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time balancing

Posted by Shannon Vyff , 29 July 2008 · 3,229 views

Warning: This will top, even the most 'verge-of-whiny', 'soul searching' blog you've ever read.

Yes, I see blogging sort of as a diary, talking to myself-along with countless others from all walks of life, socio economic status, ages, areas of the world, religious and political beliefs.

I'm not really trying to tackle big issues, do any research or pull any statistics. I concede that there are many more interesting and important blogs here at ImmInst, this one is not one of those...

I just want to vent, rant, speculate... sort of 'e-therapy' for my current point in life...

Why, all this veiled, convoluted introing?

I'm simply way over scheduled in life right now, and feeling overwhelmed with it all-I don't know how others cope-by others I mean those that get an incredible amount done, those that get more done than I. They are my heroes, they are my inspiration--they also make me feel like I'm not good enough--since I wish I could do more.

I am the vice president of my daughter's middle school PTA.

I am the secretary of the board for my 900 member church.

I lead La Leche League meetings monthly and answer calls/emails daily from mothers who are needing help (they often are in emotional distress and I must drop whatever I'm doing to be there for them).

I am one of 3 leaders, and a teacher for my church's summer camp.

I teach religious education on Sundays.

I'm a director here at ImmInst, and support life extension in what ways I can--helping those also in the field.

I'm the social action chair for my roller derby league.

I'm the co-chair and secretary for my church's children's programming committee.

I have three children, I read to the youngest daily, parent all three-break up fights, inspire/teach/encourage them daily along with feed etc.

I have a husband who also needs love and attention daily.

My above list focuses on time output. It in no way addresses the ways I support around 20 organizations and non-profits regularly financially.

I just get really frustrated that I never seem to have enough time to do anything to the best of my ability, I'm always working on deadlines--living from deadline to deadline-and wishing I had more time.

Time for reading, time for writing, time for my family, time for my volunteering ;)

It is this crazy balance to me, how use my time to help the most people, in the most effective way.

I have come to a point where I realize I'm actually volunteering for to many things, and in a year when some of my commitments are up-I'll be more careful about taking on so many.

I feel if I focus on less, that I can do more :) Say, 2 board positions instead of 5 like I'm currently doing ;).

Also, my children take precedence-- and I know that I need to balance things so that they have more of my time.

Writing all this has been cathartic, I suppose it makes my priorities more clear. I don't expect others to really read it ;) Seems sort of boring, and a lot of whining to me.... but hey, since you are reading it--thanks :) Not sure if you helped me feel better (my expectations of what others might think), or if I did, simply by writing.

Life is fun, getting a lot done is rewarding--me being an immortalist makes me feel like my time is so short, I think I put more pressure on myself to accomplish more... I'm proud of all that I do, and I know that I need to do less ;)

I don't know how others cope-by others I mean those that get an incredible amount done, those that get more done than I. They are my heroes, they are my inspiration--they also make me feel like I'm not good enough--since I wish I could do more.

Shannon, you can rest assured that you are one of those people that gets so much done the rest of us feel lazy.
Aug 14 2008 02:22 AM
I dont envy your schedule but I envy your productivity. That is an awful lot though. I might consider cutting down a little for the reasons you state.
Jonano say that you are great. He said thanks for writing this ;)
Shannon Vyff
Aug 27 2008 01:53 AM

Jonano say that you are great. He said thanks for writing this ;)

Well, say hi for me--I hope he is doing well in school!
Shannon Vyff
Aug 27 2008 01:54 AM

I dont envy your schedule but I envy your productivity. That is an awful lot though. I might consider cutting down a little for the reasons you state.

Yeah, ditto to that sentiment ! I've been really wanting to write more for children, I much prefer them over all the adults I work with anyway ;-)
Shannon Vyff
Aug 27 2008 02:02 AM

I dont envy your schedule but I envy your productivity. That is an awful lot though. I might consider cutting down a little for the reasons you state.

Thank you, hah--it took so long to write this response to you, it is sort of belies the sad state I'm in--that I don't have time for all the things and people I love. ImmInst is my favorite place to be on-line, I love this community... but I've been short on sleep, going from dead-line to dead-line, running kids around, spending time reading, caring for, educating and playing with them... ah, life would be boring indeed if I was not in hyper-drive, I just wish I had the enhanced transhumanist body already to deal with it ;-)

I have come to the conclusion that I am too much of a people pleaser, well I love people and want to help them--so I just can't say no, and whenever I see a need I step forward to help... this is what has gotten me spending so much time helping all the communities I'm a part of. I love what I give to others, and I very much appreciate the feedback and thanks I get--it is a human need to help others, it ingratiates them to us and benefits our own family from the friends and connections we get (from the evolutionary psychology view point ;-) --but I can see how this instinct to help others, to make and benefit from my communities has affected my life ... I will though have to balance my time, I still dislike the whining I did in this post, but I really was stressed at the time--therein lies the crux of the problem, how to stay balanced (and still give the time to the communities I love, in particular the children of cryonicists for who I want to write more ;-) )
May 19 2009 07:48 AM
Whew! I felt exhausted just reading your blog entry about everything you do! Please try to have fun and take it fairly easy in England. : )

Shannon Vyff
May 20 2009 06:42 AM
Today has been another super busy day, 4 hour board meeting at church-I took 26 pages of notes, got 22 documents printed before hand, 3 edited.

Had a lovely anniversary dinner prepared by Michael (so sweet :-) ).

Went to a dance show for my youngest, end of year showcase :-).

Went to a presentation by my son-his end of year project as he became Neil Armstrong for a day :-).

Did some research, some planning--in addition to our move I made some calls on summer camps for the kids, some after school horseback riding at the beginning of June :-)

Had some LLL work, did some other various normal chores--having three kids around means a lot of caring.

Got a little bit of time to read and share some Transhumanist news ;-)

You are right, my current plan is to get writing time in England -good thing there are no UU churches in Leeds ;-)

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