






Posted by
11 March 2008
the book The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability (Human Evolution, Behavior, and Intelligence) has a graph near page 327 of norwegian twin study of heritability among uniformed services persons; there is a graph of how heritabiliy varies between near .9 (genetic destiny) to .4 (genes matter) the graph goes on a tidal curve; it appears to me that if a couple identified where they were on this cycle they could choose the amount of genetic destiny their children had; whether minimizing genetic susceptibility to illness or supporting valued traits these lifetides are valuable
genetic heart disease along wirth every genetic illness might be partially minimized with this technique; also the research value of knowing the cycle source is large; if the cause is identified immunity from birth defects may be a chemical medical option
recent ideas april may june
sabrina is a VMI the prosocial relative of an idea
starch polymer
tidepool genetic diversity with distal surface protein composition
protein attractant
at the upcoming AU meeting we will talk about this
happylong is mutual voluntary justice standard
Sabrina creates happylong among all mammals a few dozen kilometers from the nearest road, or farther
asphalt as well as concrete paving is ubiquitous; recent genetic engineering to make ethanol from straw is a metabolic pathway that when combined with oil eating bacteria gives bacteria that live on road surfaces two metabolic food sources; a humectant protein like NaPCA may lengthen the amount of active moist living time; every road is thousands of environmental microregions; like tidepools which show tremendous diversity these microregional moisture adaptions can be spatially linked to the distal chromosome (bacteria I know, not chromosomes)or otherwise gene transposition favored areas with surface protein codings such that every microregion produces bacteria with super high variability surface aspect, which makes immune systems less able to recognize, the bacteria also make flavors such as the published aspartame nutrasweet sequence as well as nsect attracting pheremones; bugs like to visit n nibble at the sweetened asphalt, creating blobls of protein when vehicles smush them thus we create a deep bacterial carrier as well as nutritive blobs for the bacteria to eat, plus flying n walking nsects that carry the bacteria as well; all of which is tracked everywhere that has civilization with tyres
this system creates a bacterial agent with rapidly modifying surface proteins; attracts plus creates an ongoing spreadable goo.
happylong bacteria are the item to be distributed
y which
leslie: but AIs worst violators lack paved roads, I want to have lunch, think of a better idea
Pat: I think we should use google earth to promote mormon missionary efforts creating a standard group of visible from satellite references that describe the needs or wants of converted or partially converted microregions giving missionaries global global access to convertedness data regardless of church hierarchy; those little + marks on the side of the highway are visible at google: autosearch religious charity quality yay plus if the schools suck the humans have other humans to complain to; the drawable barcode alternative carries more than 32k meaning at the google earth visual resolution of just three of those + markers, the locals can say everything from happy times to, less school more dances that any missionary anywhere can ponder
You Just Have To Be Human: the naughty version was naughtier, this basically leads nsects to their death to bring people justice, good thing there are no Jains at this AU meeting
"mark" knopfler "sometimes your the windshield, sometimes your the bug. and now sometimes youre the fate of all the windshields and bugs"
either 1:11 ish or more time of employees is spent pleasure surfing online
more than an employee per ten spends two hours
tracking software monitors this yet guided goofing, sort of like "stumbleupon" that goes with a corporate environment coulds be an approved "continuing education" goof zone
are office employees a quarter more efficient now plus is there actually a different productivity driver than presence, like decisions per d
gcast i record my youtube videos without a computer 888865gcast 7777
I just read hat 2.5 million are homeless from a typhoon
I think that there is a filamentous algae that can be rotated n made to a thread that people could use to weave garments as well as tents
this may already be a plant of nature or could be a genetic engineering bacteria project kind of like the way nylon thread is formed from two surface reaction
sucrose polymers are made with a bacterial enzyme I think that a
grow filamentous algae
grow bacteria that make sucrose polymerization enzyme
blend fluids
could strengthen the natural algae as the polysaccharides polymerized
The exopolysaccharide alginate is a linear copolymer of ß-1,4-linked D-mannuronic acid and L-guluronic acid residues
algae doubles each 24 h; thus an automated fabric maker makes mass fabric rapidly
if researchers did a good job algae could be better than current land fabrics
the fairies Ive seen look like http://www.snowcrest...n_fairies7.html upper right rose fairy
they fly around their plants are humanish yet have petals rather than garments
chemistry maqgazine notes that nitrite minimizes heart disease ischemia harm I think this would also work well with reducing harm from diabetes as limbs have reduced blood movement which suggests ischemia cures are beneficial this is true of congestive CHF tissues
they could have some photovoltaic path lights at the dome visible from the highway
ashland peace house could place dry erase markers at the library study rooms with a thing on them that said to write plus draw an idea about peace this has very high student utility
way to make freshwater from saltwater that benefits billions
na cl ions; Cl has gas ability; Na is solute or NaSi sodium silicate precipitate like diatoms
sand dissolves with warm liquid chlorine or supercritical liquid chlorine to produce Oxygen gas plus Silicon ions that combine with Na to precipitate sodium silicate
