Attorney reports being In gov't time travel project
time travel real?
Last night, attorney Andrew Basiago was a guest on Coast to Coast Am radio, in the US. He told an astonishing story of having participated in Project Pegasus, a secret DARPA project that the US government ran from 1968 to 1972.* He was a child of a government official. He said that a number of government officials allowed their children to be used for these projects. He says there is life on Mars. [Laura Eisenhower, a descendent of President Eisenhower has also come forward to say she has been in secret government projects involving space. Mr. Basiago states that Ms. Eisenhower also says there is life on Mars.] Larger people were not able get through the time portals or something, so they used children. He states that the government used eight methods of time travel. According to him, they have kept this technology secret all this time.
According to his website he gave a lecture about this, "Topics included the forms of time travel that emerged by 1970; why children were involved in time travel; what events the US government had prior knowledge of; time travel and the US presidency; and the implications of time travel in law and policy. . . "
Mr. Basiago's account is unusually detailed, clear and cogent; what you'd expect from an attorney. He has dates, places, names etc. He states that teleportation of objects is happening and he wants it to be used more often to benefit humanity. Apparently one of the inventions was taken from plans made by Nikola Tesla. I had heard something about some of his papers going missing when he died and turning up in a government file or something. My God.
I can't say my hair stood on end when I heard this or that I had a strong gut feeling that this was real, but Mr. Basiago was very clear and detailed. At no time did he seem other than lucid and purposeful. It's been becoming clearer and clearer that our government has a lot more technology than it lets on. They seem to want to keep that to themselves for as long as possible. Witness the back doors into the internet, software, hardware, phones, etc. That sounded like a paranoid fantasy, but it was real.
Mr. Basiago also apparently teleported to Mars, along with others. I've heard other people talking about this, and stating that Barack Obama** was part of this. [Yeah I know how that sounds.] Some of those people sounded crazy. Maybe it was the subject matter, maybe it was that person, or maybe that person was supposed to sound crazy to discredit the whole thing. Now there's another voice talking about this stuff. Here's something from Mr Basiago's website describing the lecture he gave on this:
In "The Mars Project in US Time Travel History, 1980-84," Andy related his experiences as a young man going to Mars for the CIA’s jump room program. Topics included his training for Mars in 1980; the purposes of the Mars jump room program; his fellow jumpers, including President Barack Obama; what the Red Planet was like; and his experiences visiting Mars via jump room from 1981 to 1984.
You might have to join Coast to Coast to listen to the show.
Mr. Basiago's site:
* By the way, with all due respect to Al Gore, DARPA, or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, invented the internet. I used an early version of it in about 1979 at a university, through a connected friend. Scientists used it to talk to each over their computers. Even then it was used for flirting.
** Interesting side note, I grew up mere miles from where Barack Obama was supposed to be growing up and am almost the same age. See what I have to say about that here: