of ionic landscape such that the tesselation is a durable messy on isoform that is strongly attracted to functional form; kind of a molecular angle prion that keeps everything lined up to be right; visualize "houndstooth" pattern where the little gaps conspire to rerotate or move any of the chunks that shift to maintain "houndstooth" aspect; then with that as a thing durably deliver ionic aspect associated with right function; gee sounds like a cytomembrane the nifty aspect is that it tends to be autorepairing with autohighfidelity ionic transmission but can be addressed with drugs or electric fields; also it has best previous version isoform reformability; this would be a nifty hypermembrane approach to the membranes of the fully artificial cyte the ventner group is building as well as a kind of drug; I remember that researchers were thinking about a neural glue to go with brain body transplants or christopher reeve type nerve reconnections; cardiac use would be to have as programmable cardiocyte lipid membrane windows that kept optimal tissue state going even if cardiocytes gunked or calcified; lipid swap at cytomembranes typically takes just a few minutes thus IV cytowindows would become part of tissue n build up prion like from the littler component molecules
I feel like I just nvented robot skin; the difference from flickercladding is the data store force as molecular atom kerning with the prionlike assembly of big windows from little tesselation items that would currently be known to become cytocomponents with just a few minutes of reaction
multiple personality with a diabetic has shown that the person could have normal or disease glycemic response depending on personality; are aspects of CHD like EKG different with different personalities; does that provide a research idea to find brain drugs that modify EKG to normal patterns
more effective treatment of a person with CHD right away
chronobiology effect on heart disease; AM MI effect; chronobiology predictive of BP during sleep;For instance, it is an odd fact that 60 percent of all heart attacks occur in the five-hour period of 6 am to 11 am
Chronopharmacokinetics have been shown for several cardiovascular active drugs (propranolol, nifedipine, verapamil, enalapril, isosorbide-5-mononitrate, digoxin, etc.). Far more drugs were shown to display significant daily variations in their effects (chronopharmacodynamics, chronotoxicology) even after chronic application or constant infusion. In conclusion, there is clear evidence that the dose/concentration-response relationship of drugs can be significantly dependent on the time of day. Thus, circadian time has to be taken into account as an important variable influencing a drug's pharmacokinetics and/or its effects or side effects
i might not have thought of this previously what do adiposity area concentration drugs like the proteae nhibitors do to fat storage at body places like the heart; protease nhibitors cause skinny legs n back fat; are there chemovariations that minimize cardioadiposity; this could matter as adiposity carried above the waist has greater CHD frequency at equal mass
happylong cures stress based cardiovascular disease giggle
I think they might notice this anyway immunocalmed porcine hearts are a british technology; the trace of an idea that goes with that is if you oversize the heart relative to the body do you get better results; note nlarged human heart is different as that has morphological changes
'thelial proliferative factors effect on blood brain barrier goes with cholesterol turnover
ridiculous: multicentenarian species immunocalmed turtle hearts; I mean they last centuries n those galapagos things are gigantic; not much effect on atherosclerotic stroke plaque though
Turtles have the power to almost stop the ticking of their personal clock. “Their heart isn’t necessarily stimulated by nerves, and it doesn’t need to beat constantly,” said Dr. George Zug, curator of herpetology at the Smithsonian Institution. “They can turn it on and off essentially at will.”
