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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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The Current State Of Style

Posted by Shepard , 30 November 2007 · 893 views

I promise that I will get to something actually relating to life extension, but I'm having too much fun at the moment. So, I'm going to illustrate another topic that I care deeply about.

Okay, so a friend of mine mentioned that she liked this guy called Criss Angel. I didn't know much about the guy, apparently he does card tricks or something. She said she liked his style of dress. After seeing pictures of the guy, I'm horrified. I might never speak to her again.

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This is not style. I don't even know what to call it. You want to dress differently than everyone else? Awesome. But don't let the clothes wear you. For example:

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I challenge the one person reading this post to find an example of a man owning the moment more than that one.

The same goes for facial hair. I'm all for expression. But you've got to make damn sure a person realizes why you didn't shave clean. Example:

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Steve Vai looks like he missed a spot over and over.

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Ian McShane looks like he'll slap your father for having created you.

Men of America: Please get some true confidence and self-respect. And please drop that fake alpha-male stuff you think attracts women.

You're my hero Shep for laying it out as it is. Your comments are always superbo in my opinion.

Men of America: Please get some true confidence and self-respect. And please drop that fake alpha-male stuff you think attracts women.

ditto. Men of America can take a leaf out of Paul Hogan's/Steve Irwins book IMO
Live Forever
Dec 05 2007 08:28 PM
Facial hair rocks
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Chris Angel is a perfect example of people thinking that being stylish can be accomplished by slapping a number of trendy things together and hoping for the best. I suppose he gets points for trying, but given the guy's career and general celebrity status you'd think he could afford someone to maybe make him appear stylish at least? Vai has always struck me as a talented prog-rock nerd who should be heard, not seen. However, I have the same soul patch so I got nothin'. Quality blog, Shep.

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