Sept 24-25
MIT Kresgy Auditorium, Cambridge, MA
The Emerging Technologies Conference at MIT will focus on the technologies that are poised to make a dramatic impact on our world. Technology Review Magazine, the authority on emerging technology, will bring together world-renowned innovators and key leaders in technology and business. The 2-day conference will feature a mixture of keynote, panel and breakout discussions that will center on the transformative technological innovations that have the potential to fuel new economic growth.
The event will also celebrate the third annual TR100 awards program. The TR100 recognizes the top 100 young (under 35) innovators and key leaders in technology and business selected by the editors of Technology Review and an elite panel of judges. Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape; Jonathan Ive, Apple Computer designer of the iMac; and Max Levchin, co-founder of PayPal (now part of e-Bay) are among past recipients.