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Podcast Interviews

Since its founding, LongeCity has conducted interviews with notable personalities in the life extension field.
Originally in written and texchat form, the effort was later taken up by Justin 'Mind'
Loew, LongeCity Membership Secretary and himself an experienced broadcaster.
Check out the interview
forum where new interviews are announced.
You can submit questions to the guest, suggest future guests and access archived interviews.
These interviews are always insightful and topical, but also make for informative listening years later, which is why we keep them freely available from our archives.
Recent interviews can be found
here as well as on many podcast platforms (itunes, tunein, Googler podcasts...)
Some older podcasts are on the 'download' page http://www.longecity...ory/7-podcasts/ and on youtube
Do you have a suggestion regarding potential guests?
Please share here:
Previous guests include:
Aaron Drake; Adi Infernity Berman; Alexandra Stolzing, Alex Zhavoronkov; Anne Corwin; Arthur De Vany; Aubrey de Grey; Avi Roy; Ben Goertzel; Calvin Mercer; Calivin Mercer; Chana de Wolf; Christine Peterson; David Gobel; David Sinclair; David Spiegel; Dennis Kowaski; Didier Coeurnelle; Dr. Brian Wowk; Eliezer Yudkowsky; Eric Schulke; Felicia Nimue Ackerman; Gary Taubes; George Church; George Dvorsky; Geordie Rose; Hal Malchow; Hugo De Garis; Jacque Fresco; James Clement; Jan Gruber; Joao Pedro De Magalhaes; John Schloendorn; Josh Mitteldorf; Kelsey Moody; Keith Henson; Kevin Perrott; Kevin Warwick; Laurie Zoloth; Liz Parrish; Luigi Fontana; Mantas Matjusaitis; Matthew O'Connor; Mark Hamalainen; Marios Kyriazis; Max More; Michael Anissimov; Michael Rose; Neil Thanedar; Paul Wakfer; Peter Passaro; Preston Estep; Randal Koene; Robin Hanson; Ronald Klatz; Scott Miller; Shannon Vyff; SJ Olshansky; Steve Perry; Susan Fonseca-Klein; Tanya Jones; Terry Grossman; Tobiloba Oni; Todd Huffman; Tom Mooney; Vijay Pande; Wendy & Gennady Stolyarov; William Davis; Zoltan Istvan;