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Luminosity's Blog


I killed my TV

Posted by Luminosity , in Personal, Recommended 26 January 2013 - - - - - - · 1,045 views

In the early nineties, I killed my TV.

I was addicted to it but I could not stop watching it.  I took a pair of scissors and cut through the cord plugged into the wall.  An electric shock went through my body.  Did you know that there is an electric current in the cord of a television even when it is off?  I didn't.  The hair on my arms stood up.  I...



Posted by Luminosity , in Poems & Quotations, Recommended, Personal 16 January 2013 - - - - - - · 1,466 views
Contains profanity
Contains humanity
Contains inanity
Contains insanity
Contains Sean Hannity*
Contains emotions that stretch across the ocean
Contains the shell
of life not lived well  Every time she tried
They ripped her up inside  She crawled in the TV
as if it was a tree  made a door
in the computer store  w...



Posted by Luminosity , in Recommended, Personal 28 December 2012 - - - - - - · 985 views
In the nineties I met a young man walking the neighborhood handing out campaign literature. He was running for office. He was renting an apartment in a concrete walk up a few blocks from me and driving a regular car that he bought used. Eventually he won the office he was seeking, still in his twenties. He did good work in office but he seemed pretty flak...


Thoughts on the Economy

Posted by Luminosity , in Politics, Recommended 04 October 2012 - - - - - - · 1,405 views
the economy
We've lost a lot of purchasing power. We don't make anything anymore. We're creating a lot of inflation. Our debt to GDP ratio is absurd. Our credit rating is downgraded. We have no future. The only difference between us and Greece is the passage of time and major weaponry.

We had some power from having a world currency, but it is slipping away. The peop...


What Could Someone with Autism Do?

Posted by Luminosity , in Recommended, Commentary 01 October 2012 - - - - - - · 1,420 views

Someone posted a thread on the forums to ask what someone with autism could do for work.  This is my reply:

You could hack into your college's social networks and use the profiles there to invent a game that disrespects women in a major way.  Then you could create a social network encompassing 900...


American Ingenuity

Posted by Luminosity , in Recommended, Personal 26 September 2012 - - - - - - · 863 views
I was in a place that is a center of knowledge. I got into a conversation about politics with a guy that works there. A young Chinese guy wearing short shorts and a flight bag slung across his shoulder joined us. This place attracts people that want to have an intellectual experience. The guy that works there has a bright spirit that draws people to him....


Vanity Fair is Slipping

Posted by Luminosity , in Recommended, Commentary 26 September 2012 - - - - - - · 1,096 views
media criticism
Critiquing the October 2012 issue.  Vanity Fair is slipping. This magazine is supposed to be about current events but increasingly it seems to revisit well-worn stories. There's a lot of stuff about the Kennedys and infamous murders that took place decades ago. October's issue contains a piece on James Bond. We're told that he was, "a literary crea...


Movie Rant

Posted by Luminosity , in Recommended, Commentary, Personal 03 September 2012 - - - - - - · 1,620 views
What's so difficult about making a movie that a person could go to on a Saturday? All the themes of death, depression, divorce, disease, and dysfunction have been explored. Trust me, I attend film festivals. Cross it off your list and go back to making movies a person would want to watch, if you can do that. If not, get out of the film business. Write poe...


Bring Back Paper Ballots

Posted by Luminosity , in Politics, Recommended 02 September 2012 - - - - - - · 941 views
In my lifetime, paper ballots were counted by hand. They did this at each polling place with a representative from each party watching. The results were tallied and the box with the ballots was sealed and delivered to the elections office. I think that the results were posted on the wall outside the polling place. There were multiple checks on fraud at ev...


What's the Most Frightening Part of the Republican Convention?

Posted by Luminosity , in Politics, Recommended 02 September 2012 - - - - - - · 1,268 views
(Gleaned from watching Democracy Now's coverage) http://www.democracynow.org  
The fact that a few billionaires are trying to buy the next election and won't even answer questions from journalists? 
That billionaire Sheldon Adelson's daughter body-slammed a Democracy Now cameraman without provocation and stole his camera simply because they ask...

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