False Flag Attack Planned for Nov. War Games?
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02 November 2013
military exercises conspiracy
Sources in alternative media have warned of a possible false flag attack on the US by its own government. They are concerned about this happening during military exercises in the Atlantic during November. They have warned about a possible nuke being deployed, and possibly blamed on Syria or "terrorists." I hope this doesn't happen. If it does, we will know that Barack Obama killed his own people in cold blood. If this happens, he should be brought to justice, along with all his accomplices. Infowars and Coast to CoastAM Radio have been covering this story. Alex Jones of Infowars has sources in the military and has been one of the first to report stages of what seems to be an emerging Orwellian police state. He's been right a lot. I don't agree with everything he says. I think he's too extreme, but he's far from always wrong.