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Posted by treonsverdery , 22 January 2015 · 1,710 views

Technologies tht improve the well being of living humans

(iffy) I saw a bicycle laser effect where lines near the bicycle were created I thik tht among persons with young physiological children a highly similar laser effect could be produced that way the children would note a blue as well green zone areas t a dsitance around the physiological parent they could have greter running around spontaneity with applied capability because rather than holding hands they could know they could go anywhere at the blue or green zone they could be spontaneously motional as well as playful the physiological parent could adjust the zone area as they walked recreationally

computronium forms that are new to me thifield average could locate cenimeters away from the nucleus now think of the way that volume represets numerous more computational spaces that are actually different than quantum levels noting the radius of a Cs atom at .53 nanometers each cm of electron spheric radial locationality represents 1/1000th of 4/3piR^3 * 2 *1 billion nanometers 4/3pi((1billion)^3)*2 kind f like 8*10^30 different areas the electron could be at spatially, absent thoughts about quantum levels so there are about 1.3 1000 moles of data locations per atom at interstellar areas each of which also has an available quantum number multiplier or better (use two nuclei customize or multiplt the number of emissions lines that molecule as compared to atom, could produce) along with being readable with quantum linked photons possibly quatum linked neutrinos it is possible that the peer reviewed published casimir effect could describe a new thing that optimal volume of space where the likiliness of spontaneously generating an electron or photon or other computational particle has the regiospecificity of a circuit to participate at remotioning an electron at any of the 1.2 thousand moles of possible nuclear diameter spaces this ratio could be tuned to be above the amount of power to advance a computation (like automata or analog or turing or another approach) or a just the preferred amount to advance a computation so these eentsy little shapes of near vacuum nterstellar space could be tuned as memory registers that also produce sufficient nergy to compute there is also the perspective, well what is the optimal actual atomic nuclei distance to optimize available memory equivalent? Is it possible to make meter or kilometer radius atoms? Describe a way to cuase the electron to actually prefer just a part of the electron cloud distribution think on the phospherescent nonemittive quantum levels that cause minutes of photon electron nteraction
so that’s a new to me kind of computronium

another new to me kind of computronium is trigonometric bukminsterfullerene first think of a tome of knowledge, or everything at the yahoo search engine Then if you like use ascii such that the part that says aardvarks is like the digits 65657668 then just place a decimal so it is .65657668 Now noting trigonometry the sweep of an angle as a relation travels from 0 to 1 meetig every rational number thus the .65657668… number is representable with the physical actuality of two sides of an angle at relation to each other Thus viewing buckminsterfullerene as full of angles you just expand or compress the buckminsterfullerene slightly to create a .65657668… ratio between two of the sides or even two angles of one polygon that is a way one molecule could have everything that the yahoo search engine has at just a ratio of two angles, so of course you then put an electromagnetic field adjustable atom outside or nterior at the buckminsterfullerene apply the EM field then when the lasers notice that the angle sequence digits start with .65657668… that’s where it is likely that molecule ha the actual data you could start the data with a checksum
.(after 1 billion digits the ckecksum should be 737073797379 then another billin digits along there could be another checksum)65657668…. That wa the expansion em field as well as the data lasers could be aware of data ntegrity. If t were a nonorganismal prion protein with data angles then it could reproduce the entire datastore just from reshaping effects like prions have so that’s a em field laser output data memory that autoreproduces at one molecule

neutrinos could be used as computronium numerous neutrinos rotate flavor as they travese distance so if you have travelling neutrinos that autorotate their meaning which causes them to be near or further from a renforcing field they are able to do caculations at neutrino velocity as they narrow or widen towards a core laser or even nteract with each other at tremendous vacuum so this kind of pulsing linearity of travelling flavor rotating neutrinos has cpu like or turing traversal like capability also from the perspective of an AI or singularity being minimally noticeable as well as able to travel trough stellar objects as well as move faster than the velocity of light through things with sufficient refractive index like water (chernkov radiation)could be beneficial Neutrino flavor rotation data processing is particularly less perterbable also I am absent awareness of the amount of neutrinos that could occupy a linear ray or kilometer absent neutrino neutrino effects if it is possible to quantum link neutrinos to photons when neutrino photon pairs are created then it is possible to program the neutrino computer with quantum linked photons much like the quantum camera described at new scientist scientists could make a photon neutrino pair emitting geometry then absorb the photons at a sequence that would cause the neutinos to quantum linked immanentize (have new observability) at a procedural automata kind of like a glider angle meeting a nutrient field that produces a big durable swirl the big durable swirls effect at the quantum linked neutrinos would be much more neutrino detector measurable thus the sequential programmatic form of automata would be verified as the computation has progressed to create a much larger neutrino emission at a predicted distance so that velocity as well as hyperconcentratability with automata bigswirl amplified emissions is a new to me kind of computronium