use of uranium to make warmth with electricity produces super high effectiveness as electricity makes chlorine gas plus thermal aspect warms the liquid chlorine reaction fluid that dissolves sand oceanic uranium is as common as iron thus a very environmentally mild warm water fission reactor causes minimal fuss
hydrocarbon electricity is also fine cogen
english version:
This is a way to turn seawater to freshwater, I think it is two or three times as efficient. previously a thermal source with an evaporative area plus a condensation area were used; also membrane systems
visualize a light bulb immersed at a thermos powering a photovoltaic item; if the goal of the mechanism were to power the photovoltaic item then the efficiency would be tiny; if the goal of the mechanism were to create warm water with a bright light the efficiency would be near 100 pt
this process uses electricity to generate chlorine while warming the reaction area to promote reaction thus the efficiency is very high
HF is known to dissolve sand; supercritical water can fully reduce any organic compoud I think supercritical chlorine will dissolve sandw ater with surplus Cl will allow the Cl gas to escape
water with surplus Na can create Na(n)Si as precipitate with surplus Silicon cogen
variation on ion resins is also an idea
liquid phase borders make nylon type thing yet usr liquid phase ion resin to greatly rapidify ion sequestration; use laminar plus non laminar flow to optimize surfaces
salt lake city would be freshwater lake city
awesome dumpster lids could have reminder to recycle on them
saber 1, sabrina,
nape of neck truth detection thermography the name of the neck appears to be a vivid blush center goes well wit mood n truth detection
I thought of a novel way to prevent aids, if you think this idea has value pass it to a researcher
With ejecalation there is goop, among those with aids that goop carries aids; thus if just a tenth of ejaculate volume were there then transmission would be a tenth as frequent This creates numerous medical pharmaceutical opportunities to reduce ejaculate volume; better yet amplify nonhiv dilution fluid: there is strong published support that ejaculatory fluid from either seminal vesicles (majority of fluid near 2/3) or prostate will have A DIFFERENT AMOUNT OF HIV PARTICLES
Thus drying up the prostate (or seminal vesicles) while creating greater sexual satisfaction could be popular ways to reduce aids among developing countries. An aids prevention vaccine that targets certain prostate (or seminal vesicle)tissues making them thicker may filter or modify the hiv particle to fluid ratio as well as create greater amount of fluid from the hiv minimal source. There could be an immunization that reduces transmission to a third or tenth current transmission amounts. of value is the idea of a vaccine that is only immune active against prostate(or seminal vesicle) tissue for a few years thus reducing hiv transmission prior to age thirty
of these two fluid sources amplifying the less hiv transmissive source makes it that there is pleasant (or hyper pleasant) fluid amount during ejaculation
pubmed.org notes that: different pharmaceuticals have prostate/seminal fluid ratios like 27 / 7.6 or 2.0 / 9.9. That published evidence on chemicals suggests that hiv particle concentrations might be 4 or 5 times different with fluid producing organ http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum
just recently this was published: AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2008 Apr;24(4):561-71. Links
Male genital tract compartmentalization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV). http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum The material at pubmed from the article supports the idea that the amount of hiv particles differs between different areas
First the pill or vaccine that dries up the hiv fluid source while amplifying the hiv minimized fluid source
a nocturnal emission pill may create minimized hiv amount as well. bremelanotide http://en.wikipedia....i/Bremelanotide may create nocturnal emissions; it is possible frequent ejaculation reduces hiv particle amount thus a drug or vaccine that causes nocturnal emissions could reduce hiv transmissiveness strongly perhaps to a third or tenth
herbal aspect: with beverages people could have Erotic Force hiv prevention alcoholic drinks as part of their social lives. Perhaps an herb like
saw palmetto or the opposite could be a part of viagra-like minus hiv drinks popular at the developing n developed world
comments to researchers or craigslist http://sfbay.craigsl...ums/?forumID=96 are valued
way to prevent aids
with ejecalation there is goop among those with HIV that goop carries aids; thus if just a tenth of ejaculate volume were there transmission would be a tenth as frequent this creates numerous opportunities to reduce ejaculate volume or better amplify non hiv dilution fluid medications that dry up the prostate while creating greater sexual satisfaction could be popular ways to reduce aids among developing countries an aids prevention vaccine that targets certain prostate tissues making them filter thicker to modify the hiv particle to fluid ratio as well as create greate amount of fluid from different sources could be an immunization that reduces transmission to a third or tenth current amounts of value is the idea of a vaccine that is only immune active against prostate tissue for a few years thus reducing hiv transmission prior to age thirty
of these two fluid sources there will be a less hiv particle source amplify that make sure there is pleasant fluid amount diminish the hiv source
seminal vesicle 65-75% amino acids, citrate, enzymes, flavins, fructose (the main energy source of sperm cells, which rely entirely on sugars from the seminal plasma for energy), phosphorylcholine, prostaglandins (involved in suppressing an immune response by the female against the foreign semen), proteins, vitamin C
prostate 25-30% acid phosphatase, citric acid, fibrinolysin, prostate specific antigen, proteolytic enzymes, zinc (serves to help to stabilize the DNA-containing chromatin in the sperm cells. A zinc deficiency may result in lowered fertility because of increased sperm fragility. Zinc deficiency can also adversely affect spermatogenesis.)
