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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


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30 seconds to improve this website

Do you want to take to make this a better website?
LongeCity is firmly a community website. There is very little 'official' content, because we believe in the wisdom of groups and in the dynamics of collective action.
In the long run, visiting LongeCity is only worth your while if there are not just passive consumers but active contributors.

Have you got half a minute? Have you got half an hour?
  • Post a comment with a little bit of extra work, using references
  • Edit one of our archived broadcasts
  • Edit our entry at Wikipedia
  • Post an article to your blog(at LongeCity or syndicated here)
  • Review a couple of recent posts in the ideas forum if there is anything that appeals to you or that you would help with.
  • Write a letter to an expert asking him/her to answer a post in the forum.
Have you got half a day?

Volunteers who can spend just half a day per month are urgently needed and can really make a difference in advancing out mission. If you can spare a few hours, please get in touch with our Membership Coordinator who can help to match your experience, expertise and interests with a suitable project.