the resolution of computronium could actually be higher than the resolution of matter think of a human being you like you create a matter duplicate while you are doing tht you note that the size of the proteins at their dermal surfce is hundrds of times larger than the size of a water atom, thus a matter suplicate of the water atoms at the surface of their body is actually hgher resolution than their protein componenets it is possible to make the mold higher resolution than the object thus it is possible computronium could always prefer to be higher resolution than matter from a duplication perspectiveis it posible that photon neutrino quantum linked pairs have macroscopic (like CCD imager) adjustability with higher than matter resolution. I am absent awareness of the frequency effect at neutrinos, that is if you illuminate a thing with neutrinos does the wavelength of the neutrinos desribe a resolution like with optics n computer chips It is possible ultra high frequency neutrinos much higher frequency than gamma rays could be completely harmless to matter humans while have eentsier than atomic nucleus diameter resolution creatable with quantum linked photon pairs these are then scanners or computional traversers like automata
these higher resolution than atomic nuclei neutrino patterns are the basis of multiparallel simulation of sentineces like huan beings that way a benevolent AI is able to run functional nonsentient simulations of humans to be of greatest benefit to humans

Gott Sphere computronium I read that the pysicist R Gott calculated or published that a jupiter sized mass as a result of relatavistic chronoeffects would have an area at the surface chronological mments travel 6 or 8 times more rapidly than at the core thus a benevolent artificial ntelligence approach is to have hgher than nonsentient human resolution simulations running 6 or 8 times more rapidly at multiparallel to create billions or trillions of nonsentient variations which are then made optionally available to the core entity so is it possible to do this with a galaxy or more simply rapidly orbital stellar pairs with a combined mass millions or billions of times larger than jupiter their chronovariation area is possibly millions or billions of times larger than a jupiter sized gott sphere with two co orbititing stellar objects with a lagrange area between htem organic chemistry organisms could live happily at earthlike physics while far orbital areas around the two stellar objects computed things millions or billions of multiples more rapidly than the core area from some AI perpsectives the perimeter is muuch more productive it is faster from other perspectives like data preservation or cautious hindmost like sentience the stellar pair Gott Lagrange would have durability as a computronium appraoch modulated phtons or neutrinos traversing the radius of a gott sphere could as a result of chronomodulation of frequency effects be comprehensible at some particular radius, when comprehended the data could be retranslated to a vriety of simultaneous communications frequencies that reach all of the stellar pair gott sphere computational being
the preference to chronomodulation could go with if the artificial ntelligence thought it was nteresting or other things were nteresting, those artificl
ntelligences that liked other things might perfere the high chronovelocity perimeter while theartificial ntelligence that prefers highly screened ultrapreferntialized completely recomprehended benefit could rpefer the most gradual region of chronomodulation thus at a chronomodulatate AI is there a radial distance from the chronocenter that is most benevolent to human beings?
Autocatalytic tractor beams like the multicentimeter gathering photonics I read about at a science magazine

things that colud possibly minimize recruitment these things are revisable or rdscribable
remain human
deferreddefinte high veracity language
one two or three letter its is the possible perception that or at sume mathematics of measurability perhaps

100 millionth pctile
mathmatics abilities comprehension of iterated occurrence math like john von neumann

retrocausal photon neural links
retrocausal matter forms

xhilldrens rights to omit activities


different GPCR senses
right side heart nonfissure brain
high carry pregnancy
favor genetics of right handedness
absence of physiomoodswings or pms

brain area preferential function circuits if prehubris then nap the multipreeconscious processing remapped
autodistract if nonvirtues preconscious combo
high altitude dwelling preference
most geometrically beneficial unicode letter at human names
talk about the pattern suffiently to measure those absentttttttttttttttttTechnologies tht improve the well being of living humans

