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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


Event: Foresight Conference (DC)

in Community Calendar
Added by Bruce Klein , 22 Oct 2004

Taking place 21 Oct 2004 08:00 PM (Single Day Event)

Bruce Klein

Rapid advances in our ability to image, manipulate, and probe the properties of matter at the atomic scale—together with emerging insights into structure, function and self-assembly in biological systems—is bringing to fruition the tremendous promise of nanotechnology first recognized by Richard Feynman over 40 years ago. In the next decade, current research into the science and technology of nanostructures is expected to have a major impact on fields ranging from consumer electronics to space exploration and medicine.

The Foresight Institute's first Conference on Nanotechnology, which pre-dated the National Nanotechnology Initiative by a decade, was the first comprehensive conference on the topic of nanotechology. Foresight sponsored events continue to be the premiere venue for discussing new and innovative multidisciplinary research in nanotechnology. Last year's conference, the 11th in the series, attracted researchers from academic, government and industrial laboratories world-wide, and included papers from the electronics, medical, computing, and biological communities. Foresight's 12th Conference will continue this level of excellence by providing a forum in which leaders from all disciplines delving into science and technology at the nanoscale can present and discuss their most recent results and ideas.