pubmed notes that desipramine concentration (with 95% credible intervals) in prostate and seminal vesicles were 27 (8.3-52) ng/mL and 7.6 (4.0-11) ng/mL, respectively; salicylate concentration in prostate and seminal vesicles were 2.0 (0.093-6.5) microg/mL, and 9.9 (8.2-12) microg/mL, respectively. thus hiv particle concentrations might be 4 or 5 times different with fluid producing organ http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum
pubmed says different mouse parts have different hiv amount
Tissue-specific populations of leukocytes in semen-producing organs of the normal, hemicastrated, and vasectomized mouse.Mullen TE Jr, Kiessling RL, Kiessling AA.
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA.
Semen HIV is separate and distinct from blood HIV and work has revealed that seminal plasma HIV particles do not arise from infected cells in semen. These findings indicate that semen-producing organs contain multiple, separate populations of HIV host cells. To test this hypothesis, we have examined leukocytes in semen-producing organs of male mice. Cells expressing F4/80 (tissue-specific macrophage marker) were abundant in testicular interstitium and as dendritic-like cells in the lumenal epithelium of the epididymis, especially the initial segment. Cells expressing CD45 (panleukocyte marker) were found rarely in the testicular interstitium, commonly in epididymal epithelium, were most abundant in the interstitium of the epididymis, and were more readily released from minced tissues than were F4/80(+) cells. Unlike the testis and epididymis, F4/80(+) cells in seminal vesicles also appeared to be CD45(+). Seminal vesicle leukocytes were restricted to the epithelium surrounding the lumen and were not released by mincing. CD11b (monocyte/B cell marker) was detected in testicular and seminal vesicle interstitium, but not in the epididymis. Hemicastration and vasectomy caused a limited redistribution of the leukocytes. These findings confirm the existence of tissue-specific populations of leukocytes in semen-producing organs and indicate that some populations are highly tissue adherent. The regionalized, tissue-adherent macrophages in the testicular interstitium, the initial segment of the caput epididymis, and the seminal vesicle epithelium suggest the existence of reservoirs of HIV-infected cells in humans that could contribute virus particles, but not infected cells, to semen and possibly blood. from http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum
I'm about a month from this published description of different hiv amounts at different areas of things
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2008 Apr;24(4):561-71. Links
Male genital tract compartmentalization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV).Diem K, Nickle DC, Motoshige A, Fox A, Ross S, Mullins JI, Corey L, Coombs RW, Krieger JN.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA.
We present phylogenetic evidence supporting viral compartmentalization between the blood (peripheral blood mononuclear cells or plasma) and multiple genitourinary sites in HIV-infected men. Four of the five subjects evaluated demonstrated compartmentalization of viral sequences between urogenital tract specimens (tissue or fluid) and at least one blood category. HIV sequence migration from blood to urogenital tract was detected in four of five men, with migration from urogenital tract to blood in the fifth, and cross migration between both compartments noted in one man. These observations add 5 additional cases to the 27 total reported cases in which male urogenital tract compartmentalization has been studied, investigate surgical samples/specimens that have not been evaluated previously, and provide further evidence for restricted flow of HIV between the blood and the genital tract. As such, our study findings are important for understanding the long-term response to antiretroviral therapy, the design of vaccines, and the sexual transmission of HIV.
