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  • Submitted: Mar 30 2016 05:29 PM
  • Views: 3172

Safe daily stack? Any additions?

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nalt alcar alpha gpc curcumin 95% phenylpiracetam glucosamine sulbutamine wakelert/armodafinil


Sometimes I take different Racetams. I am looking for one that I can take daily with the above stack. I am thinking noopept or aniracetam. Any suggestions on a Racetam I can take daily?

As for my stack listed above, I am looking for advie/tweaks. I suffer from mild depression, mild ADD, and I have general motivational issues. I am probably 15-20lbs overweight, but I am fairly physically active/capable. I run a 28min 5k 2-3 times a week and I also mountain bike and hike when I can. Swimming laps is something I would like to get back into doing. Although I am slightly introverted, I work as a bartender. I aspire to do a lot of intellectual reading and I am also a very creative type of person. I like making things out of leather, drawing, and just playing around. Reading and being creative are where I lack motivation though!

I notice a huge benefit from NALT during and after I exercise, but I am wondering if I should take it every day, even on days when I don't exercise (?).

If I take NALT, do I need to take ALCAR too? I am not sure I have noticed much from ALCAR but It is my understanding that since I often take various Racetams, that I should take ALCAR. Is this true?

Are there any other tweaks or additions you would recommend? I want to make sure that I don't get fatigue from taking racetams. I have heard that I should consider adding DHA and DMAE. How do I know if this is something I should do?

Ingredient Dosage Frequency Administration
NALT 350 mg Daily morning
ALCAR 550 mg Daily morning
Alpha GPC 230 mg Daily morning
Curcumin 95% 500 mg -- after running, to help knee joint pain
Phenylpiracetam 100 mg -- days when I excercise longer/harder
Glucosamine -- -- after running, for joint pain
Sulbutamine 400 mg -- On days I feel tired
Wakelert/Armodafinil 75 mg -- On days when I feel VERY tired

Adam Karlovsky
Mar 31 2016 03:07 AM

I'm no doctor, but I'd think it's pretty safe to take a quarter daffy any/every day, if you feel you benefit from that. That could help with focus when reading, and also help reduce your appetite (to help lose weight). However if you plan a creative session, anecdotally it's not good for that.

NALT seems safe, and if it helps with your depression then that's a good thing. I should try l-tyrosine myself, but I won't be using NALT. 

Examine says: "N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine appears to be able to contribute free L-Tyrosine in vivo after administration IV administration, but only able to increase L-Tyrosine concentrated 20% despite much larger increases in serum NALT. 56% of the adminstered dose of NALT is excreted in 4 hours and another study suggests that, overall, 35% of the total NALT dose (administered parentally) is excreted via the urine as NALT and not L-Tyrosine." So NALT is not worthless, but may not play the same role as l-tyrosine because it's excreted before it's converted?

As for ALCAR, lots of people will disagree with me here but I don't think it's anything special (except, maybe, for vegans).

Assuming you don't strictly follow a diet, adding DHA is probably a good idea. Looking over the tables at examine.com I prefer CDP choline over GPC, but that might just be a personal preference. 

If the cost of the stack is a strain, I think the evidence for glucosamine is weak, so maybe drop that?

Recommendations: people with atypical mood and/or are overweight often sleep poorly, or follow bad sleeping habits, melatonin can help with this. Both selegiline and tianeptine comes highly recommended for hedonic modulation, I have had success with these compounds, but I am looking to replace the tianeptine with some thing else because it can be hard on the liver for some. I'll be trying a combo of ashwagandha and micro-lsd in the near future.

Have you ever had your vitamin d levels checked? There is a high probability that you have low vitamin D, but that isn't to say I know you *do* have low vitamin D, just get it checked.

I take Citricoline on some days when I don't work out and GPC when I do and some others.  Citri/CDP coline can make me kind of tense sometimes.  


Its a half a 150mg Armodafinil.  But in any case I don't feel like I need it every day and I don't want to build a tolerance.  


I generally sleep fairly well, always have.  If anything I am in the best shape of my life.  My girlfriend does wake me up in the morning when she goes to work and then I have to go back to bed.  But I feel well rested.  Sometimes I will take 5-HTP and/or CBD oil to help me sleep.  For getting to sleep, I highly suggest CBD oil.  It is legal in all 50 states.  Cibdex seems to be a reputable brand which works well for me.


I have heard that on paper NALT seems less useful then L-Tyrosine but that in fact many anecdotally find it to be more effective.  


I have not gotten my D levels checked.  I do go outside more then most Americans, but that may not be saying much.  


I do appreciate the feedback, even if it seems like I have been a bit challenging to what you say.  I just like to have all the info out there.  

I like the stack a very reasonable, responsible plan. I would agree that ALCAR is not necessary. It may also contribute to heart problems down the road and it makes me personally more robotic, anti-creative.
