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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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LongeCity Science Fundraiser 2012- expressions of interest sought

Posted by caliban , 08 August 2012 · 6,083 views

longecity fundraiser crowdfunding science research
LongeCity Science Fundraiser 2012- expressions of interest sought LongeCity continues its proud tradition to support small-scale, high-impact life extension research in 2012.
(For a review from 2011 see here)

Projects should:
- aim to make a scientific contribution to the extension of the human lifespan
- be applied research or basic research with some potential for applied development
- present short updates for LongeCity Members with interim data, photos from the facility etc at agreed intervals
- be led or overseen by a person with a postgraduate qualification in the relevant field or by a person with demonstrable equivalent experience
- have a flexible project structure that can be adjusted according to the amount of money raised
- be small in scale - one or two key workers
- be short in duration - approx 6 months maximum
- not be confidential. LongeCity will expect open and public presentation and discussion of research results. However, confidentiality will be accepted where a manuscript or patent is in preparation.

LongeCity will be able to support a project with a minimum of $2000 and up to $8000, subject to matching by other donors. LongeCity will launch a call for matching donations and every donation generated in that call will go towards the project budget (Thus projects can have a total budget of $4000- $16.000).

Interested parties should send
- a project outline of no more than 800 words written in lay language (can be supported by up to 10 literature references)
- a curriculum vitae of the project leader

to research@longecity.org

Deadline: September 30th 2012!

First deadline ending soon! Spread the word!

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