from http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum
dubious but possible hiv persons might be willing to have a fluidpathectomy to reduce their social transmission errors; hiv people use condoms but this might be better might
bremolanatide creates nocturnal emissions it is possible frequent ejaculation reduces hiv particle amount thus a drug or vaccine that causes nocturnal emissions could reduce hiv transmissiveness strongly perhaps to a third or tenth
herbal aspect saw palmetto or opposite as developing world viagra minus hiv put with beverages people could have erotic force hiv prevention alcoholic drinks
peace house
lifecasting with a visual reminder of broad opportunity perpective plus visibility with technology http://www.justin.tv/krystyltv me n eric drexler omni idea
peace message at youtube
does the milsim have cheats; actual ways to defy recruiters
the military has a big software recruitment thing kind of like 2nd life or WoW; it is a recruiting propaganda thing online; I think quakers could publish a gamers guide that persuades people to find different careers plus it is my though as well as reading that different recruiters go with different aspects; getting recruited at wellesly is different than detroit when it comes to path; quakers could publish the first life workarounds for those that might otherwise lack clue
a person that goes to community or specialized college to become a constuction oil rig diver (ive met such a person who was a tenant at my moms house) is arguably much more patriotic as to their actual effect than a unifrmed officer; the guide to milsim WoW would pop up these alternatve careers while teaching how to beat the game, plus would talk about pacifist areas as well
there are near a million wal mart employees; I thnk an online item that teaches these people how to get a raise would bring funds to a bunch of moms
part of peace is domestic peace
being peaceful
is curing muscuar dystophy a suggestion
curing ms has some material basically using the mosaic chromosome aspect of women activated wih iRNA to favor whichever chromosome duplcates minimize MS; this is based on the idea that MZ twins have different risk than sororal twins
msd may have similar msaicism opportunity
i thibnk i had some theory about myelin sheaths variable conductivity with alcohol (debunked) could be applied to msd as well as ms; methylene chloride hormesis
dystrophin protein abscence affects cytostructure; hyperdystrophin may have different effects; a variety of protein cytostructure genes might do equiv. effect; micro ndobacteria like mycoplasmas might be able to secrete dystrophin ndogenously; different than gene therapy
msd has a gene therapy aspect a way to do that is to use the 7/10 effective muscle gene therapy treatment published with a warmth activation gene promoter a well known product; the msd therapy would be to immerse limbs with very warm bathwater to activate the new dystrophin gene as well as use those IR things this goes with the mycoplasma ndobacterial or direct gene approach multiple gene treatments could be applied with proof of efficacy at a limb
bee weather tutor
research shows that bees have a hive mind I think that little light emitter that was at the hive that changed color or pulsed to advise about weather would be hive learnable that way particular bees could go or stay regarding wind n moister as they n the hive mind learned to figure the light emitters guide
reflective heap of dirt
walking through almond orchards I saw microirrigation that soaked the dirt I think that a layer of reflective non wicking dirt on top of the microirrigation spouts could cover these areas reducing evaporation; i read 70 pt of plant water use is transpiration rather than growth; reflective nonwicking surface layer could be IR absorb or reflective as area conditions suggest thus creating warmer or cooler (which affects growth) while being more efficient with water; 10 pt difference on water use is big more on this goes with time of plant metabolic activity
oregon things like semiconductor research; note asoide from isonics to my perspective picking up my isotope wafer idea I thought I heard the fbi associates suggest nevada as a result of my harrahs ideas; thus oregon ideas
capacitive lensing http://technology.ne...sing-power.html chip nterconnect as the number of transistors on a chip goes up historically so have nterconnects such that nterconnects went from a moderate amount of area to a much bigger amount of area; I am certain numerous persons have thought about using the new capacative lensing to form chip vias as photoelectric aspect; note this is defferent than phase change optical computing, its kind of like optical FET but applied to vias which are the wires between transistors; basically you change path routing n dynamics such that fewer yet optical capacative vias act kind of like the multi dot circle porior to a loading youtube video
educational multimeter with human resource aspect
tektronix makes digital oscilliscopes as well as other test n measure equipment; for companies technician competence is highly valued digital scopes n multimeters have such a vast area of possible knowledge that having a highly effective tutorial as part of the software is beneficial; the advantage to the company as well as its clients is that each scope keeps a measure of continuing education that way technicians know their thing n grow; big human resources benefit, the technicians are able to recruited away from their jobs based on the scopes progress reporting
oxytocin giardia yeast dough building trust
building trust
mirror neuron gesture truth detector
torg makes a right; treon says go torg; going back to peace n prosperity
now think of developing worlders or software watching nordstroms people, then cuing the people there on opportunity this stimuklates the retail sector, benefits the economy
basically the idea comes from the person at the receiving line that whispers the name of each dignitary to the queens ear so she does a better job; have developing worlders or software watch clients to whisper to floor workers what to do
amusing religious pick up line pie=us
technologically researched hilarious farcical pickup line: yummy and I are one
plus 7 lectern of communication
