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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


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Folding@Home Team

Use your computer's spare processing power to help cure disease!

TheLongevity Meme has teamed up with Longecity to contribute to the Stanford Folding@Home distributing computing project – aimed at curing disease through understanding the basics of protein folding.
YOU can join NOW and make a difference!

Getting Started

(1) Go to the Stanford Folding@home website and download the folding client to your computer (or PS3), link: http://folding.stanford.edu/English/Download

(2) When installing the Folding@home client, enter 32461 (Longevity Meme team number) in the “team number” box.

(3) Register as a “Registered User” or “Member” at Longecity and affirm your participation by making an initial post in this thread:

For help installing the F@H client on your computer, please see this topic: http://www.longecity...-to-install-fh/