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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


Event: Atom by Atom: Nanotech (UK)

in Community Calendar
Added by Bruce Klein , 26 Mar 2003

Taking place 25 Mar 2003 07:00 PM (Single Day Event)

Bruce Klein

Starts: Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Ends: Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Location: London, UK

To its supporters, nanotechnology is the key to the future of medicine, science and engineering. It offers the potential for machines to work atom by atom rather than on the gross scale of today's devices, for new materials to be developed that exactly match their purpose and for drugs to operate in the human body as our own biochemistry does.

But what does society think about nanotechnology? Who is considering the potential, and threat, that it poses? Is there a chance for the issues to be debated before the big decisions are taken?

This timely public discussion is set to take a closer look at nanotechnology -- what is the technology, and where is it going? What are the issues at stake, and how does the technology affect society?

The discussion will take place on March 5, 2003 from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, London.

The discussion is organized by BBSRC, the Institute of Nanotechnology, the Royal Institution and the Times Higher Education Supplement.

For more information, visit the Royal Institution's Website at http://www.rigb.org/ and follow the links to the events calendar.