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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

Events for May 16, 2004

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----- Complex Systems (MA)
By Bruce Klein

Speakers: Alan Guth, the Victor F. Weisskopf Professor of Physics at MIT

This conference has two major aims: first, to investigate those properties or characteristics that appear to be common to the very different complex systems now under study; and second, to encourage cross fertilization among the many disciplines involved.

Special Conference Themes: * Systems biology * Networks & Structural Themes * Socio-economic systems * Engineering systems * Evolution and Ecology / Population change * Nonlinear dynamics and Pattern formation * Physical systems, Quantum and Classical * Learning / Neural, Psychological and * Psycho-Social Systems * Concepts, Formalisms, Methods and Tools Abstracts in other areas of complex systems research are welcome.


May 2004