a study of turtle blood rheology, clotting atherosclerosis, erythrocytes might well describe what about human ischemia components can be adjusted to be benign; turtles have rbcs n platelets n proteins, how do they skip protein combo destruction
very gradual mammals like the sloth or hibernating long lived bears might have unique atheroscleroprotective chemistry to address minimally moving blood protein reactivity
did I think of applying --------- to heart disease yet; ----------- ; thus ---------------- is a possible therapy (m)
lipoprotein(a) is 4/5 heritable http://www.nhlbi.nih...s/pageeight.htm LPa data suggest a considerable incremental value of Lp(a) in predicting cardiovascular risk
Although the vasculoprotective effects of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), the major protein associated with high-density lipoprotein, have been universally accepted, apoA-II has been suggested to have poor antiatherogenic or even proatherogenic properties. To study this suggestion more closely, we evaluated how serum levels of apoA-II and apoA-I relate to the risk of future coronary artery disease Apolipoprotein A-II is inversely associated with risk of future coronary artery disease
published item that anemia predicts early death in nursing home residents goes with published item that says older people have less hemoglobin; more hemoglobin genetically or stimulated with movement or drugs may reduce mortality perhaps cardiovascular mortality
RESULTS: After 60 months, the 5-year survival rate (FSR) of normal controls was significantly higher than that of cases with anemia (P =.0078). FSR was 67% in normal controls and 48% in anemic individuals age 70 to 79. The figures for individuals age 80 to 89 were 62% and 41%, respectively, and for individuals age 90 to 99 were 25% and 13%, respectively, the survival rate significantly decreasing with age in both groups (P <.001). FSR with severe anemia (Hb< or = 8.9 g/dl) was 0% in males, and 27% in females. Values for moderate anemia (9.0 g/dl to 10.9 g/dl) were 25% and 51%, respectively, for normal hemoglobin (11.0 g/dl to 12.9 g/dl) were 44% and 61%, respectively, and for high hemoglobin (13.0 g/dl< or =Hb) were 50% and 70%, respectively. Advanced carcinomas were often detected at autopsy in anemic individuals. No death by cancer occurred in normal controls. CONCLUSION: Low hemoglobin concentration predicts early death in nursing home residents
I think the precordial thump could be made part of cardiocerebral resuscitation procedure; wikipedia says it restores normal rythm about two to twelve times as frequently as people actually live though an MI during the 20th century; To perform a precordial thump, a highly trained provider such as a paramedic or physician strikes a single very carefully aimed blow with the fist to the center of the patient's sternum. The intent is to possibly interrupt a life threatening rhythm. The precordial thump is thought to produce an electrical depolarization of 2 to 5 joules. However, the thump is effective only if used at the onset of ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia;
precordial thump if equal to defibrillator could be mechanized much more cheaply the procardial thump machine is much cheaper to make than a defibrillator ; kind of like a shoe sizer it has |---<->--[thump]---<->--| adjustable sides with a mechanical mechanism at center to make the thump; possibly all mechanical thus much cheaper than defibrillator
thinking of nations with fewer drs per capita a heart disease cure might go with an ordinary activity like socializing
Cu activated vaccines; perhaps Ni (jewelry allergy) immunoreactivity would be valuable
what happens if people simply eat high density lipoprotein; does it pass the GI tract; its considered strongly heart protective http://en.wikipedia....ity_lipoprotein ; Algae could be engineered to make high density lipoprotein that becomes part of food or is animal feed to create cardioprotective beef n chicken
earlier I wrote about the possibility of creating chewing tobacco that was an atherosclerosis vaccine as well as a niacin source; niacin is very similar to nicotine well known as an atherosclerosis treatment; the idea being that such a drug would be popular plus be repeated plus research could verify that it strongly reduced mortality; I much prefer the idea of genetically engineering duckweed kind of like patent 6815184 to be an atherosclerosis vaccine as the medication supply automatically regenerates every 30 hours its portable across places n goes well with centerless social structures makes me think of David Pearce ideas
genetic heritability goes on cycles the period between near .9 correlation then near .4 is a litlle less than seven years page 327 on Jensen G intelligence tome
just think if waiting three years to have kids could remove genetic susceptibility to recessive genetic illnesses like heart disease as well as create opportunities to preserve traits like beauty or giftedness; it might be possible to find the chemical basis of the cycle then create resistance to genetic illness as a pill
