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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

Eerie Flickering (Darkly Origins)



Posted by Darkly Origins , 11 January 2017 - - - - - - · 4,712 views
nootropics, newtropics and 7 more...
I am looking for a person(s) to provide me with the right acquaintances, or to otherwise help me ascertain at minimal, a month supply of a drug undergoing trials yet; the name of the drug is called "abaloparatide." Any and all referential mention, documentation, information and details about the drug will be greatly appreciated. If you are so kindly inter...


ITI Innovations is coming soon!

Posted by Darkly Origins , 26 August 2015 - - - - - - · 2,529 views
darkly origins, eerie flickering and 7 more...
It has been a long time in the making and founding, but I am ever-nearer, and my life-changing innovation that is (a brain-integration system) is on the way!  My Website is still under construction -- as I'm busy and expressive in detail, my contributions are had, and my time come!  Have you seen the film Chappie? If not, go watch it and com...


The Brain; through a psychoanalytical viewpoint; (psychophysiology)

Posted by Darkly Origins , 29 March 2015 - - - - - - · 2,033 views
innovation, neuroscience and 8 more...
I received a lot of positive feedback from many Professor's and scientific community members for this paper. This was my first written paper for my first general class course in College (Psychology 101) -- and it's but a short thesis, that I created impromptu with a pencil and paper -- a projector for my papers, and my mind to thoroughly elaborate and emp...


Addiction & Evolution

Posted by Darkly Origins , 29 March 2015 - - - - - - · 2,081 views
innovationneuroscienceplasticity and 7 more...
How is it stationary, or micro-evolution is possible, or can, and/or has occurred if you take by example, the following instance: healthy persons dying young;, so to speak – ‘a man smokes cigarettes for 15 years,’ drank alcohol heavily for 10 years’, and consumed large quantities of refined sugars and red meats;, and then – one day decided to change his l...


The Detriment of Meat (and impracticality of protein consumption)

Posted by Darkly Origins , 29 March 2015 - - - - - - · 2,230 views
innovation, neuroscience and 8 more...
03/09/15 – Eder

(Citation: referencing NPR: WPR – Environmental Specialist)

The ‘average’ American consumes 66 lbs of beef every year; (keep in mind, that’s just one of many meat byproducts – consumed by nearly every United States citizen annually.) I’ve been thinking this for a while now, that being: meat in generality is bad for human physio...


Cultural Relativism

Posted by Darkly Origins , 26 December 2014 - - - - - - · 2,553 views
psychoanalysis, sociology and 6 more...
Cultural Relativism; naturalistic modes of planetary existence; metaphysical and evolutionary arguments against homosexuality; Drug use, contraceptive use, the killing of animals, and subjectivism.

The argument used in the book titled: “The Elements of Moral Philosophy,” are void because they lack appropriated logic.
To begin, I’ll exempl...


A Naturalistic Observation; (Part 3) - Psychology 301' thesis;

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Uncategorized, Biological/Mathematical Concepts 26 December 2014 - * * * * * · 2,963 views
abnormal psych, dev psychology and 7 more...
A Naturalistic Observance; by Jacob A. Eder:

For my naturalistic observation, I chose an incident, in which I experienced how recently; as it was not planned, or otherwise elicited, but of purest coincidence and evolutionary happening.

I recorded my thoughts on the mannerism during the later part(s) of June. Within those recording(s), - to whi...


Introductory Plea;.

Posted by Darkly Origins , 03 October 2014 - - - - - - · 2,046 views
introduction, mathematics and 4 more...
I've been busy with mine own projects, and have not been online in months;, as well - I'd like to update, and let people know I've been expelled from my College, and banned from all interrelated College-systems;, I've severe accusations against me, none of which were true: however, evidence for the contrary were doctored and submitted to my Dean, and Dean...


March 2025

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