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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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LongeCity Newsletter November 2012

Posted by caliban , in News 09 November 2012 · 3,236 views

LongeCity Newsletter 
November 2012    

Forum software upgrade 

Sorry that there was no newsletter last month- both our 'traditional' issue dates collided with 'behind the scenes' software upgrades. We hope we managed to keep the disruption to a minimum otherwise and it looks like the upgrades went well. This upgrade introduces not only some technical improvements it also lays the foundation  for long-pending layout changes hopefully to be implemented before the end of the year. 
As always, if you notice anything amiss or broken, please let us know in the 'forum issues' section.    

Changes in Leadership - Members discussion  
While both the US and China, have now- in very different ways- determined their new governments, LongeCity also is thinking about the future of its leadership. Since we got rid of imposed term limits, such a conversation is necessary every once in a while to make sure we remain fresh and focused. Thus, we are currently considering, in an open discussion, how LongeCity leadership may evolve and develop. 
Members check here for the leadership planning discussion.

@MEMBERS - important poll
As an offshoot from that discussion, we are interested to find out the constraints on volunteering from our Members. ALL MEMBERS please take a second to tick a single box in this poll!    

Changes in Leadership - Welcome to Droplet & Mr.Happy 
We welcome two new faces in LongeCity leadership;

Mr.Happy: joins us a Moderator with an particular focus on the nootropics area. Since joining LongeCity last year, he has been a prolific contributor and we hope he can add even more value to the sometimes difficult field in his new role.

Droplet: joins us as a 'honorary Advisor' - Droplet relied on a little-known feature: she used some of her accumulated 'ThankYou' points to 'buy' an honorary leadership role. ThankYou points are awarded  for making important contributions to the community. Droplet had plenty of these points to spend: a lifetime member who joined in 2011, she has been a true inspiration to everyone on LongeCity with her cheerful enthusiasm and steady dedication to support the common mission. 

@ALL - share your reasons 
Speaking of Droplet, one of her initiatives is to collect a portfolio of statements as to WHY people want to extend their lives. She is inviting everyone to post in this thread.      

C60-'buckyball' mouse experiments at home

We reported in the last newsletter on the 'citizen scientists' who plan to test the interesting and controversial  'C60 in olive oil' at home using pet mice. LongeCity has decided to support this initiative informally by helping with the costs of shipping and equipment.  
YOU can take part by becoming a 'citizen scientist' yourself or by supporting them with your donation.    

LongeCity podcasts  
The latest Longecity podcast, features Dr. Ilia Stambler, who shares a veteran's experience on life extension activism in Israel and globally. LISTEN HERE.

Later this month, the interview guest is trailblazer Aubrey deGrey,  Chief Science Officer of the SENS Foundation. Do you have a question for Dr. deGrey? POST IT HERE.      



The LongeCity newsletter is usually send out on the 8th or 18th day of each month to registered forum users.  You can find past newsletters here.

If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. Please visit http://www.logecity.org/forum  (>LogIn >Lost Password?) or email support@imminst.org

How to unsubscribe: Visit the link below and ensure that the box for 'Send me any updates sent by the board administrator' is unchecked and submit the form.
LONGECITY -Advocacy and Research for Unlimited Lifespans

Nice to know I'm appreciated and thanks for linking to my project. :)

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