![]() User Agreement
Dec 18 2010 10:49 PM |
in LongeCity
![]() Bylaw A. User Agreement (Posting Guidelines)
Bylaw A. User Agreement Article 1 The following shall be the letter of the agreement that all visitors, Members and their guests will be asked to abide by when interacting with the LongeCity/ Imminst ("LongeCity") website Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing the Site. Section01 The Nature of this Agreement (a) The following are the terms and conditions (the "Agreement") offered to any person ("you") for access and use (including but not limited to forum user registration) of the LongeCity/Immortality Institute (LongeCity) web site and all affiliated web sites (the "Site"). The Agreement is the basis for using and interacting with the LongeCity website. By accessing the Site, you agree to abide by this Agreement. (b) Access to the Site is a privilege and not a right. If you do not agree with this Agreement, or have no intention to follow the rules outlined herein, you may not use the Site. If you have any reason to interact with a representative of LongeCity, but you do not wish to follow these rules, please email support@LongeCity.org © The information in this document is subject to change. These changes will be announced on the Site, but you must also agree to periodically review this document for changes. After eight (8) days of any change in the Rules, your continued use of the Site indicates your acceptance of any changes made. Section02 Account registration (a) Only natural persons aged 16 or above may register an account with LongeCity. (b) Each natural person may hold one single account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed unless specific permission is given by LongeCity. © You may not use the account of another person unless such use is inadvertent and infrequent (e.g. using a family members login from the same computer not noticing that the person forgot to log out). (d) Persons whose accounts have been suspended, deleted or blocked by LongeCity may never register another account unless specific permission is given by LongeCity. (e) Users are free to choose any alias as long as the name is not offensive and as long as there is no risk that the username may be confused with a natural person, entity, initiative or endeavour that the person using the account is not authorised to represent. Final decisions on the acceptability of any user alias are made by LongeCity leadership. (f) An LongeCity Member who has been suspended or banned from the Site is not considered in good standing. A user who has been suspended or banned from the Site may not apply to become an LongeCity Member. (g) Accounts may be suspended, deleted, or changed by LongeCity for a variety of reasons including but not limited to a violation of this user agreement. If you are unsure why your account is inaccessible you can email support@LongeCity.org. You must not register a new account the without express permission from the Secretary. (h) When an account has been suspended, Members will be notified within 8 days of suspension and may appeal to the Secretary within 8 days after receiving such notification. If no agreement can be reached with the Secretary, the Member may appeal the case to the Board. There is no right to appeal for users or other individuals who are not Members. Section03 Content (a) LongeCity provides an open platform for registered users to share text, video, audio, programmes, scripts, files, hyperlinks and other material on the Site ("Content") as long as such sharing is lawful and not in contravention of this Agreement. However, LongeCity does not undertake to scrutinise, evaluate, test or verify any Content prior to it being shared on the Site. (b) Content from the Site may be downloaded solely for your own non-commercial use. (c) You understand that by using the Site, you may be exposed to Content that you may deem offensive, indecent or objectionable. (d) LongeCity does not control the Content contributed by users and, consequently, provides no guarantee as to the correctness, integrity or fitness of such Content. (e) Content are the responsibility of the person from whom such Content originated. You agree that you and not LongeCity, are entirely responsible for all Content that you upload, post, email, link, transmit or otherwise make available via the Site. (f) When contributing Content, you agree that this Content may be edited or deleted or rendered to display in a different manner at the discretion of LongeCity. (g) LongeCity will not use Content you contribute for commercial gain without your express permission, but cannot warrant or guarantee in any way that others who you decide to share the Content with might not use it for commercial activities. (h)LongeCity cannot be held responsible for any Content that has been contributed through its open platform. LongeCity will not react to requests to verify, redact, edit, delete or obfuscate any Content. Section04 Intellectual Property & Privacy (a) By contributing Content you agree that you shall have no recourse against LongeCity for any alleged or actual infringement or misappropriation of any proprietary right in relation to the Content that you have contributed. (b) By contributing your own original Content you agree to make this Content available in perpetuity under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. http://creativecommo...y-nc-nd/3.0/us/unless you give express notification to the contrary at the same time that you contribute the Content. © LongeCity will not share private data with third parties without your consent, however LongeCity may use the information it obtains as a result of your visiting and/or registering with the Site for the purpose of enforcing this Agreement or in order to save a life or prevent unlawful activity. (d) LongeCity is not responsible if you decide to post or share private information about yourself or others on the forum. LongeCity will not normally redact, remove or alter such data if you subsequently change your mind. Section05 Limitation of Liability (a) In no event will LongeCity be liable for consequential or incidental damages which may arise in connection with your use of the Site. Accordingly, you agree that LongeCity shall not be responsible to you or anyone else for any loss-of-profit, direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of the use of the site. (b) You acknowledge that the limitations set forth herein are integral to the amount of consideration levied in connection with the access and use of the Site and any services rendered hereunder and that, were LongeCity to assume any further liability other than as set forth herein, such consideration would of necessity be set substantially higher. (c) You agree to defend, indemnify and hold LongeCity and its officers, directors,agents, and employees harmless against all costs, expenses, and losses, incurred from any violation of this Agreement (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by your use and access of the Site. (d) LongeCity provides the Site and associated information "as is" and does not make any direct or indirect express or implied warranties. (e) LongeCity does not verify the credentials of anyone contributing Content to the site and does not endorse any Content that is contributed as advice. Anyone providing advice and guidance on or in association with the site is doing this strictly in a personal capacity, whether or not this person has an official role with LongeCity, unless the advice is specifically, expressly and in each instance authorised by an LongeCity director. Users are reminded that 'Advisors' are advising the LongeCity board on policy. This does not constitute an endorsement by LongeCity of that Advisors communications with others. Section06 Basic Prohibitions (a) The following activities are strictly prohibited and may lead to immediate suspension or deletion of the account, court action and notification of law enforcement officials. (b) Violating any applicable local, state, national or international law; (c) Personal threats to anybody, whether or not that person is using the Site (d) Misrepresenting yourself as a person who you are not. (e) Representing yourself as affiliated with an organisation without due authorisation. (f) Contributing Content that contains a virus, any type of malware or corrupted data; (g) Interacting with the Site in such a way as to seriously impair the functioning or usability of the Site including but not limited to excessive contribution of irrelevant Content; (h) Display the contents of the Site on a different web site without permission. (i) Violate the Site's security including but not limited to accessing unauthorized data or logging into an account or attempt to log into an account for which you do not have authorization, scan or test for hardware or software vulnerabilities, perform a denial of service attack, attempt to spread a virus or malware, or falsify TCP/IP information. (j) Contributing any solicitation including but not limited to advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes (also see section 8 below) Section07 Content related to health (a) Any and all advice and/or opinion provided is strictly personal and never endorsed by LongeCity, nor should it be construed to be the official policy of LongeCity to provide health advice. (b) You must seek professional medical advice prior to embarking on any course or treatment associated with any Content on the Site. (c) You must determine what government regulations exist associated with the procurement and use of restricted substances such that they do not contravene any laws in your country. (d) All Information on the LongeCity Forums, including those associated with health, sciences fora are provided as an area for the open exchange of anecdotal experience and information, not as a professional source of advice. Section08 Advertising, promotions and commercial activity (a) Organisations or individuals seeking to advertise on the Site must first apply to LongeCity for such approval. (b) Advertising is any Content (including private messages) that draws attention to, solicits, endorses, offers for sale, links to, critiques or otherwise relates to goods or services where one of the parties involved in initiating such Content or one of their associates stands to benefit from financial transactions that may results from such Content. (c) LongeCity seeks to limit surreptitious advertising where users who may have a financial stake in such matters contribute Content simply to increase product desirability or brand awareness. Such Content will be censored on the basis of suspicion alone. On occasion, 'innocent' Content may inadvertently be subjected to such censure. Users should be aware of this and are kindly asked to refrain from protest in these cases, as the common aim is to increase the quality of Content on the Site. (d) Even if a promotion has been agreed by LongeCity, this does not imply, and no-one must imply that this constitutes an official endorsement by LongeCity of the promotion, the organisation and individual conducting the promotion or the promoted products or procedures. (e) Users must not use the Site for initiating or conducting commercial transactions, whether in private messages, or by using contact details displayed on the Site unless expressly authorised by LongeCity. Section09 Posting Guidelines (a) Users must agree to consider the posting guidelines as specified in Article2. Adherence to these guidelines is monitored by LongeCity Moderators, Directors and other designated Officers. (b) Violation of a guideline will incur a warning. Repeat violation on more than three separate occasions will result in a time-limited suspension of the user account ranging from eight days to eight years. (c) Disputes regarding the enforcement of posting guidelines should be taken up, in the first instance, with the Moderator who has issued the warning. If no resolution can be found in dialogue, the dispute can be notified to the Lead Moderator. Warnings issued by the Lead Moderator can be disputed with the Secretary. Users who have an open dispute with a Moderator cannot be warned again by the same Moderator – but the Moderator in question may still report questionable posts by that user. (d) LongeCity has reserved a forum for the expression of free speech known as the William O'Rights Memorial Forum. LongeCity will not restrict Content in this forum even if it violates the posting guidelines as long as such Content does not violate the other provisions in this Agreement. This is a forum where users can engage in 'flame wars', ensure that posts are not interfered with by a Moderator, or complain about LongeCity without threat of censure. Article 2 Posting Guidelines Section01 A-- General tone of conversations A1-- Be polite. That does not mean that you cannot try to destroy another’s argument utterly but never lose your tone or your temper while doing so. Also under no circumstances should you employ personal judgments or remarks about people themselves rather than their arguments. Aside from the fact that such judgments are more often than not ill founded, they drag down the overall quality of the discussion as well as costing time and space. A2-- Some words are generally considered offensive terms, in polite conversation such as "fuck, "shit", "faggot" or "nigger". Causing offence rarely if ever helps to elevate the quality of a discussion. Generally, use of such words will result in a warning or ban, but discretion may be exercised depending on the context. Section02 B-- General writing style B1-- Do not write excessive amounts of text. Be concise! No one has the time or the inclination to plough through a pile of superfluous rhetoric in order to discover your main points. If you really feel that you have to write an essay, then write a summary at the end as every considerate essay-writer would do. B2-- While every caution is advised about over-using the forums design tools, please by all means DO use them, if this helps to make the text more accessible. Section03 C-- Starting a new topic C1-- Before starting a new topic please consider if the topic is informative, or will stimulate an interesting discourse. C2-- Please check if the issue has been discussed before on the Site (It is not important to be a 100% sure about this – the LongeCity forums are quite large and old. But please make a quick search, especially if you have not been with the community for long. Sometimes, it may make sense to open a new topic anyway, but would be great if you could reference previous discussions.) C3-- Please think about a good title. (This is very important. Please spend some time on considering the title. Titles like "A Question", "Hello" or "Life Extension" may lead to an otherwise interesting topic being deleted. Challenging titles may draw a lot of visitors will still incur a warning if they are not informative. Give full titles. "Vitamin E" is bad, "Vitamin E harmful?" is not as good as "Risk of Vitamin E supplements in Cancer".) C4-- Is it a privileged topic? (LongeCity Members can create new topics over which they, as threadstarter have editorial control. This is to empower members who are willing to put in a bit of work to maximise the quality and values of a discussion thread. Other contributors must be alerted to the threadstarters intention in the first post, but cannot subsequently complain if their posts are edited. Section04 D-- Replying to topics D1-- Please ask yourself "Does my reply offer a significant contribution?" D2-- It is critical that you try to keep follow-up posts on topic. Avoid going off on a different tangent. If it occurs to you that this might be another thread, open a new thread and put a link to it in the old one. The last word about relevance stays with the Moderators or the threadstarter. D3-- As an extension of the previous point, do not derail a topic with fundamental critique even if you think that this would desirable. In particular do not question the necessity of a certain life-extension technique by referring to another method that seems more relevant to you. (Two examples: do not answer a question about the capacity of artificial intelligence to value human emotion correctly by stating that the ‘Singularity’ is a bunch of nonsense anyway; Do not intrude on an exchange about the bioavailability of resveratrol by stating that you don't care because you are signed up for cryonics) D4-- Refrain from posting personal information unless it is inherently necessary to elaborate your views or position. D5-- There is usually no benefit for people in reading that you agree unless you give an explanation to go with it. D6-- You do not have to be an expert on the subject matter, but if you feel that you really don’t know enough about the subject, then ask informed questions before stepping into the ring for debate. If someone posts a link or uploads an article- read it before you go on. Also read the posts of your predecessors and be aware of related discussions elsewhere. Section05 E-- Posting images E1-- You are welcome to post your own images and drawings when they are relevant to sharing knowledge. Irrelevant or excessive positing of images, including emoticons (smiles) often diminishes quality of the Content and will likely incur a warning. E2-- Showing images to illustrate a point or make a humorous quip is popular with some posters, but please consider if such posts could derail a discussion or create issues around copyright infringement. E3-- Please be considerate about causing embarrassment when sharing images. As a rule of thumb, if you would be uncomfortable viewing it at work, do not post it. E4-- Avatars: LongeCity encourages users to use a small portrait (passport-type) photograph as 'Avatar' of themselves, but this is not a requirement. However, the use of other peoples photographs or the LongeCity logo as Avatar is not allowed. Section06 F-- Quotes and references F1-- When replying to a previous post by quoting it, only quote precisely enough text as is necessary to understand your reply. Using the "reply" function in the forums will quote the entire post that you are replying to. Do not use this feature without due consideration. F2-- If you quote, reference the quote properly, but only quote the important bits. (It is customary to put alterations to a quote in square brackets and indicate left-out bits by putting “...”) Do not quote whole articles, rather give a link or upload them. If you have to quote a substantial passage, then indicate the important passages that you want to draw attention too. F3-- The use of references is strongly encouraged. Such references should contain enough information to find the relevant source with one or two mouse clicks. When using a link, please remember that the hypertext url may be specific to your own access and useless to others. |
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