(iffy) I saw a bicycle laser effect where lines near the bicycle were created I thik tht among persons with young physiological children a highly similar laser effect could be produced that way the children would note a blue as well green zone areas t a dsitance around the physiological parent they could have greter running around spontaneity with applied capability because rather than holding hands they could know they could go anywhere at the blue or green zone they could be spontaneously motional as well as playful the physiological parent could adjust the zone area as they walked recreationally

computronium forms that are new to me thifield average could locate cenimeters away from the nucleus now think of the way that volume represets numerous more computational spaces that are actually different than quantum levels noting the radius of a Cs atom at .53 nanometers each cm of electron spheric radial locationality represents 1/1000th of 4/3piR^3 * 2 *1 billion nanometers 4/3pi((1billion)^3)*2 kind f like 8*10^30 different areas the electron could be at spatially, absent thoughts about quantum levels so there are about 1.3 1000 moles of data locations per atom at interstellar areas each of which also has an available quantum number multiplier or better (use two nuclei customize or multiplt the number of emissions lines that molecule as compared to atom, could produce) along with being readable with quantum linked photons possibly quatum linked neutrinos it is possible that the peer reviewed published casimir effect could describe a new thing that optimal volume of space where the likiliness of spontaneously generating an electron or photon or other computational particle has the regiospecificity of a circuit to participate at remotioning an electron at any of the 1.2 thousand moles of possible nuclear diameter spaces this ratio could be tuned to be above the amount of power to advance a computation (like automata or analog or turing or another approach) or a just the preferred amount to advance a computation so these eentsy little shapes of near vacuum nterstellar space could be tuned as memory registers that also produce sufficient nergy to compute there is also the perspective, well what is the optimal actual atomic nuclei distance to optimize available memory equivalent? Is it possible to make meter or kilometer radius atoms? Describe a way to cuase the electron to actually prefer just a part of the electron cloud distribution think on the phospherescent nonemittive quantum levels that cause minutes of photon electron nteraction
so that’s a new to me kind of computronium

another new to me kind of computronium is trigonometric bukminsterfullerene first think of a tome of knowledge, or everything at the yahoo search engine Then if you like use ascii such that the part that says aardvarks is like the digits 65657668 then just place a decimal so it is .65657668 Now noting trigonometry the sweep of an angle as a relation travels from 0 to 1 meetig every rational number thus the .65657668… number is representable with the physical actuality of two sides of an angle at relation to each other Thus viewing buckminsterfullerene as full of angles you just expand or compress the buckminsterfullerene slightly to create a .65657668… ratio between two of the sides or even two angles of one polygon that is a way one molecule could have everything that the yahoo search engine has at just a ratio of two angles, so of course you then put an electromagnetic field adjustable atom outside or nterior at the buckminsterfullerene apply the EM field then when the lasers notice that the angle sequence digits start with .65657668… that’s where it is likely that molecule ha the actual data you could start the data with a checksum
.(after 1 billion digits the ckecksum should be 737073797379 then another billin digits along there could be another checksum)65657668…. That wa the expansion em field as well as the data lasers could be aware of data ntegrity. If t were a nonorganismal prion protein with data angles then it could reproduce the entire datastore just from reshaping effects like prions have so that’s a em field laser output data memory that autoreproduces at one molecule

neutrinos could be used as computronium numerous neutrinos rotate flavor as they travese distance so if you have travelling neutrinos that autorotate their meaning which causes them to be near or further from a renforcing field they are able to do caculations at neutrino velocity as they narrow or widen towards a core laser or even nteract with each other at tremendous vacuum so this kind of pulsing linearity of travelling flavor rotating neutrinos has cpu like or turing traversal like capability also from the perspective of an AI or singularity being minimally noticeable as well as able to travel trough stellar objects as well as move faster than the velocity of light through things with sufficient refractive index like water (chernkov radiation)could be beneficial Neutrino flavor rotation data processing is particularly less perterbable also I am absent awareness of the amount of neutrinos that could occupy a linear ray or kilometer absent neutrino neutrino effects if it is possible to quantum link neutrinos to photons when neutrino photon pairs are created then it is possible to program the neutrino computer with quantum linked photons much like the quantum camera described at new scientist scientists could make a photon neutrino pair emitting geometry then absorb the photons at a sequence that would cause the neutinos to quantum linked immanentize (have new observability) at a procedural automata kind of like a glider angle meeting a nutrient field that produces a big durable swirl the big durable swirls effect at the quantum linked neutrinos would be much more neutrino detector measurable thus the sequential programmatic form of automata would be verified as the computation has progressed to create a much larger neutrino emission at a predicted distance so that velocity as well as hyperconcentratability with automata bigswirl amplified emissions is a new to me kind of computronium

