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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

Events for May 04, 2003

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----- Nanotech and Biotech Convergence (CN)
By Bruce Klein

Nanotech and Biotech Convergence
Starts: Sunday, May 04, 2003
Ends: Tuesday, May 06, 2003
Location: Stamford, Connecticut, USA

Life itself is proof that nanotechnology is feasible. The nanomachines that make life possible are not engineering marvels; they are haphazard accidents of nature improved by evolutionary stepwise changes over eons of time.

Now we have the capacity to actually design nanomaterials and nanodevices that can interact directly with cells and macromolecules. Nanotechnology stands poised to have an enormous impact on biotechnology and medicine.

Conversely, biotechnology, which has always involved manufacturing on a molecule-by-molecule basis, has the potential to facilitate the manufacture of materials with nanoscale architecture.

Nanotechnology and biotechnology have been on a collision course for years and now, in the third year of the third millennium, Business Communications Company celebrates the inevitable convergence of these two technologies with the 2nd annual Nanotech and Biotech Convergence conference.


May 2003