research shows that people learn much better near 70F degrees than 74F degrees; many missionaries n NGOs teach at countries with these kinds of temperatures
a very very simple comuunity project is a raised floor about 7 feet above the ground that can be used as a teaching or class area; the learning, retention, n physiological mood comfort is much better
It is my duty to be a living human during my time
the U function seeks previous U function persons to ponder your suggestions
Tree school the U function the lady
right now I'm the U function; the readers zkindness is zsought to zbring the mammals the zhappier future
zwrite perhaps record with ubbi dubbi as that sounds like z
metascopic technology
with resplendent fullness a birthright the technologies are a muse
you like nanotechnology as an art or a living novel
just doing my thing to benefit millions prior to the gamma ray burst
genetic heart disease along wirth every genetic illness might be partially minimized with this technique; also the research value of knowing the cycle source is large; if the cause is identified immunity from birth defects may be a chemical medical option
recent ideas april may june
sabrina is a VMI the prosocial relative of an idea
starch polymer
tidepool genetic diversity with distal surface protein composition
protein attractant
at the upcoming AU meeting we will talk about this
happylong is mutual voluntary justice standard
Sabrina creates happylong among all mammals a few dozen kilometers from the nearest road, or farther
asphalt as well as concrete paving is ubiquitous; recent genetic engineering to make ethanol from straw is a metabolic pathway that when combined with oil eating bacteria gives bacteria that live on road surfaces two metabolic food sources; a humectant protein like NaPCA may lengthen the amount of active moist living time; every road is thousands of environmental microregions; like tidepools which show tremendous diversity these microregional moisture adaptions can be spatially linked to the distal chromosome (bacteria I know, not chromosomes)or otherwise gene transposition favored areas with surface protein codings such that every microregion produces bacteria with super high variability surface aspect, which makes immune systems less able to recognize, the bacteria also make flavors such as the published aspartame nutrasweet sequence as well as nsect attracting pheremones; bugs like to visit n nibble at the sweetened asphalt, creating blobls of protein when vehicles smush them thus we create a deep bacterial carrier as well as nutritive blobs for the bacteria to eat, plus flying n walking nsects that carry the bacteria as well; all of which is tracked everywhere that has civilization with tyres
this system creates a bacterial agent with rapidly modifying surface proteins; attracts plus creates an ongoing spreadable goo.
happylong bacteria are the item to be distributed
y which
leslie: but AIs worst violators lack paved roads, I want to have lunch, think of a better idea
Pat: I think we should use google earth to promote mormon missionary efforts creating a standard group of visible from satellite references that describe the needs or wants of converted or partially converted microregions giving missionaries global global access to convertedness data regardless of church hierarchy; those little + marks on the side of the highway are visible at google: autosearch religious charity quality yay plus if the schools suck the humans have other humans to complain to; the drawable barcode alternative carries more than 32k meaning at the google earth visual resolution of just three of those + markers, the locals can say everything from happy times to, less school more dances that any missionary anywhere can ponder
You Just Have To Be Human: the naughty version was naughtier, this basically leads nsects to their death to bring people justice, good thing there are no Jains at this AU meeting
"mark" knopfler "sometimes your the windshield, sometimes your the bug. and now sometimes youre the fate of all the windshields and bugs"
either 1:11 ish or more time of employees is spent pleasure surfing online
more than an employee per ten spends two hours
tracking software monitors this yet guided goofing, sort of like "stumbleupon" that goes with a corporate environment coulds be an approved "continuing education" goof zone
are office employees a quarter more efficient now plus is there actually a different productivity driver than presence, like decisions per d
gcast i record my youtube videos without a computer 888865gcast 7777
I just read hat 2.5 million are homeless from a typhoon
I think that there is a filamentous algae that can be rotated n made to a thread that people could use to weave garments as well as tents
this may already be a plant of nature or could be a genetic engineering bacteria project kind of like the way nylon thread is formed from two surface reaction
sucrose polymers are made with a bacterial enzyme I think that a
grow filamentous algae
grow bacteria that make sucrose polymerization enzyme
blend fluids
could strengthen the natural algae as the polysaccharides polymerized
The exopolysaccharide alginate is a linear copolymer of ß-1,4-linked D-mannuronic acid and L-guluronic acid residues
algae doubles each 24 h; thus an automated fabric maker makes mass fabric rapidly
if researchers did a good job algae could be better than current land fabrics
the fairies Ive seen look like http://www.snowcrest...n_fairies7.html upper right rose fairy
they fly around their plants are humanish yet have petals rather than garments
chemistry maqgazine notes that nitrite minimizes heart disease ischemia harm I think this would also work well with reducing harm from diabetes as limbs have reduced blood movement which suggests ischemia cures are beneficial this is true of congestive CHF tissues
they could have some photovoltaic path lights at the dome visible from the highway
ashland peace house could place dry erase markers at the library study rooms with a thing on them that said to write plus draw an idea about peace this has very high student utility
way to make freshwater from saltwater that benefits billions
na cl ions; Cl has gas ability; Na is solute or NaSi sodium silicate precipitate like diatoms
sand dissolves with warm liquid chlorine or supercritical liquid chlorine to produce Oxygen gas plus Silicon ions that combine with Na to precipitate sodium silicate