the resolution of computronium could actually be higher than the resolution of matter think of a human being you like you create a matter duplicate while you are doing tht you note that the size of the proteins at their dermal surfce is hundrds of times larger than the size of a water atom, thus a matter suplicate of the water atoms at the surface of their body is actually hgher resolution than their protein componenets it is possible to make the mold higher resolution than the object thus it is possible computronium could always prefer to be higher resolution than matter from a duplication perspectiveis it posible that photon neutrino quantum linked pairs have macroscopic (like CCD imager) adjustability with higher than matter resolution. I am absent awareness of the frequency effect at neutrinos, that is if you illuminate a thing with neutrinos does the wavelength of the neutrinos desribe a resolution like with optics n computer chips It is possible ultra high frequency neutrinos much higher frequency than gamma rays could be completely harmless to matter humans while have eentsier than atomic nucleus diameter resolution creatable with quantum linked photon pairs these are then scanners or computional traversers like automata
these higher resolution than atomic nuclei neutrino patterns are the basis of multiparallel simulation of sentineces like huan beings that way a benevolent AI is able to run functional nonsentient simulations of humans to be of greatest benefit to humans

Gott Sphere computronium I read that the pysicist R Gott calculated or published that a jupiter sized mass as a result of relatavistic chronoeffects would have an area at the surface chronological mments travel 6 or 8 times more rapidly than at the core thus a benevolent artificial ntelligence approach is to have hgher than nonsentient human resolution simulations running 6 or 8 times more rapidly at multiparallel to create billions or trillions of nonsentient variations which are then made optionally available to the core entity so is it possible to do this with a galaxy or more simply rapidly orbital stellar pairs with a combined mass millions or billions of times larger than jupiter their chronovariation area is possibly millions or billions of times larger than a jupiter sized gott sphere with two co orbititing stellar objects with a lagrange area between htem organic chemistry organisms could live happily at earthlike physics while far orbital areas around the two stellar objects computed things millions or billions of multiples more rapidly than the core area from some AI perpsectives the perimeter is muuch more productive it is faster from other perspectives like data preservation or cautious hindmost like sentience the stellar pair Gott Lagrange would have durability as a computronium appraoch modulated phtons or neutrinos traversing the radius of a gott sphere could as a result of chronomodulation of frequency effects be comprehensible at some particular radius, when comprehended the data could be retranslated to a vriety of simultaneous communications frequencies that reach all of the stellar pair gott sphere computational being
the preference to chronomodulation could go with if the artificial ntelligence thought it was nteresting or other things were nteresting, those artificl
ntelligences that liked other things might perfere the high chronovelocity perimeter while theartificial ntelligence that prefers highly screened ultrapreferntialized completely recomprehended benefit could rpefer the most gradual region of chronomodulation thus at a chronomodulatate AI is there a radial distance from the chronocenter that is most benevolent to human beings?
Autocatalytic tractor beams like the multicentimeter gathering photonics I read about at a science magazine

things that colud possibly minimize recruitment these things are revisable or rdscribable
remain human
deferreddefinte high veracity language
one two or three letter its is the possible perception that or at sume mathematics of measurability perhaps

100 millionth pctile
mathmatics abilities comprehension of iterated occurrence math like john von neumann

retrocausal photon neural links
retrocausal matter forms

xhilldrens rights to omit activities


different GPCR senses
right side heart nonfissure brain
high carry pregnancy
favor genetics of right handedness
absence of physiomoodswings or pms

brain area preferential function circuits if prehubris then nap the multipreeconscious processing remapped
autodistract if nonvirtues preconscious combo
high altitude dwelling preference
most geometrically beneficial unicode letter at human names
talk about the pattern suffiently to measure those absenttttttttttttttttt

March 2025

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