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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Movie Rant

Posted by Luminosity , in Recommended, Commentary, Personal 03 September 2012 · 1,621 views


What's so difficult about making a movie that a person could go to on a Saturday? All the themes of death, depression, divorce, disease, and dysfunction have been explored. Trust me, I attend film festivals. Cross it off your list and go back to making movies a person would want to watch, if you can do that. If not, get out of the film business. Write poetry, take drugs in your room, slit your wrists. You could arrange your death scene very filmically and leave your collection of scripts, or sick porn, to a special museum of some kind. Whatever it takes for you not to make one more movie about death and atrocities. I will personally deliver a lethal dose of drugs or to any depressed filmmaker who is on the verge of making another movie about death and poverty. Just call me.


Why does the popcorn cost five dollars and is coated with sludge? What food group is sludge in?


I want to go to movie on a Saturday and not be inundated with grief, and I want my snacks to be the way I want them. You jerks!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
Don't make me kill you !!!!!!!!!!!!

Sludge happened when the powers that be declared that butter was a no-no. Sludge is the closest allowed thing to butter?
Surely you can see a good comedy?
that sludge is poisonous apparently... http://www.bbc.co.uk...canada-19657878

A US man has been awarded $7.2m (£4.4m) in damages after claiming he developed "popcorn lung" from inhaling the artificial butter in microwave popcorn.

(20 September 2012)

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