Functional Micro- and Nanosystems: Annual Caesar Symposium Starts: Monday, June 16, 2003 Ends: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 Location: Bonn, Germany
The annual Caesar symposium will be held from June 16, 2003 to June 18, 2003 and will cover the field of functional nano- and microsystems for industrial applications, which is presently one of the key research areas of Caesar.
The fourth Caesarium, it will be a platform to discuss the potential of functional micro- and nanosystems with respect to applications in automotive, biochemical and information technology.
The purpose of this symposium is to bring together world known experts to report about the state-of-the-art of this rapidly evolving discipline and to identify and open up new research directions for the future.
Thin film technologies are an attractive approach to incorporate functional properties into micro- or nanosystems. The continuing development towards smaller structures is driven by the use of higher driving frequencies and thus smaller wavelengths, the growing integration of different functions, the higher degree of parallelism and size requirements for the detection of bio-molecules. Hence this new technology opens up new possibilities in terms of high frequency wireless data transmission over long distances, sensors showing high spatial and time resolution and new devices to process biological, optical and electrical signals.
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