use of uranium to make warmth with electricity produces super high effectiveness as electricity makes chlorine gas plus thermal aspect warms the liquid chlorine reaction fluid that dissolves sand oceanic uranium is as common as iron thus a very environmentally mild warm water fission reactor causes minimal fuss
hydrocarbon electricity is also fine cogen
english version:
This is a way to turn seawater to freshwater, I think it is two or three times as efficient. previously a thermal source with an evaporative area plus a condensation area were used; also membrane systems
visualize a light bulb immersed at a thermos powering a photovoltaic item; if the goal of the mechanism were to power the photovoltaic item then the efficiency would be tiny; if the goal of the mechanism were to create warm water with a bright light the efficiency would be near 100 pt
this process uses electricity to generate chlorine while warming the reaction area to promote reaction thus the efficiency is very high
HF is known to dissolve sand; supercritical water can fully reduce any organic compoud I think supercritical chlorine will dissolve sandw ater with surplus Cl will allow the Cl gas to escape
water with surplus Na can create Na(n)Si as precipitate with surplus Silicon cogen
variation on ion resins is also an idea
liquid phase borders make nylon type thing yet usr liquid phase ion resin to greatly rapidify ion sequestration; use laminar plus non laminar flow to optimize surfaces
salt lake city would be freshwater lake city
awesome dumpster lids could have reminder to recycle on them
saber 1, sabrina,
nape of neck truth detection thermography the name of the neck appears to be a vivid blush center goes well wit mood n truth detection
I thought of a novel way to prevent aids, if you think this idea has value pass it to a researcher
With ejecalation there is goop, among those with aids that goop carries aids; thus if just a tenth of ejaculate volume were there then transmission would be a tenth as frequent This creates numerous medical pharmaceutical opportunities to reduce ejaculate volume; better yet amplify nonhiv dilution fluid: there is strong published support that ejaculatory fluid from either seminal vesicles (majority of fluid near 2/3) or prostate will have A DIFFERENT AMOUNT OF HIV PARTICLES
Thus drying up the prostate (or seminal vesicles) while creating greater sexual satisfaction could be popular ways to reduce aids among developing countries. An aids prevention vaccine that targets certain prostate (or seminal vesicle)tissues making them thicker may filter or modify the hiv particle to fluid ratio as well as create greater amount of fluid from the hiv minimal source. There could be an immunization that reduces transmission to a third or tenth current transmission amounts. of value is the idea of a vaccine that is only immune active against prostate(or seminal vesicle) tissue for a few years thus reducing hiv transmission prior to age thirty
of these two fluid sources amplifying the less hiv transmissive source makes it that there is pleasant (or hyper pleasant) fluid amount during ejaculation
pubmed.org notes that: different pharmaceuticals have prostate/seminal fluid ratios like 27 / 7.6 or 2.0 / 9.9. That published evidence on chemicals suggests that hiv particle concentrations might be 4 or 5 times different with fluid producing organ http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum
just recently this was published: AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2008 Apr;24(4):561-71. Links
Male genital tract compartmentalization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV). http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum The material at pubmed from the article supports the idea that the amount of hiv particles differs between different areas
First the pill or vaccine that dries up the hiv fluid source while amplifying the hiv minimized fluid source
a nocturnal emission pill may create minimized hiv amount as well. bremelanotide http://en.wikipedia....i/Bremelanotide may create nocturnal emissions; it is possible frequent ejaculation reduces hiv particle amount thus a drug or vaccine that causes nocturnal emissions could reduce hiv transmissiveness strongly perhaps to a third or tenth
herbal aspect: with beverages people could have Erotic Force hiv prevention alcoholic drinks as part of their social lives. Perhaps an herb like
saw palmetto or the opposite could be a part of viagra-like minus hiv drinks popular at the developing n developed world
comments to researchers or craigslist http://sfbay.craigsl...ums/?forumID=96 are valued
way to prevent aids
with ejecalation there is goop among those with HIV that goop carries aids; thus if just a tenth of ejaculate volume were there transmission would be a tenth as frequent this creates numerous opportunities to reduce ejaculate volume or better amplify non hiv dilution fluid medications that dry up the prostate while creating greater sexual satisfaction could be popular ways to reduce aids among developing countries an aids prevention vaccine that targets certain prostate tissues making them filter thicker to modify the hiv particle to fluid ratio as well as create greate amount of fluid from different sources could be an immunization that reduces transmission to a third or tenth current amounts of value is the idea of a vaccine that is only immune active against prostate tissue for a few years thus reducing hiv transmission prior to age thirty
of these two fluid sources there will be a less hiv particle source amplify that make sure there is pleasant fluid amount diminish the hiv source
seminal vesicle 65-75% amino acids, citrate, enzymes, flavins, fructose (the main energy source of sperm cells, which rely entirely on sugars from the seminal plasma for energy), phosphorylcholine, prostaglandins (involved in suppressing an immune response by the female against the foreign semen), proteins, vitamin C
prostate 25-30% acid phosphatase, citric acid, fibrinolysin, prostate specific antigen, proteolytic enzymes, zinc (serves to help to stabilize the DNA-containing chromatin in the sperm cells. A zinc deficiency may result in lowered fertility because of increased sperm fragility. Zinc deficiency can also adversely affect spermatogenesis.)
