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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

Eerie Flickering (Darkly Origins)


Finally, I've constructed a website, but there is much work to be done! Please view it and give me some starter-traffic.

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts, My Poetry; 04 February 2016 - - - - - - · 2,737 views
http://t3tinnovations.com/ and 9 more...
http://t3tinnovations.com/  ABSTRACT
Here, I say to you, the darkest poetry conceivably available on the deep-web, is within your reach. Long have I yearned and searched for a manner in which I could express myself to the world – where I could share (in pretentious arrogance) the most beautiful and darkly abstract, esoteric and profound of lite...


An Addition to my treatise on 'Ghosts of Time,' an expansive revamping of Einsteinium Relativity;

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts 14 January 2016 - - - - - - · 2,708 views
mathematics, quantum mechanics and 8 more...
(All figures are accurate, as they are mathematically validated for the sake of scientific method. This is excerpted and taken from my fourth book chapter, being segment 2.1(out of 4.0) dissertating upon E=mc2 , giving layperson explanation to the fundamentalist rules and logics behind thermodynamical ruling, and Einsteinium General Relativity (G)R/S)R....


Proposal to Federal/State Governance (PSY104)

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts 26 August 2015 - - - - - - · 2,597 views
psychology, anthropology and 8 more...
Greetings, Madison City Council Board members;
Good morning, and thank you for having me… I’m the sole representative and (CEO) founder of the ‘People’s Psychology Association,’ a subsect of the international (Freudian Institution for Affinitive Coalition Society.) I’m an academically recognized professional, as I have a Doctorate’s of Philosophy Degree...


Cloud Computing (INF 101)

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts 26 August 2015 - - - - - - · 2,788 views
the cloud, cloud computing and 7 more...
The cloud and beyond  
The Cloud is an interesting and peculiar concept, as the cloud employs information technology and its advancements, and then integrates them with real-time updating, backups and documenting of an array of things. In this brief dissertation, cloud computing and its future’ (application, and implication) will be discussed; the...


Language, Status & Identity (The Human Contradiction) ANT101

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts 26 August 2015 - - - - - - · 2,098 views
anthropomorphism, evolution and 8 more...
Language, Status, & Identity On the manner of Linguistics: It of the profoundest magnificence that Mammalia and Mammaliaformes (mammalian) life forces have the wondrous capability that is communication – language. Language is strange; it has origins that cannot truly be rooted to any form of ascribed foundation, existential life’s fundamentalist...


As promised...here's my paper on red-meat and its' physiological detriment; (Desolating Of Nations)

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts 01 June 2015 - - - - - - · 2,660 views
darkly origins, eerie flickering and 7 more...
The Desolating of a Nations…
Jacob – A. Eder
English 122: English Composition II.
Professor, Gurley, Renee;

The Desolating of a Nation… (An explanatory overview of the issue presented.)
The controversial topicality of my paper is to further any willing persons understanding of the detrimental consumption of red-meats, and also dic...


Correlative Theory(s) in relation to Einstein's Equilibrium Theorem & Hubble's Law;

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts 26 December 2014 - - - - - - · 2,794 views
relativity, einstein, topology and 7 more...
Correlative Theory(s) in relation to Einstein's Equilibrium Theorem & Hubble's Law; E=mc2 & Hubble’s Constant
C = 186,000 miles per second: (exact value, rounded)

In relation: 0.999999999 (c2 ) X (Yi )| {h x r} 3.36 mc (au) | Hubble’s constant (Law)

In correlation: ----- 3.7x 10 (c3 ) X (Yi )| (6.71×108 ) | Einstein’s Equilibrium Theorem (Revds.)

Additionally; one would need multiply 9.999999999 (c2 ) X (Yi )| {h x...


Antimatter; how it works...

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts 26 December 2014 - - - - - - · 2,078 views
antimatter, angular, dark matter and 7 more...
Does Antimatter Fall Up or Down?

This question has never been subject to a successful direct experiment. In other words, nobody has ever directly measured the gravitational acceleration of antimatter. So the bottom line is that we don't know yet. However, there is a lot more to say than just that, with regard to both theory and experiment. Here is a s...


A Naturalistic Observation; (Part 3) - Psychology 301' thesis;

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Uncategorized, Biological/Mathematical Concepts 26 December 2014 - * * * * * · 2,963 views
abnormal psych, dev psychology and 7 more...
A Naturalistic Observance; by Jacob A. Eder:

For my naturalistic observation, I chose an incident, in which I experienced how recently; as it was not planned, or otherwise elicited, but of purest coincidence and evolutionary happening.

I recorded my thoughts on the mannerism during the later part(s) of June. Within those recording(s), - to whi...


Correlative Theory, Addition #2;

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts 03 October 2014 - - - - - - · 2,159 views
cortical, cortexial, mathematics and 4 more...
Correlative Theorization for my constancy;.

Atomic: E, P, N; = E, N, P; E, P, N; N, P, E; N, E, P;.

Grouping I. (X --- XX --- XXX)
Grouping II. (y - -- YY - -- YYY)
Grouping III. (I - -- ii - -- III)
Grouping IV. (XY - -- XXY - -- XYY)
Grouping V. (XI - -- XXi - -- XII)
Grouping VI. (yX -...


Lesson(s)/My Approach to (The Cortical Constant);, J A. Eder

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts 03 October 2014 - - - - - - · 1,994 views
cortical, cortexial, mathematics and 4 more...
The Cortical Constant (Constancy)
Author: Jacob A. Eder

I believe the mind is made up from various major components; from the neurological cortexes’; that which allows us to assimilate varied sensations; how entwined with our sense of self, what we call our consciousness thus creates the mind.

I. Let Px represent the plasma’s expansion into a...


I (An Introduction;, ingenuity and exemplary work(s));.

Posted by Darkly Origins , in Biological/Mathematical Concepts 03 October 2014 - - - - - - · 2,562 views
innovative, neuroscience and 8 more...
Imagine, storing your brain – and all that is within the complex organ. Imagine, ideas, thoughts, memories, skills, languages, etc – capable of being transferred via cables or WI-FI (cordless(y)).

I. Imagine, in place of the mystery of Quantum Entanglement, the reality of Mind Transference. To have visuals, auditory, memorial, idealistic, practical co...


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