Been home laid up with a cold. Just went out today and got some Chinese food. It was greasier than I expected. Hope that goes o.k. I'm in a business using a computer. It's warm and humid outside, but in here it's maybe a little too cold, which isn't like this place. It's a big name company, but they don't seem to care a lot of the time. I'm surprised both that their AC is working in August and that they are spending the money to overcool the place. The computer here is so outdated that it can only access the mobile version of Twitter. I still only get one to three hours of tweets in spite of contacting Twitter six times, including tweeting the CEO, tweeting the chief technical person, and writing to the CEO. It looks like Twitter just doesn't care about their site working properly, based on a few years of observation. I guess they are getting away with it.
Been eating very well due to the cold, except for the greasy Chinese food. When I do that my aches and pains diminish greatly.
Read We Are Market Basket, about the supermarket chain that shucked off bad leadership through a strike and a boycott. Exhilirating. The chain is headquartered in Massachusetts. I've noticed that a lot of people in Massachusetts have good values,and they act on them. This may be true of New England in general. I'd like to think that what happened with Market Basket could happen everywhere but . . . From what the book says, people in this region are lucky to have this supermarket chain with its excellent food at reasonable prices. Wish I did.
Still hot and humid here but slightly cooler the last few days. Last night a lightning storm passed by to the east but you could see and hear it. The weather isn't the weather I knew here as a child, nor is the sunlight.