pubmed notes that desipramine concentration (with 95% credible intervals) in prostate and seminal vesicles were 27 (8.3-52) ng/mL and 7.6 (4.0-11) ng/mL, respectively; salicylate concentration in prostate and seminal vesicles were 2.0 (0.093-6.5) microg/mL, and 9.9 (8.2-12) microg/mL, respectively. thus hiv particle concentrations might be 4 or 5 times different with fluid producing organ http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum
pubmed says different mouse parts have different hiv amount
Tissue-specific populations of leukocytes in semen-producing organs of the normal, hemicastrated, and vasectomized mouse.Mullen TE Jr, Kiessling RL, Kiessling AA.
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA.
Semen HIV is separate and distinct from blood HIV and work has revealed that seminal plasma HIV particles do not arise from infected cells in semen. These findings indicate that semen-producing organs contain multiple, separate populations of HIV host cells. To test this hypothesis, we have examined leukocytes in semen-producing organs of male mice. Cells expressing F4/80 (tissue-specific macrophage marker) were abundant in testicular interstitium and as dendritic-like cells in the lumenal epithelium of the epididymis, especially the initial segment. Cells expressing CD45 (panleukocyte marker) were found rarely in the testicular interstitium, commonly in epididymal epithelium, were most abundant in the interstitium of the epididymis, and were more readily released from minced tissues than were F4/80(+) cells. Unlike the testis and epididymis, F4/80(+) cells in seminal vesicles also appeared to be CD45(+). Seminal vesicle leukocytes were restricted to the epithelium surrounding the lumen and were not released by mincing. CD11b (monocyte/B cell marker) was detected in testicular and seminal vesicle interstitium, but not in the epididymis. Hemicastration and vasectomy caused a limited redistribution of the leukocytes. These findings confirm the existence of tissue-specific populations of leukocytes in semen-producing organs and indicate that some populations are highly tissue adherent. The regionalized, tissue-adherent macrophages in the testicular interstitium, the initial segment of the caput epididymis, and the seminal vesicle epithelium suggest the existence of reservoirs of HIV-infected cells in humans that could contribute virus particles, but not infected cells, to semen and possibly blood. from http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum
I'm about a month from this published description of different hiv amounts at different areas of things
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2008 Apr;24(4):561-71. Links
Male genital tract compartmentalization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV).Diem K, Nickle DC, Motoshige A, Fox A, Ross S, Mullins JI, Corey L, Coombs RW, Krieger JN.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA.
We present phylogenetic evidence supporting viral compartmentalization between the blood (peripheral blood mononuclear cells or plasma) and multiple genitourinary sites in HIV-infected men. Four of the five subjects evaluated demonstrated compartmentalization of viral sequences between urogenital tract specimens (tissue or fluid) and at least one blood category. HIV sequence migration from blood to urogenital tract was detected in four of five men, with migration from urogenital tract to blood in the fifth, and cross migration between both compartments noted in one man. These observations add 5 additional cases to the 27 total reported cases in which male urogenital tract compartmentalization has been studied, investigate surgical samples/specimens that have not been evaluated previously, and provide further evidence for restricted flow of HIV between the blood and the genital tract. As such, our study findings are important for understanding the long-term response to antiretroviral therapy, the design of vaccines, and the sexual transmission of HIV.
