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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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What Could Someone with Autism Do?

Posted by Luminosity , in Recommended, Commentary 01 October 2012 · 1,420 views

Someone posted a thread on the forums to ask what someone with autism could do for work. This is my reply:

You could hack into your college's social networks and use the profiles there to invent a game that disrespects women in a major way. Then you could create a social network encompassing 900 million people, ripping off your closest associates in the process, for no particular reason. Once that network is established you could repeatedly override the members' privacy settings, causing havoc and getting career school teachers fired, just 'cause you hate limits. Then you could roil the stock market and go on your honeymoon. All while wearing a T-shirt.

Based on our recent history people with brain disorders can do a lot.

Mm. People on the autism spectrum are all over the place competence-wise though, ranging from thoroughly inept to superhumanly capable. One example may not be relevant to another person's life.

'Course, nothing wrong with a bit of optimism and inspiration. If you can call this example inspiring.
I'm hoping it's not.

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