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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

Events for November 08, 2003

in Community Calendar

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----- ExtroBritannia (UK)
By Bruce Klein

ExtroBritannia November meeting: meet Nick Bostrom

The next ExtroBritannia lunch/get-together is scheduled for Saturday the 8th of November at 1pm in Oxford.

The title of the meeting is "Meet Nick Bostrom, transhumanist philosopher and WTA founder": Nick will give a presentation on transhumanism, followed by a Q&A session.

We will meet at 1pm for lunch at "Chiang Mai" a Thai restaurant in the tiny Kemp Hall passage, about 10 meters off 130 High Street. If it's your first time at an ExtroBritannia meeting I'll be the guy clearly displaying a copy of Kurzweil's "The Age of Spiritual Machines" on the table. The talk will take place in a room at the Philosophy Faculty, but you won't be able to access the room unaccompanied, so it's essential to meet at the restaurant beforehand. We will be there until 2.30pm.

Chiang Mai, Kemp Hall Passage, 130A High Street, Oxford OX1 4DH
Tel: (01865) 202233


(the Oxford train station is almost visible on the left of the map - watch out for "xford" in red letters)


This will be the first of our meetings to be run in conjunction with Alcor UK:


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November 2003