I like the feminist aspect that this gives young women a maternal role reason to spend a few more years growing as people prior to having kids; much research supports the idea that older than teen moms are particularly effective parents
Is it the female posttranscription uterus or a different thing
I wonder if the period of all mammals is equivalent or if different lab animals have cycles like a month; this may be of value to genetics researchers
I like combining the oral GI tract mucosal active genetically engineered rice vaccine with the atherosclerosis vaccine currently being FDA qualified to create a wide application atherosclerosis cure
benefit 300k persons each year specialized measurement of blood flow like arterial pressure difference yet different is published as giving a few hours of warning prior to sudden death mi; I think that these sensors plus computation can go with vehicle steering wheels to predict mi giving time to treat; steering wheel cover with sensors reaches a large amount of the population a few times each d giving time to treat; idea is that cocoverage creates creates an advantage to those that are willing to be mi screened at their vehicle to attain cheaper coverage
different hormeisis pathways happen with different cytochemoenvironments; lipid membrane turnover control as a hormeisis form that causes cytes to generally upgrade their lipid processing abilities a direction or another; a non lipid hormeisis chemical form thus drives ntracyte lipid mobilization n outside cyte metabolism; is a cardioprotective atherosclerosis reducing or fat sequestering or fat mobilizing drug
thats a way to say "trainng" cytes to be hyper about mobilizing lipids is a chemoenvironmental result of lipid membrane turnover feedback; that would also go with making more mitochondria; obvious right the thing is which chemicals are unique hormeisis pathway triggers; with lipids it could be something wild like an annoyance lipid like trans fats with really annoying side groups or fringes; trans fats are cardionegative when eaten but it is possible that a multiply branched shaped trans fat could be tested to see if it upregulated lipid mobilization as a result of a hormeisis response;because hormeisis is basically overshoot on amelioration of a naughty thing; bacteria do rapid desaturation of fatty acid chains in existing phospholipids by induction of fatty acid desaturase; the study of a group of such hormeisis response ways might create fat control drugs; theres a big list of lipid modifying enzymes like fatty acid synthase at pubmed http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum any of which are iRNA regulatable to reduce adipose accumulation;
gee so you are saying just find an whateverase, then reregulate it
cure much of this: 60 percent of all heart attacks occur in the five-hour period of 6 am to 11 am
; early am heart disease; there are numerous chems that change rate of chemical processing whether with the well travelled liver enzymes or different brain pulsatile hormonal chems; perhaps modulation of these could remove the higher risk portion of the am creating reduced risk; if there is a nonhuman mammal model of circadian MI these not usually thought of as cardiac drugs could be tried to see if they reduce MI: whatever processes tryptophan; melatonin; gnrh; Atrial and brain natriuretic peptides;evening administered pxytocin or vasopressin; nsulin or metformin; I think ive read that people are on a 23ish hour cycle n that this is controlled chemically; what effect do those chems have on AM MI
i wonder if arterial pressure differences predict circadian AM MI on an acute basis; does this change a few hour prior to the MI; if it does a differential pulse detector could wake people up n software suggest a med
"more or less" a pegylated liposome roll could be created which becomes multiple liposomal transport vesicles after passing the GI tract this causes either more or less transport affinity of the full complement of normal body chemicals to all organs acting kind of like a volume knob on cytokines generally the hyperspecific liposomes that pass the blood brain barrier could be modified to create a GI tract passing liposomal "fleet" of bloodstream hypertransporeters of various wide classes of cytokines, nutrients n the like; basically what plasma proteins like albumn do but with human direction; itd be nifty to measure a few hundred different blood components; see which shift with age; then administer hypertransport lipid drugs to normalize those to young amounts; then measure disease reduction
i wonder if theres some bizarre thing that might change the AM MI thing; like those adjustable beds; what if they moved while you were asleep; elevated feet change things
Emotional and physical precipitants of ventricular arrhythmia paper says minutes preceding shock, an anger level > or =3 preceded 15% of events compared with 3% of control periods (P<0.04; odds ratio, 1.83; 95% confidence intervals, 1.04 to 3.16) Other mood states (anxiety, worry, sadness, happiness, challenge, feeling in control, or interest) did not differ; cure anger; perhaps THC or medical marijuana will reduce heart disease
