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- Submitted: Oct 08 2015 04:57 PM
- Views: 2237
Yes, NMDA antagonists do seem to be the best combatants against OCD. Dextromethorphan - 15mg twice daily with magnesium 500mg (tid) seems to work the best for me.
Dextromethorphan - 15mg twice daily with magnesium 500mg (tid) seems to work the best for me.
drusko, are you serious? Isn't DXM absolutely terrible for your brain? I was addicted to DXM in high school and I wasn't able to remember words like "tree" or "car" (albeit I was taking much larger doses, closer to 400-1000 mg). I know there are stories about DXM deadening areas of the brain, essentially turning them into grey matter, although I think this claim MAY have been discredited.
What research do you have that proves micro-doses of DXM are not harmful? Is there any risk of addiction or "desiring" to take more?
If you'd like to taper faster, you can begin at 2mg (or maybe 4mg), then double every 4 days.