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Some Thoughts

Posted by JediMasterLucia , 29 August 2008 · 1,622 views

I've read this article on Imminst tonight and I started thinking about the future. ;)

Intel predicts singularity by 2048

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Intel’s chief technology officer, Justin Rattner, had his eye firmly fixed on the future at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco.
In his closing keynote speech Rattner said that Ray Kurzweil’s concept of ‘the Singularity’, a point when human and artificial intelligence merges to create something bigger than itself, could be just 40 years away.
Rattner described some emerging technologies that sound like they come out of science fiction movies, including shape shifting, programmable matter, neural interfaces that allow applications to be controlled by the human mind, and advanced robots that seem almost human.
Rattner believes that these sort of advances could be less than half a lifetime away because of the way that technology is advancing at an exponential rate.
The way that these new technologies could be put to use will mark a fundamental change in the way that humans relate to machines.
For example programmable materials called catoms could be used to create cell phones that can expand in size when you take them out of your pocket.
This can be achieved because the catoms, or ‘claytronics atoms’ have sensors, processors, and electromagnetic components which control how far apart the catoms are from each other.
Computing power is another area that looks set to leap to another level, with advances in spintronics, quantum computing, and carbon nanotubes.
No doubt some of the technologies will fall by the wayside, but then who knows what will replace them. The future certainly looks interesting.

The singularity: will this become science fact in the future?
Will this become real in my life time or not?
I don't know. if this time frame will be correct mabey I still live.
(I'll be 77 years old by then.. *shiver* I don't want to be old and fragile...)
I hope I could to see a lot of things that is now science fiction becomes reality:
- Like sentient robots: they could help me in the house and for companion.
- Computer-brain interface: it would be easier and faster to write my stories and I could do a lot more with computers than in this time.
- Nanobots in my bloodstream which keep my body healthy and strong.
- That aging will be stopped, that I wouldn't become a fragile and old in the future, but a young strong female who can enjoy life.
- That space travel will be available for everyone on the planet.

I am also thinking about this:
will machine and human be merged together? what impact would this have on humanity? and not to forget on ME?

The shape shifting stuff they talked about in the article, that is too much science fiction, I think this can't be real in this century. It will be too complex to create stuff like this. But you never know ;)

*JML dreams further* ;)

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Dec 06 2008 02:03 AM
The singularity could become fact in the next few decades. With exponentially increasing formulas excellerating us toward it, its hard to tell sometimes just how rapid advancement can be. Like Aubreys example in TED talks, he explains that airplanes were invented somewhere around the beginning of the century and then quickly, in 50 years or so were developed into jets. The tech is even greater along with the expontiality now.

Sens is on the horizon. The faster we work to get that the surer it will become for our life times. When that happens the our hopes for seeing the singularity will definently become real.

February 2025

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