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  • Submitted: Jun 28 2016 05:20 PM
  • Views: 2878

Memory / Productivity Stack

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piracetam l-theanine adrafinil noopept


The above stack is after dpong a decent amoutn of research and some testing on myself. I have tried piracetam/choline combo and only choline and it makes me easily irritable and pretty spacey so I discontinued the choline use. Now I'm trying to figure out what is best / if I should cycle the piracetam and noopept but have noticed positive beenfits with the lower dose of piracetam. If I up my piracetam dosage too much, it makes me feel too speedy and I don't seem to retain much information, so that is why the dosage is at is. i wanted to create this so i could keep a log of what is working for me and how. The following is what I have tried so far:

200 mg Adrafinil (First day trying it, didn't pair with anything else, didn't notice much of a stimulating effect) + 200 mg Theanine (Taken before bed time just because I was worried about Adrafinil keeping me up, and slept fine)
200 mg Adrafinil + 1600 mg Piracetam (In the morning, gave me great energy and a boost that lasted for hours) + 800 mg Piracetam in the afternoon (To maintain energy and noticed energy staying elevated throughout the day) + 200 mg (Before bed, once again worried about the stimulant effect of the Adrafinil)
1600 mg Piracetam (In the morning as I get to work) and 800 mg Piracetam (In the afternoon), So far so good, as far as energy and memory, may stick to this stack for awhile.

Currently, I have an unopened bottle of Noopept and am just wondering when the best time to take that would be / if I should stack with Piracetam / cycle between the two ?
Also, have yet to try just Caffeine and Theanine, but have heard good things about it, so may try to go with Caffeine + Theanine + Piracetam stack in the future.

Ingredient Dosage Frequency Administration
Piracetam 800 - 1600 mg Daily 1600 mg (2 caps taken in the morning) and either 1 or 2 caps (800-1600 mg in the afternoon)
L-Theanine 200 mg Twice a week One cap taken before bed if necessary or if using adrafinil
Adrafinil 300 mg Weekly One cap taken in the morning (if necessary)
Noopept 20 mg Twice a week Just ordered, havent taken yet but thinking of alternating between this and Piracetam

Adam Karlovsky
Jun 29 2016 11:03 AM

Simple and decent.


I am hesitant to say, but I don't think piracetam improves memory or performance unless you're already have a deficit, I tend towards lower dosages too, just as a neuroprotectant.

Noopept lacks human trails, but I also would predict noopept is at worst harmless, and at best slightly enhancing. You could take it in the morning at at lunch if need be, and I'm not aware of any contraindications with your listed nootropics.


I prefer armodafinil over adrafinil, and drink a few cups of green tea which gives me theanine. You could take theanine any day you wanted to, only cost would be a factor.

Simple and decent.


I am hesitant to say, but I don't think piracetam improves memory or performance unless you're already have a deficit, I tend towards lower dosages too, just as a neuroprotectant.

Noopept lacks human trails, but I also would predict noopept is at worst harmless, and at best slightly enhancing. You could take it in the morning at at lunch if need be, and I'm not aware of any contraindications with your listed nootropics.


I prefer armodafinil over adrafinil, and drink a few cups of green tea which gives me theanine. You could take theanine any day you wanted to, only cost would be a factor.


Would you suggest some of the other racetams for memory? I just wanted to start with piracetam, use it consistently, and see if I notice any improvement, if its only very negligible, I might move on to ani/oxi/phenyl, any advice on cycling with noopept?


also had pretty bad sleep last night using theanine before bed, so that was weird 

For me, Noopept worked much better than racetams. I was ordering it from PC. but find a stack with huperzine-A, alpha-GPC, phosphatidylserine and adaptogens (Examfit). It actually gives me a need for fork. I feel also increase in creativity, and I speak my mind with chicks (cold approach).