SIRT6 and longevity
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, Feb 23 2012 08:54 PM
- Owner: brokenportal (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Feb 23 2012 08:54 PM
- Views: 1,575
- Category: Life Extension Images

"In 2006, researchers had reported that mice lacking SIRT6 seemed to age more quickly2. The mice were small and sickly, had a reduced capacity to repair damaged DNA, and died a month after birth.
Cohen and his colleagues decided to find out what would happen if mice expressed higher levels of the SIRT6 protein than normal. They found that longevity in female mice was unaffected by the excess protein, but that the median lifespan of male mice rose by 14.5% in one line of their transgenic mice and 9.9% in another."