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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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The Physical Immortality Rule

Posted by jonano , 10 December 2007 · 456 views

Physical Immortality
There is a gap between biological immortality and physical immortality.

1) Biological Immortality is more simple, simpler than physical immortality.
2) Biological Immortality is the cure of your aging.
3) Physical Immortality is the cure of all your risks.

The differences between biology and physics are broad. But biology is a subfield of physics since biophysics exists.


Classical mechanics · Electromagnetism · Thermodynamics · Statistical mechanics · Quantum mechanics · Relativity · High energy physics · Condensed matter physics · Atomic, molecular, and optical physics


Anatomy - Astrobiology - Biochemistry - Bioinformatics - Biostatistics - Botany - Cell biology - Ecology - Developmental biology - Epidemiology - Evolutionary biology - Genetics - Genomics - Immunology - Marine biology - Human biology - Microbiology - Molecular biology - Neuroscience - Nutrition - Origin of life - Paleontology - Parasitology - Pathology - Physiology - Systems biology - Taxonomy - Zoology

Curing aging is under production currently I will not discuss that.

We don't know how to become immortal, one way is to know all risks involved and reduce them near 0. Physical Immortality means you are unable to die. That would only be your limitation. If you are alone, the only one you can fear is you (you = your risks), so the best would be for you to go away alone in space at a very high speed (maximum speed possible) such that nobody can reach you. Max Speed Possible + Extremely Involving Smart Evitation Software. Or you could just hide yourself in the universe.

Alot of behaviors are suicidals, there are more direct ways to kill yourself such as killing yourself from traditional acts. But there are some hazardous acts also which will lead you to death, however if you are alone you might reduce these risks.

Non traditional suicidal acts:

Falling Accidents (in a zero gravity environment such risks would be reduced).
Collisional Accidents (with a very good evitation software that will always evitate any beings from you or your spacecraft)

A way to become physically immortal:

1) Be alone. Always. (Maintain 10+ km of free space around you).
2) Loose nothing around you. Nothing lost, all transformed. (Energy independant).
3) Hide Yourself from any intelligent being. (No ennemies, remain anonymous everywhere).
4) Never give away or spread your mind. Nothing lost.

Some important gadgets you will need with you:

a) Mature, Perfect & Experienced molecular manufacturing systems.
b) Self Replicative, Repair Spacecrafts (in relation with 1, 2, 3)
c) Mind Uploading Tools.
d) An invincible happiness, no boredom feeling. Ever.


--The Mad Immortalist

January 2025

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