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Becoming more experienced. Thoughts on what's right.

Posted by vyntager , 31 October 2008 · 1,836 views

Sometimes I'd see someone utter a deep truth and think "how cliché" - "how silly", only to discover later on, with more experience, that I've come to the same conclusion. That in itself is a conclusion I needed to reach by myself.

By all means it doesn't signify that all deep, experienced sounding statements are what they appear to be. And at any rate everyone is entitled to the right of walking their own path, making their own mistakes, discovering their own truths.

There's only one Truth, really. Only one way to understand and manipulate the universe, and by doing so survive and prosper. But no one holds that Truth (yet, and perhaps never), it's too big to fit in one head. There are, however, many truths, on a personal level, and many beliefs. In some ways some of these truths are as self justified as the One Truth, from an insider point of view, at the very least.

To be more particular, knowing the laws of physics can give you an edge in, say building a computer, but prayer doesn't heal cancer. In that sense, one truth is clearly superior to the other, and I personally think, and for good reasons, that it's the right way to see things, to use such a criterion, although I am conscious many other people would disagree.

But in and by itself you can never know anything for sure, and you can also believe in things that have no place in rational theory. No other justification than "because I want to" should be needed in this later case. That's personal freedom. Whether you give that freedom more weight than pushing truth down people's throat with the help of a funnel, is also a matter of personal choice, as some are more than willing to convert the others to their point of view, and they have a right, as far as their own personal freedom is concerned, in doing so too.

I guess the implications, on the long term, of this asymmetry, are pretty clear. People who like to convert others to their ideas may have a better chance to see their ideas gain prevalence while those who like to keep to themselves won't make it to history's big logs, on average.

I don't dare say or think too much about how I should feel about that; in a way it all doesn't seem very fair for those who try to remain fair. I certainly should feel some glee as well, since I know my viewpoint will most likely prevail, eventually.

But, and this is important, if you have any measure of compassion and care for your fellow sophont, never shatter the world of someone, never dissipate their hopes, beliefs or even delusions if it is going to do more harm than good, if you don't have something at least as good, or better, to put in stead of their now failing worldview. Here, for instance, I can't help but think of how cruel it is to dispel the belief of a religionist, in an afterlife, only to replace it with the staunch certainty that they are going to die and rot away. It may be bringing them closer to the truth ... and surely depression as well, as it does away with any considerations of the other's wellbeing.

Truth in itself is usually nothing but a means to an end. And even if you think there's nothing more important, other people may not feel the same way. The forced conversion and bringing of their world upside down would theferore likely be hard on them.

Of course, and once again, you may care or not care, agree or disagree with that truth too. Well if perchance we are to meet one day, I'll make sure to forcefully hammer it in your head. I may or may not feel compassion for how this is going to affect yourself. Who said I have to be fair myself ? In the very end disagreement is either settled by the change of at least one of the conflicting positions, possibly by negociation, compromise, manipulation or brute force. More likely a combination of them all.

It is preferable not to veer too much on the use of the latter though. Conflicts waste ressources, and may potentially harm all parties.

If the parties are of roughly equal strength.
If there's not a huge payoff in winning the argument.
If you care about not harming yourself.
If you're not too dumb to understand you may be harming yourself.
And who knows what other exceptions there may be to that.

"Praying does cure cancer you idiot, It does it in set circumstances." Hows that for a true statement. People use the thought of thier God to enhance their positive beliefs, emotional hights to. If they are justified it works. But how do they know they are justified? The right side of the brain needs love to. Once you have both sides functioning you'll get a strong feeling you're right, getting others to realise this is next to hopeless. I hope people reading this with their left brain dominant attitude won't fall into a dismissive 'it aint so' reponse. Ooops too late, you can remember the start of this post, and the bit about right side of the brain? Magnesium is the answer with help from D3. People who feel crap whilst taking those are not giving themselves enough nutrients and usually just hold themselves back with their own assumptions/beliefs. Check out my other posts for more info. Neuron bridge is the key, the third eye works, matter is not as it seems. Your left brain has got you prisoner, its got us all, its not complete without the right side. We cann't complete a rightuos task without being whole. I hope this is laymen enough for all, but I'm not holding my breath lol
Competion is a folly of the immature. It helps people understand what they could have done anyway, usually at the expense of others. From there a false sense of control is encouraged within oneself and reflected onto other intrested immature peers. Now is not the time for one world order, no matter how safe and secure it might seem. Confusion, doubt, aggression, are solid signs the powers that smile are not the powers that will guide humanity. Don't be a blud clud! Stop the insanity, discover your Right Hemisphere.

Truth is truth,  if it rings true with you, great. If you can't mould your understanding to a truth, because you believe you haven't the inclination, because of time, learning, lack of hope, cultural barriers, then faith can be used if you trust the source of the 'truth'. But like you say, who can you trust to tell truth! More minerals and nutrients gives one more understanding power. Power is work done over time. You can do more towards an honest understanding, after a while, without too much distraction, the pennies will drop again and again until da ja vu becomes quite unnerving. The mind sorts itself out, the body heals itself, its a journey, we all like truth, because in essence its effecient and the foundation to things that work well for all. Reality is quite fluid when a rightuos understanding is held loosely ready to understand whats needed for improved returns. Things will start to change around you just by thought and a little action to reinforce.  A developed right brain is emotional but will hold true to logic if the owner can quiet oneself to allow the environment to speak. A mind full of conflict is a noisy mind! Eat, exercise, rest when you need, relax and go with the flow. Enjoy the ride. Pain is energy leaking, doubt is neurons not able to fire and flow to creative areas or information, the happy answer is the right answer. Long term memory is held as intellegence in our light, its not all in your head, it works so effortlessly some have trouble believing the truth of it.                                                                                                                    Religion is in all of us, its our selves making decisions one moment to the next based on stored information we have(commen sense?). There are many systems/books of religion that are help manuals for oneself, for communual cooperation,  gets us on the same page without fear/doubt, after all theres nothing to fear except fear itself, don't confuse caution with fear. And as for freedom, Jainism gives choices for you to believe in a an almighty God or not and is a very,very old religion that you could say all later religions are based on, even the one the Romans made up!

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