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The Zodiac Killer

Posted by Rational Madman , 10 February 2011 · 10,933 views

For the past few weeks, I've found my attention commanded by the literature on the Zodiac Killer, which may be one of the most absorbing cold cases out there---including the Jack the Ripper murders. Although the likely quantity of victims pales in comparison to the more prolific serial killers in history, I find this case to be qualitatively more captivating for several reasons: 1.) The literature is immense; 2.) the killer is enticingly audacious; 3.) the case has left some of the most seasoned criminal investigators baffled; 4.) there is nothing more than circumstantial evidence to link any of the suspects to the killings; 5.) there is an impressive community of amateur investigators; 6.) and solving this case has the allure of ensuring one's place among legendary criminal investigators. So for these reasons, I think it's definitely worth setting at least a day aside.

Because of the paucity of evidence, I started with a preliminary psychological profile that I constructed, and which one prominent suspect in particular, Lawrence Kane, seems to fit. But beyond his congruence with my psychological profile, there are the following pieces of evidence: 1.) His identification by two siblings of a Zodiac victim, and a possible Zodiac target that allegedly escaped her abduction; 2) his proximity to one confirmed victim and one suspected victim; 3.) superficial similarities in handwriting samples (to that of the infamous SF Chronicle letters); 4.) a physical description that roughly matches the ones given by witnesses; 5). and a service history in the military, which is generally considered requisite. For the most part, though, my selection is based on a gut intuition, which given the state of the evidence in this context, is probably an acceptable basis.

Anyway, if anyone has the time, please take a look at the evidence, because I would appreciate some insights from sound minds that aren't married to their pet theories. And I've also discovered that my now 80 year old suspect, Lawrence Kane, lives comfortably in Zephyr Cove, Nevada. So if anyone cares to visit his address---which I happen to have---I'd be quite grateful. I'm less than serious about this proposal, though, because he's still likely dangerous, and unlikely to offer anything meaningful.

Avenues worth pursuing about Larry Kane or any other suspect:

1. A connection to Deer Lodge, Montana.
2. A possible record of attendance at Riverside Community College
3. A connection, however tenuous, to any of the victims or murder sites.
4. Information related to the suspect's psychiatric treatment history.
5. Evidence of an interest in ciphers or astrology.
6. Information on possible accomplices, which I suspect has been a possibility that has confounded investigators.

The biggest proponent of my favored suspect, is retired Escalon, Ca investigator Harvey Hines---whom I've been considering contacting---because there are a number of unexplained areas that either leave me somewhat doubtful or hopeful.

Rational Madman
Feb 10 2011 03:01 AM
I honestly don't know what to make of the stories of Sandy Betts and Pam Huckaby, whom claim to have been repeatedly harassed by Lawrence Kane and his accomplices. Their stories seem too incredible to be true, but could both residents from the same city, and with a close connection to one of the victims---Darlene Ferrin---turn out to be nutters? One may be easy to dismiss, but two? Other crucial witnesses like Michael Magaeu and Kathleen Johns may also be psychologically compromised to some extent, and thus, not credible witnesses for any criminal prosecution. The Lake Berryessa survivor, Brian Hartnell, on the other hand, seems to be the only remaining witness that doesn't exhibit any obvious psychological scars. But there are parts of his story that I find somewhat difficult to believe---just look at his description of the dialogue with the killer. However, Hartnell may offer some important clues about the killer: he was extremely nervous and stuttered. Which in addition to the nature of his acts, and his conspicuously disorganized letters to the SF Chronicle, may be consistent with the frontal lobe injury that Kane suffered in his automobile accident, and his reputed bouts with temporal lobe epilepsy. Unfortunately, though, he was masked, which means that a successful prosecution may hinge on Hartnell matching Kane's voice with the killer's.

I'm afraid that both Lawrence Kane and Harvey Hines are now dead.

Take a look at this code + a solution:

Posted Image

There's a need to verify if he have had a 2nd name and if so, was it starting with the letter "R", which was one of the most common 1st letters of the male names back then.

P.S. I am still gathering information on this suspect.

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