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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Short articles - writers sought

Posted by caliban , in News 08 January 2013 · 4,137 views

longecity writers authors
Short articles - writers sought During 2013, we are looking to greatly improve our portfolio of ‘featured articles’ and other information resources.
If you have some writing experience, or something important to share that is relevant to the LongeCity mission, there are a couple of options:

1) Submit a draft for a commissioned topic
Later this month, we will be publishing a list of topics that we are looking to commission during 2013. You can take any of these topics and send us a 1000-1500 word draft (ca.3 pages). Editors may ask for revisions to achieve a basic quality threshold.

2) Submit an exposé for a new topic
You can send us a 400 word article outline, accompanied with a few lines about yourself. If accepted, you will be invited to submit a full article.

Reward per published article: $108

3) Write a blog
You can either start a blog at LongeCity or easily synchronise a blog that you maintain elsewhere. If your blog is consistently of interest and of good quality, you will automatically be awarded ‘Thank You’ points which can be redeemed for vouchers at online stores such as amazon. We might also ask you to do a regular column.

Not a writer?
If you are good with image editing tools, we are grateful for any relevant works as well. For example consider the current ad contest.
MEMBERS: please contribute your suggestions to the topics shortlist here.

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