organ functional youthifying chemical: i have a few hairs that grow from white back to their original color; with hair that means that the hair morphology changes from having voids to original form; this is a hundreds or Ks of cytes organ type structure being recomposed; whatever the chemistry that turns white hairs back to their original color could be duplicated then used on other organs like heart tissue; I only see a few of these hairs per year I'm thinking other people also have them
effect of romance on longevity; numerous physicians urge people to have vivid romances; if that is effective does it mean pegylated liposomes full of phenylethylamine work too
Ambient tra-la-la sounds like it could cure chd
party clinics where they give people neurotransmitter modulators that make people like dancing n then the people who would do well to be fitter like dancing a bunch so they keep having fun n being fit
bad idea: mosquitos as a vaccine function
well how do all those artery layers age; even arterioles have a bunch of nested layers; wikipedia says lumen size goes up with age; does that depend on a rate equivalent growth of 'thelial cytes; if you adjust that rate is arterial quality better; is better arterial quality ischemia resistance or more youthful tissue perfusion
bizarre alternative to the Maze procedure to create different cardiac zones to reduce fibrillation: trained or bred "heartworms"; supposedly these parasitize different mammals; if they could be specialized to created patterned tissue disruption the could cure fibrillation just like the Maze procedure; new scientist had a thing about a brain parasite that went to just the right place to affect host behavior to promote parasite function
there are a bunch of ischemia trouble reducing drugs; one approach to curing heart disease is to make the body more tolerant of ischemia; well known; the shoe that detects MI then drugs a person might do well with this Following conjugation of VIP to the TfRMAb, the intravenous administration of low doses, 10–20 μg/kg, of VIP in conscious rats resulted in a 65% increase in hemispheric cerebral blood flow The intravenous administration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) resulted in complete neuroprotection of pyramidal neurons in the CA1 sector of the hippocampus in rats subjected to 10 min of transient forebrain ischemia and isoelectric electroencephalograms, providing the BDNF was conjugated to a BBB molecular Trojan horse drug;pad people put n their shoes that detected cardiac state n then energetically delivered a drug; car airbags save a few thousand lives each year but a foot airbag could save hundreds of thousands, plus you just toss it n your shoe n ignore it unitil there is an event
its kind of like CRR as a sudden event pad that ultra widens brain blood transport to complement chest compressions
this idea goes well with CRR Postconditioning, a series of mechanical interruptions of reperfusion after ischemia, prevents ischemia/reperfusion injury in myocardial infarction. The extensive studies of postconditioning in myocardial infarction have led to clinical trials. This article reviews the protective effects of postconditioning against ischemia from the heart to the brain and provides insights on how studies of postconditioning in the field of heart ischemia have shed light on postconditioning of the brain. Because brain ischemia has many mechanisms in common with heart ischemia, it is logical to test whether postconditioning protects against brain ischemia as well
high tech stuff: do human tissues do quorum sensing; could they; if they could then the electrical basis of noncoordinated fibrillation could be redirected with quorum sensing
automata theory to the rescue:They were both able to show that, if a ring of excitable tissue was stimulated at a single point, the subsequent waves of depolarisation would pass around the ring. The waves eventually meet and cancel each other out, but, if an area of transient block occurred with a refractory period that blocked one wavefront and subsequently allowed the other to proceed retrogradely over the other path, then a self-sustaining circus movement phenomenon would result; rather than lesioning or Maze procedures perhaps a theoretically structured array of blips on the heart would create a fibrillation resistant automata pattern catheter surgery creates the blips with minimal nvasiveness
numerous tissues have patterns of dots; is there a way to stimulate a gene the human tissue has to run a dot pattern creation program; like if a fish has a speckle pattern you could trigger those genes but at cardiac muscle with Na or K ion pumps thus causing slight differences that act as a fibrillation resistant automata; http://en.wikipedia....ar_fibrillation ;use genes that are there to grow a protective pattern; it would be an MI preventing
high density lipoprotein is effective as the molecules clump together; wikipedia says its the bigger blobs that are associated with less atherosclerosis; is there a protein clumper that would go with high density lipoprotein such the clumps were more optimally sized; It is only the high density lipoprotein particles which become the largest (actually picking up and carrying cholesterol) which are protective
anyway moving on lets let two thirds of all the humans live through heart disease
