Scholarship Opportunities
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27 May 2008
Attn: All Students
The Methuselah Foundation has recently approved thousands of dollars in scholarship opportunities (both individual and team oriented) for students participating in research about aging and age related pathology. Students must be performing laboratory research or literature reviews approved of by the MFURI Administration in order to apply. We have a listing of some topics for student research available on the MFURI website at http://www.mfuri.org...arch_topics.htm. Obviously students are not limited to just these topics, and are always encouraged to present their own ideas to the administration. We highly encourage all students to take advantage of this great opportunity.
The Methuselah Foundation has recently approved thousands of dollars in scholarship opportunities (both individual and team oriented) for students participating in research about aging and age related pathology. Students must be performing laboratory research or literature reviews approved of by the MFURI Administration in order to apply. We have a listing of some topics for student research available on the MFURI website at http://www.mfuri.org...arch_topics.htm. Obviously students are not limited to just these topics, and are always encouraged to present their own ideas to the administration. We highly encourage all students to take advantage of this great opportunity.