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new petroleum geology ideas

Posted by treonsverdery , 18 May 2012 · 2,414 views

petroleum geology
Petroleum geology technologies
During 2011 ch4 gas was 7 times cheaper than liquid hydrocarbons per amount of produced energy Thus there is a strong value to creating liquid hydrocarbons from ch4 Many approaches use catalysts This is a new kind of ch4 to liquid hydrocarbon catalyst

Many catalytic materials work most efficiently at particular temperatures as well as pressures, researchers have compared the US diamond anvil technology with the former Russian superbaric hydraulic technology. The Russians made a gigantic hydraulic machine to research the effect of high pressure on chemistry, the US researchers just used a microsample between two diamond plates to achieve higher pressures while keeping a viewable reaction. Now use semiconductor fabrication technology to create a million or billion variably sized microchambers on silicon silicon nitride or diamond coated silicon nitride at a flat disk or semiconductor style wafer Then create a second disk or wafer with the complementary impressing shapes of varied sizes. When sandwiched together with ch4 these million or billion diamond pressure chambers will first describe the optimal pressure regime to do catalysis while various chemical vapor deposited possible catalysts are measured as to their effectiveness at a million or billion chemical variations. This technology rapidifies catalyst research tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands times more rapidly than 2oth century approaches. Further the diamond disks may be used to catalyze ch4 to liquid hydrocarbons at production a vibrating system where billions of microtechnology near nanotechnology micropressure reactors like > ] with the right coating of catalyst could actually be used to make the liquid hydrocarbons at the well, which greatly improves energy portability. A vibrating scroll compression technology similar to two metal vinyl LPs could continually microcompress the ch4 at the catalyst at bulk to produce hydrocarbon liquids

Nanomesh proppants
Proppants are little blobs, sometimes natural silica, that keep microfractures permeable to hydrocarbons propped silicon carbide or nitride proppants are patented thus may have economic value silicon carbide nanomesh is latticelike ultralight silicon carbide that is about 5 times lighter than aerogel. I think that little eiffelblob proppants would have vastly less mass thus travel further while the fracing water travels through the newly created permeability spaces. The published advantage of the silicon carbide proppant is that as the geology relaxes with gravity it stays strong enough to keep the micropermeabilities passable longer compared with ordinary silica silicon carbide or nitride nanomesh would be similarly hyperstrong yet travel further with water. There is also a newer opportunity to clump nanomesh proppants on each other or on ordinary silica. Nanomesh silicon carbide or nitride proppants are engineerable to float, thus one proppant could tend to accumulate as a base, another as a support, keeping the microchannels open wider longer more effectively. This may also create opportunities to blend two thirds silica proppant with one third nanomesh to create highly value optimizes propped fracing

Quantum linked s d pi orbitals effect quantum inked atoms s d pi orbitals thus causing an electron effect different than outermost electron mobility effects
Its published that twin slit quantum physics experiments work on 114 amu molecules (10 ish boron carbon nitrogen atoms) thus ch4 or even mere hydrogen can be treated as a quantum wave function

Quantum wave functions are linkable yet the specific state of the atom or molecules electron orbital configuration is part of its quantum identity to have two linked atoms or molecules they are more coherent if they share precisely the same orbital configuration. Thus it imaginable that when quantum linking two benzene atoms the moment of linkage would be better more coherent more durable, more nformationally particular if they both are at either chair or boat version simultaneously. Now if we link two hydrogen atoms or two ch4 molecules then radically change the electron orbital characteristics at s d p or pi orbital area, this quantum linkage may apply to the linked atom, it may have susceptibility of detectability if it has the same configuration momentarily, the susceptibility of detection particulariuzes the electron orbital state, creating a modified atom at a distance. Note we didn’t actually do anything to the distant atom, we were just able to observe it when it momentarily went out of synchronization with the other atom or molecule at the lab. This very different structuralization of the near nucleus electrons may well produce a very different observable effect the molecule is likely to disintegrate, or an atom is likely to emit a very high energy photon events that may be detectable at greater distances than electricity or most em waves The petroleum geology idea then is to beam quantum linked atoms or molecules as waves then when they meet long hydrocarbons they sychro freak out which causes detectability so its an actual way of mapping hydrocarbons directly rather than from acoustic reflection or near area EM when you think about sending a beam of deep electron linked atoms through space or material as a result of a modified twin slit experiment it is kind of like a new kind of electricity as it effects nonoutermost electrons. Things that move only outermost electrons are the previous kind of electricity. Then there are also published proton conduction technologies, these actually use proton movement at circuits or reactions.