utero twin hearts cause ventricular ejection fraction variation to compensate blood pressure change; blood pressure meds have ceratin effects; ventricular program response chemicals are different; use those chems to adjust ventricular response to beneficial absent blood pressure effect
nifty idea make time move backwards at organs bizarre nifty to think of the physics though; SENS is a computational approach but there are also computational approaches that are clockless kind of like automata; turing approaches create an object boundary around a type which is periodically reverted to type; a clockless approach notes that there is a field form that is different than object boundary which either means always messy or if messy is on state then always on; kind of like a chemical buffer has a linear region that is like an adequately functional area then that adequately functional area has durability; now how do you make a Ca ion 2d or 3d buffer such that its multiisoformable where the multiple isoforms have [n,][,mesh] molecular angle kerning may happen with a simple rotated polymer under compression to create emergent 2d or 3d tesselation of ionic landscape such that the tesselation is a durable messy on isoform that is strongly attracted to functional form; kind of a molecular angle prion that keeps everything lined up to be right; visualize "houndstooth" pattern where the little gaps conspire to rerotate or move any of the chunks that shift to maintain "houndstooth" aspect; then with that as a thing durably deliver ionic aspect associated with right function; gee sounds like a cytomembrane the nifty aspect is that it tends to be autorepairing with autohighfidelity ionic transmission but can be addressed with drugs or electric fields; also it has best previous version isoform reformability; this would be a nifty hypermembrane approach to the membranes of the fully artificial cyte the ventner group is building as well as a kind of drug; I remember that researchers were thinking about a neural glue to go with brain body transplants or christopher reeve type nerve reconnections; cardiac use would be to have as programmable cardiocyte lipid membrane windows that kept optimal tissue state going even if cardiocytes gunked or calcified; lipid swap at cytomembranes typically takes just a few minutes thus IV cytowindows would become part of tissue n build up prion like from the littler component molecules
I feel like I just nvented robot skin; the difference from flickercladding is the data store force as molecular atom kerning with the prionlike assembly of big windows from little tesselation items that would currently be known to become cytocomponents with just a few minutes of reaction
multiple personality with a diabetic has shown that the person could have normal or disease glycemic response depending on personality; are aspects of CHD like EKG different with different personalities; does that provide a research idea to find brain drugs that modify EKG to normal patterns
more effective treatment of a person with CHD right away
chronobiology effect on heart disease; AM MI effect; chronobiology predictive of BP during sleep;For instance, it is an odd fact that 60 percent of all heart attacks occur in the five-hour period of 6 am to 11 am
Chronopharmacokinetics have been shown for several cardiovascular active drugs (propranolol, nifedipine, verapamil, enalapril, isosorbide-5-mononitrate, digoxin, etc.). Far more drugs were shown to display significant daily variations in their effects (chronopharmacodynamics, chronotoxicology) even after chronic application or constant infusion. In conclusion, there is clear evidence that the dose/concentration-response relationship of drugs can be significantly dependent on the time of day. Thus, circadian time has to be taken into account as an important variable influencing a drug's pharmacokinetics and/or its effects or side effects
i might not have thought of this previously what do adiposity area concentration drugs like the proteae nhibitors do to fat storage at body places like the heart; protease nhibitors cause skinny legs n back fat; are there chemovariations that minimize cardioadiposity; this could matter as adiposity carried above the waist has greater CHD frequency at equal mass
happylong cures stress based cardiovascular disease giggle
I think they might notice this anyway immunocalmed porcine hearts are a british technology; the trace of an idea that goes with that is if you oversize the heart relative to the body do you get better results; note nlarged human heart is different as that has morphological changes
'thelial proliferative factors effect on blood brain barrier goes with cholesterol turnover
ridiculous: multicentenarian species immunocalmed turtle hearts; I mean they last centuries n those galapagos things are gigantic; not much effect on atherosclerotic stroke plaque though
Turtles have the power to almost stop the ticking of their personal clock. “Their heart isn’t necessarily stimulated by nerves, and it doesn’t need to beat constantly,” said Dr. George Zug, curator of herpetology at the Smithsonian Institution. “They can turn it on and off essentially at will.”
