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  • Submitted: Aug 10 2014 02:43 PM
  • Views: 3775

Anti-Anxiety / Mood-enhancing Stack

* * * - -
phenibut l-theanine sarcosine 5-htp


Do these steps, and you will feel a difference. I hope this stack can help you as much as it has helped me.

Ingredient Dosage Frequency Administration
Phenibut 300 mg Daily @ 11:00AM (Best to cycle, to avoid tolerence)
L-Theanine 500 mg Daily @ 10:00AM
Sarcosine 700 mg Daily @ 10:00AM
Coluracetam + NSI-189 20 mg Daily @ 01:00PM
5-HTP 100 mg Daily @ 03:00PM
Exercise + Water! -- Twice a week When possible! (increases neurogenesis in the hippocampus) + Endorphin Release

How well has coluracetam worked for you?

How well has coluracetam worked for you?


Coluracetam is very good. When I take it, it improves my vision and it's kinda like "HD vision" as such, color is greatly improved along with a good mood increase. It pretty goes well with any stack! Good for depression ;)

Great! I'll think I'll add this to my list of things to try. Phenibut as a lot of us know is a tricky substance when not properly dealt with. I also just recently posted a stack on here as well that was suggested by someone else, which also included ingesting Phenibut daily. I've found though that I wasn't able to handle the side effects of a low dosage for even just a few days, so now I'm gonna start over soon when I buy the free amino acid version of it. What do you suggest cycling Phenibut with once tolerance is seen?

Great! I'll think I'll add this to my list of things to try. Phenibut as a lot of us know is a tricky substance when not properly dealt with. I also just recently posted a stack on here as well that was suggested by someone else, which also included ingesting Phenibut daily. I've found though that I wasn't able to handle the side effects of a low dosage for even just a few days, so now I'm gonna start over soon when I buy the free amino acid version of it. What do you suggest cycling Phenibut with once tolerance is seen?


Well to be honest I have stuck with this dose and have cycled it so I don't become dependent on it. In addition, effects are more pronounced if you cycle it as you don't become tolerant to it. Not worth taking it "every day" as such as you will just become dependent on it and will suffer withdrawals. Only use once to three times a week max. :-)


If you have tolerance already then just don't take it for a few weeks and see what effects you have then. If still no effects then up the dosage to 900mg maximum amount. If not, then just rid it from the stack completely.    

How did you get your hands on NSI-189....? It's in R&D for DARPA/Central Research Agencies.

You must be top secret. :D

How did you get your hands on NSI-189....? It's in R&D for DARPA/Central Research Agencies.

You must be top secret. :D


Nope, you can get it online if you look around. TeamTLR is a good place to look! ;)