Lets compare this to quantum radar which is apparently authentic
Quantum radar is a hypothetical remote-sensing method based on quantum entanglement.
One possible implementation of such technology has been developed and patented[1] by defense contractor Lockheed Martin.[2] It intends to create a radar system which provides a better resolution and higher detail than classical radar can provide.
The technology is hoped to work by using photon entanglement to allow several entangled photons to function as if a shorter wavelength was used to allow detection of small details while having an overall longer group wavelength that allows long distance transmission.
Here a big company says you can beamcast what amounts to an array telescope of quantum linked objects to get a more detailed view the version I describe just says you can make an effort only to observe part of the electron orbital volume or positions of a quantum beamed atom or molecule The similarities suggest that supertricity or um, mezzanine electrons mezzotronics qlme quantum linked mezzanine electronics may be functional

Its possible Nernst battery proppants could make a surfactant from ambient fluids carboxylating an alkane or using chlorine from electrolysis to give a lipophilic on one area hydrophilic at another area molecule
This is likely to already exist yet an acoustic beam travelling on a vehicle with a acoustic sensor stationary at a different location could systematically traverse an area raster scanning geofeatures at depth Its also possible to have both the sensor as well as the beam mounted on separate travelling vehicles to gather higher quality data or possibly to supervisualize an area found to nifty at the time of measurement
Geologists use fluid tracers now It is possible that chemicals that delay activation to trace could be placed at one area, then portions of the chemical become active to reacting with situ environment thus reacting along the way to grapg the actual chemical environment at a variety of places from one tracer fluid application
--------------------(gloms reacts)—Measure
---------------(gloms reacts)--------Measure
-----(gloms reacts)------------------Measure
-(gloms reacts)----------------------Measure
As the tracer travels just some of it gloms then reacts, the detector or chemistry can tell which stage of reaction occurred where at the mineral resource

Some petroleum geology processes use warmth to convert or fluidize hydrocarbons it is possible that an IR reflective fluid at situ could concentrate warmth to more effectively modify situ keorgen as well as petrochemicals

Clumps of sedimentary material have silt grains chunks each of these is responsive to different drilling forces its kind of like the opposite of a fascht if a drill had side supports that tend to compress an area such that the chunks or grains have greater force at their preferred area of division then drilling is more rapid, compare aligned crackers at parallel== or perpendicular (splat) these have different efficacies of material dividing at a particular pressure