a study of turtle blood rheology, clotting atherosclerosis, erythrocytes might well describe what about human ischemia components can be adjusted to be benign; turtles have rbcs n platelets n proteins, how do they skip protein combo destruction
very gradual mammals like the sloth or hibernating long lived bears might have unique atheroscleroprotective chemistry to address minimally moving blood protein reactivity
did I think of applying --------- to heart disease yet; ----------- ; thus ---------------- is a possible therapy (m)
lipoprotein(a) is 4/5 heritable http://www.nhlbi.nih...s/pageeight.htm LPa data suggest a considerable incremental value of Lp(a) in predicting cardiovascular risk
Although the vasculoprotective effects of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), the major protein associated with high-density lipoprotein, have been universally accepted, apoA-II has been suggested to have poor antiatherogenic or even proatherogenic properties. To study this suggestion more closely, we evaluated how serum levels of apoA-II and apoA-I relate to the risk of future coronary artery disease Apolipoprotein A-II is inversely associated with risk of future coronary artery disease
published item that anemia predicts early death in nursing home residents goes with published item that says older people have less hemoglobin; more hemoglobin genetically or stimulated with movement or drugs may reduce mortality perhaps cardiovascular mortality
RESULTS: After 60 months, the 5-year survival rate (FSR) of normal controls was significantly higher than that of cases with anemia (P =.0078). FSR was 67% in normal controls and 48% in anemic individuals age 70 to 79. The figures for individuals age 80 to 89 were 62% and 41%, respectively, and for individuals age 90 to 99 were 25% and 13%, respectively, the survival rate significantly decreasing with age in both groups (P <.001). FSR with severe anemia (Hb< or = 8.9 g/dl) was 0% in males, and 27% in females. Values for moderate anemia (9.0 g/dl to 10.9 g/dl) were 25% and 51%, respectively, for normal hemoglobin (11.0 g/dl to 12.9 g/dl) were 44% and 61%, respectively, and for high hemoglobin (13.0 g/dl< or =Hb) were 50% and 70%, respectively. Advanced carcinomas were often detected at autopsy in anemic individuals. No death by cancer occurred in normal controls. CONCLUSION: Low hemoglobin concentration predicts early death in nursing home residents
I think the precordial thump could be made part of cardiocerebral resuscitation procedure; wikipedia says it restores normal rythm about two to twelve times as frequently as people actually live though an MI during the 20th century; To perform a precordial thump, a highly trained provider such as a paramedic or physician strikes a single very carefully aimed blow with the fist to the center of the patient's sternum. The intent is to possibly interrupt a life threatening rhythm. The precordial thump is thought to produce an electrical depolarization of 2 to 5 joules. However, the thump is effective only if used at the onset of ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia;
precordial thump if equal to defibrillator could be mechanized much more cheaply the procardial thump machine is much cheaper to make than a defibrillator ; kind of like a shoe sizer it has |---<->--[thump]---<->--| adjustable sides with a mechanical mechanism at center to make the thump; possibly all mechanical thus much cheaper than defibrillator
thinking of nations with fewer drs per capita a heart disease cure might go with an ordinary activity like socializing
Cu activated vaccines; perhaps Ni (jewelry allergy) immunoreactivity would be valuable