from http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum
dubious but possible hiv persons might be willing to have a fluidpathectomy to reduce their social transmission errors; hiv people use condoms but this might be better might
bremolanatide creates nocturnal emissions it is possible frequent ejaculation reduces hiv particle amount thus a drug or vaccine that causes nocturnal emissions could reduce hiv transmissiveness strongly perhaps to a third or tenth
herbal aspect saw palmetto or opposite as developing world viagra minus hiv put with beverages people could have erotic force hiv prevention alcoholic drinks
peace house
lifecasting with a visual reminder of broad opportunity perpective plus visibility with technology http://www.justin.tv/krystyltv me n eric drexler omni idea
peace message at youtube
does the milsim have cheats; actual ways to defy recruiters
the military has a big software recruitment thing kind of like 2nd life or WoW; it is a recruiting propaganda thing online; I think quakers could publish a gamers guide that persuades people to find different careers plus it is my though as well as reading that different recruiters go with different aspects; getting recruited at wellesly is different than detroit when it comes to path; quakers could publish the first life workarounds for those that might otherwise lack clue
a person that goes to community or specialized college to become a constuction oil rig diver (ive met such a person who was a tenant at my moms house) is arguably much more patriotic as to their actual effect than a unifrmed officer; the guide to milsim WoW would pop up these alternatve careers while teaching how to beat the game, plus would talk about pacifist areas as well
there are near a million wal mart employees; I thnk an online item that teaches these people how to get a raise would bring funds to a bunch of moms
part of peace is domestic peace
being peaceful
is curing muscuar dystophy a suggestion
curing ms has some material basically using the mosaic chromosome aspect of women activated wih iRNA to favor whichever chromosome duplcates minimize MS; this is based on the idea that MZ twins have different risk than sororal twins
msd may have similar msaicism opportunity
i thibnk i had some theory about myelin sheaths variable conductivity with alcohol (debunked) could be applied to msd as well as ms; methylene chloride hormesis
dystrophin protein abscence affects cytostructure; hyperdystrophin may have different effects; a variety of protein cytostructure genes might do equiv. effect; micro ndobacteria like mycoplasmas might be able to secrete dystrophin ndogenously; different than gene therapy
msd has a gene therapy aspect a way to do that is to use the 7/10 effective muscle gene therapy treatment published with a warmth activation gene promoter a well known product; the msd therapy would be to immerse limbs with very warm bathwater to activate the new dystrophin gene as well as use those IR things this goes with the mycoplasma ndobacterial or direct gene approach multiple gene treatments could be applied with proof of efficacy at a limb
bee weather tutor
research shows that bees have a hive mind I think that little light emitter that was at the hive that changed color or pulsed to advise about weather would be hive learnable that way particular bees could go or stay regarding wind n moister as they n the hive mind learned to figure the light emitters guide
reflective heap of dirt
walking through almond orchards I saw microirrigation that soaked the dirt I think that a layer of reflective non wicking dirt on top of the microirrigation spouts could cover these areas reducing evaporation; i read 70 pt of plant water use is transpiration rather than growth; reflective nonwicking surface layer could be IR absorb or reflective as area conditions suggest thus creating warmer or cooler (which affects growth) while being more efficient with water; 10 pt difference on water use is big more on this goes with time of plant metabolic activity
oregon things like semiconductor research; note asoide from isonics to my perspective picking up my isotope wafer idea I thought I heard the fbi associates suggest nevada as a result of my harrahs ideas; thus oregon ideas
capacitive lensing http://technology.ne...sing-power.html chip nterconnect as the number of transistors on a chip goes up historically so have nterconnects such that nterconnects went from a moderate amount of area to a much bigger amount of area; I am certain numerous persons have thought about using the new capacative lensing to form chip vias as photoelectric aspect; note this is defferent than phase change optical computing, its kind of like optical FET but applied to vias which are the wires between transistors; basically you change path routing n dynamics such that fewer yet optical capacative vias act kind of like the multi dot circle porior to a loading youtube video
educational multimeter with human resource aspect
tektronix makes digital oscilliscopes as well as other test n measure equipment; for companies technician competence is highly valued digital scopes n multimeters have such a vast area of possible knowledge that having a highly effective tutorial as part of the software is beneficial; the advantage to the company as well as its clients is that each scope keeps a measure of continuing education that way technicians know their thing n grow; big human resources benefit, the technicians are able to recruited away from their jobs based on the scopes progress reporting
oxytocin giardia yeast dough building trust
building trust
mirror neuron gesture truth detector
torg makes a right; treon says go torg; going back to peace n prosperity
now think of developing worlders or software watching nordstroms people, then cuing the people there on opportunity this stimuklates the retail sector, benefits the economy
basically the idea comes from the person at the receiving line that whispers the name of each dignitary to the queens ear so she does a better job; have developing worlders or software watch clients to whisper to floor workers what to do
amusing religious pick up line pie=us
technologically researched hilarious farcical pickup line: yummy and I are one
plus 7 lectern of communication
research shows that people learn much better near 70F degrees than 74F degrees; many missionaries n NGOs teach at countries with these kinds of temperatures
a very very simple comuunity project is a raised floor about 7 feet above the ground that can be used as a teaching or class area; the learning, retention, n physiological mood comfort is much better
It is my duty to be a living human during my time
the U function seeks previous U function persons to ponder your suggestions
Tree school the U function the lady
right now I'm the U function; the readers zkindness is zsought to zbring the mammals the zhappier future
zwrite perhaps record with ubbi dubbi as that sounds like z
metascopic technology
with resplendent fullness a birthright the technologies are a muse
you like nanotechnology as an art or a living novel
just doing my thing to benefit millions prior to the gamma ray burst