Its possible some geostrata or minerals like dolomite have varying waters of hydration at the crystals That suggests that there is a specific warmth or chemical treatment to change the numbers of waters of hydration which changes the volume either creating greater permeability of causing heightened pressure to move fluids
Geostrata that pool hydrocarbons sometimes have a ^ shape that pools hydrocarbons one approach is to change the mass atop the ^ formation at the gulf coast as well as other offshore areas it may be possible to make a cassionthat completely removes a massive overmass of water, thus causing hydrocarbons to appreciably move towards the depressurized cassion area regenerating wells
Canada as well as Russia has lots of tar sands as well as oil shale I think it may be possible to use frost heave to repeatedly scrape as well as divide water petroleum mousses to concentrate petroleum Among places with snowy winters frost heave can be applied numerous times each 24 hours. Note that some of these places have resources where tyhere are patents suggesting thermal liquefaction or softening, It is possible the naturally occurring cool resource at some loacations could be used to gather hydrocarbons
Noting that some hydrocarbon resources have fossil parts I think it may be possible to generate acoustic energy that is responant at the particular sixe n mass of the fossil parts, the emphasis is actually just creating slightly greater permeability as a result of deep wiggling shapes
Kerogen may be radicalizable or reactivatable (like olefins as destaurated may be reactable) at particular defined surroundings, the creation of these reactants at situ, then at a different temperature as well as pressure furthers reactions that soften or liquefy kerogen, the patents show very different kerogen reactivities at different temperatures, thus I think this may work. I think I have previously written about if you make 1 pct heptane, will that mobilize dodecane better than dividing dodecane to two decanes? Similar thinking only with reactivity rather than molecule size
I do not know if tar sands with microliquefaction channels would give hydrocarbons more rapidly yet I think it might be possible to create a high viscosity yet high mass oil right on site that rather than floating, would tend to mingle with thicker gooeier natural hydrocarbon fluids providing laminar flow separation channels as well as sepration planes throughout the heavy goop resource. These channels might then preferentially pass high warmth water to liquefy or soften throughout the resource Its slightly similar to “fracing” tar with oil, to create widish laminar flow shaped channels that things can pass through
Macroscopic graphene with piezoelectric pvdflike groups at one side the other side causes ch4 molecules to align with either 1 2 or 3 hydrogens coplanar to surface three hydrogenscoplanar tends to emphasize one hydrogen to the upper surface to be part of an alkane lengthening reaction It occurred to me earlier that acoustic waves on macroscopic grapheme could create standing waves of piezoelectric charge blobbing, the pattern of charge blobbing would improve catalysis because it would cause molecules to align a certain way on the planar graphene surface , the arranging catalyst like action could be refreshed with a slight change of acoustic frequency that moved the standing waves
Passage of materials through partially filled channels is called math percolation theory there are areas ( chanell densities) where slight widenings or narrowings or shape changes cause powers of2 or powers of ten greater fluid passage. Viewing a well fluid diagram like (image) I noticed that areas with lots of moving oil had permeabilities of 10 to 24 pct. As a result of math percolation theory I think that 1 or 2 or pct difference at trhe permeability would have more than multiplicative effect thus I suggest making software models that apply percolation theory to all well logs as they are called to find areas where slight changes would produce lots more oil

I hear that use of water at tar sand hydrocarbon processing should be minimized, I think that at places like Canada as well as Russia simply fine misting the oily water or mousse at the air would cause it to freeze divide as a finely divided material then tend to mass sort, repurifying the water to be applied again

Those rotating mass oil pumps appear to be improvable, there must be a variety of preferred pump velocities or pressures yet the pump mass appears the same, possibly a slider arm to give different length, or a side area to place mass would permit customization to each well.
viewing the well data of a horizontal well there are minute to minute descriptions of a variety of data as well as location data at about 10 foot areas, I think that using a laser or xenon pulse light chromatogram or spectroscopic characterization of the drillhead fluid would give minute to minute updates of the fraction of hydrocarbons permitting minute to minute steering of the drillhead towards the richer area of the well. The well graphs strongly emphasize that a graph spacing area [][][] can make a double or triple petroleum flow difference, possibly steering nearer the richer hydrocarbons minute to minute creates a well that is 3 to 7 pct more productive
thinking of the thumper of the movie dune, I think that midwell at horizontal wells,
| .... . . . . . ... .....
|==========(thumper)======== a vertical thumper could cause flexing of the sedimentary material possibly causing petroleum to pool around certain areas ( .... .. .) thus moving it towards the well

noting that if each of the one per million most thoughtful Chinese thought of one new petroleum geology idea each year those 1400 new petroleum geology ideas would greatly benefit China Wen If you are a sound deep thinker create a new petroleum geology idea each year Jiabao I think the DHAClinton approach of naming politicians something beneficial to remind people of it could reach them. The pemeiere of China could augment their name to see if it worked.

This is a non idea yet I will write it anyway. Nuclear powered underwater geosampling robots could make test wells at a wide variety of places near the ocean base they could make carbon fiber pipe from treatment of organic molecules filtered from water

March 2025

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