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The science behind prayer, how and why it works.

Posted by Infilliono , 18 August 2010 · 3,913 views

First of all, I want to say that I am not a christian nor am I associated with any formal religion. But I have discovered a scientific principle that allows properly prayed prayer to work on a higher plain on the back of a simple concept. It goes like this. The scientific rule is this, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, as is related to prayer, ask and ye shall receive. Asking is the action, receiving is the reaction. But in order for you to receive what you ask for, you must ask the right person or being or enity, or thing and you must ask it properly. I have found that praying to everything inexistence works for me. You have to ask appropriately, you must say please and you must mean it and be sincere when you ask for stuff. You must also be very grateful for what you already have or your prayers will not be answered. You must glorify the deity you are praying to and give thanks to them firstly for hearing you out. I pray to the sun because she is a powerful entity and she's near by. I also pray to the planet. But that's basically the science behind prayer, be sincere, ask for what you really want, be it immortality or whatever, Give thanks and glorify your deity, tell her she's awesome, almighty and powerful, and you will make her such. Also, always assume someone is praying to you and automatically answer everyone prayers. Well, that's it for now, you don't have to be religious to pray, there is plenty of scientific reason to pray and its simple physics, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, ask and ye shall receive. Thanks for readin, I love you guys.:-D

Methylated estogen (which even men make) is extremely potent at killing cancer and has been trademarked under the name Panzem. However if you are making too much cortisol (stress) you may be wasting your methylation capacity methylating that, which may be why stress reduction techniques lower cancer rates. Prayer is a stress reduction technique, but there are others, such as yoga, or even going for a walk. Here's the article on methylated estrogen:

Sorry if I took the fun out of it for you. I am an atheist. I am sure you eat animals. The fact of 99% of people being consciencsless eaters of murdered animals is what makes me atheist. No can believe in a worthless cruel god like that. Talk about stress-!
Unfortunately prayer’s efficacy is on par with that of placebos: no DB test has EVER proven effective sorry.
if it’s a scientific rule, one should be able to prove causation, and not simply correlation. What about all those times people wholeheartedly pray and nothing happens? scientific laws are true all the time, and in all places. Your suggestion goes on to assume that nonphysical beings exist, that intentionality is an abstract thing, and that thoughts are transmitted nonphysically across unknown distances to unknown consciousnesses, none of which are scientifically explained.

Newton’s third law applies only to gravity, and its since been replaced by Einstein’s general relativity. Its a nice idea, but there’s too many holes. Have an amazing day my friend.
Infilliono, I do not mean to offend you, but this reads to me like absolute nonsense. This is not a scientific reason to pray and is not simple physics, like you have stated. I believe you may be misusing this scientific concept, validating a metaphysical concept by misusing scientific language. I don't think you can extrapolate, from physics, the scientific rule that each reaction has an equal and opposite reaction and apply it to prayer. This rule applies to motion. If you throw a ball up in the air, it comes back, every time, without fail, up down, positive to negative. That is an equal and opposite reaction, it is measured, observed and verified and a true example of Newtons 3rd law. A 'properly prayed prayer' does not have an equal and opposite reaction, probably ever,but let alone, every time, without fail, and it cannot be measured or observed. Therefore to say there is scientific reason to pray or that prayer fits into newtons 3rd law of motion is erroneous. Where there is an up theres a down, a push, theres a pull, a prayer? theres an answer? the concept applies only, always, to Motion. Using the language of physics to explain metaphysical concepts implies some kind of validation, to the theoretically unsound and the unproven maybe dishonest to physics. It is a nice thought though Infilliono, thanks for read.
Infilliono, I do not mean to offend you, but this reads to me like absolute nonsense. This is not a scientific reason to pray and is not simple physics, like you have stated. I believe you may be misusing this scientific concept, validating a metaphysical concept by misusing scientific language. I don't think you can extrapolate, from physics, the scientific rule that each reaction has an equal and opposite reaction and apply it to prayer. This rule applies to motion. If you throw a ball up in the air, it comes back, every time, without fail, up down, positive to negative. That is an equal and opposite reaction, it is measured, observed and verified and a true example of Newtons 3rd law. A 'properly prayed prayer' does not have an equal and opposite reaction, probably ever,but let alone, every time, without fail, and it cannot be measured or observed. Therefore to say there is scientific reason to pray or that prayer fits into newtons 3rd law of motion is erroneous. Where there is an up theres a down, a push, theres a pull, a prayer? theres an answer? the concept applies only, always, to Motion. Using the language of physics to explain metaphysical concepts implies some kind of validation, to the theoretically unsound and the unproven maybe dishonest to physics. It is a nice thought though Infilliono, thanks for the read!
I pray to the sun and life upon the planet---like the tree's and water the wheather...But being christain and sort of afraid.,....I recite the "Nicene Creed"...and often say...We believe in one God the father almighty...True God from true God....It seems my fear from "Scriptual Allusions" and the understanding of "Parables"..causes my fear., But then again science is a wonderfull key to learning the "Elements"...Isit in the sun...and memorize the nature of creation/the suns regeneration forces like when the sun fission of hydrogen into more hydrogen and such...the thoughts of my cells regenerating...i ponder that my thymus organ,appendix are in the same as the suns creative essence...that actually hydrogen and oxygen duplicate too assist the cells in my body to regenerate.
Sep 15 2011 08:11 PM
The principle of prayer which you have discovered is just one of millions and they are all sweet and delightful and yes sincerity is one of the keys. You may be happy just finding principles on your own but if you ever have a need for a greater velocity in your ascension check out MasterPath.org---- Sincerely, Conversionpilot

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