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  • Submitted: Jul 16 2014 02:54 AM
  • Views: 2743

Anti-Glycation Synergy

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benfotiamine l-carnosine fucoidan d-limonene l-lysine pycnogenol rutin

Advanced Glycation End-products (AGE's) occur inside the body via several pathways and/or environmental conditions of the blood.  The factors in this stack have been documented to aid in the reduction of the formation of AGE's.


- A major constituent of atherosclerotic plaque is a build-up of glycated proteins (along with calcification).  Taking measures to prevent glycation will give High Density Lipoproteins an upper hand in working to reverse this plaque, thereby lowering risk of stroke and ischemia.


- Diabetics have high postprandial plasma glucose levels which results in accelerated glycation of anything and everything: from hemoglobin, to organs, to random proteins, etc.  As a result, secondary complications such as diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, and diabetic retinopathy, arise.  Taking measures to prevent glycation will ensure a better prognosis for the diabetic in terms of risk of developing a secondary complication.

Question? How does Lysine combat glycation? any references?


thank you

There is no evidence that carnosine inhibits AGE accumulation in vivo.


Food phenolics can inhibit the initial stages of glycation in vitro and in food systems, but they don't do so in vivo except maybe, maybe in severe diabetics.