2022 Longevity Year in Review
supplements nmn astaxanthin glynac resveratrol curcumin lifestyle fsting senolytics
As another year has come to a close, it is always nice to take stock and see what progress has taken place in the last twelve months. I hope that upon reading this review, you will agree with me that 2022 saw some notable advances in the field of longevity. I start out by selecting my top ten studies before switching focus to concentrate on actionable human studies in the supplemental section (after a quick detour to the CLA’s 2022) - after all, the only results that truly matter are those in humans, unless your main aim is to try to create immortal mice! You will see that the list of supplements has expanded while some other categories are no longer there - all down to whether or not there were human results. I have also tried to include meta analyses if at all possible and as ever, human studies have been *starred. All the studies have come from my twelve monthly reviews, so instead of having to go through them all, hopefully this year end review can act as a one stop shop to help you on your healthy longevity journey.
Looks like the same issue has cropped up again that my post has been cut off again from nearly the beginning - you can find the full post and PDF here: https://www.patreon....gevity-78176055
I've also done a video TalkThrough of the review, which you can see here: