![]() Podcast Interviews
May 21 2021 12:20 AM |
in LongeCity
Some older podcasts are on the 'download' page http://www.longecity...ory/7-podcasts/ and on youtube Guests Do you have a suggestion regarding potential guests? Please share here: http://www.longecity...st-suggestions/ Previous guests include: Aaron Drake; Adi Infernity Berman; Alexandra Stolzing, Alex Zhavoronkov; Anne Corwin; Arthur De Vany; Aubrey de Grey; Avi Roy; Ben Goertzel; Calvin Mercer; Calivin Mercer; Chana de Wolf; Christine Peterson; David Gobel; David Sinclair; David Spiegel; Dennis Kowaski; Didier Coeurnelle; Dr. Brian Wowk; Eliezer Yudkowsky; Eric Schulke; Felicia Nimue Ackerman; Gary Taubes; George Church; George Dvorsky; Geordie Rose; Hal Malchow; Hugo De Garis; Jacque Fresco; James Clement; Jan Gruber; Joao Pedro De Magalhaes; John Schloendorn; Josh Mitteldorf; Kelsey Moody; Keith Henson; Kevin Perrott; Kevin Warwick; Laurie Zoloth; Liz Parrish; Luigi Fontana; Mantas Matjusaitis; Matthew O'Connor; Mark Hamalainen; Marios Kyriazis; Max More; Michael Anissimov; Michael Rose; Neil Thanedar; Paul Wakfer; Peter Passaro; Preston Estep; Randal Koene; Robin Hanson; Ronald Klatz; Scott Miller; Shannon Vyff; SJ Olshansky; Steve Perry; Susan Fonseca-Klein; Tanya Jones; Terry Grossman; Tobiloba Oni; Todd Huffman; Tom Mooney; Vijay Pande; Wendy & Gennady Stolyarov; William Davis; Zoltan Istvan; |
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