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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

LONGECITY Blogs RSS feed View Source: LONGECITY Blogs RSS feed Last Updated: 03 March 2025 - 02:44 PM

Chris Linnell's Longevity Review Newsletter - January 2025 Longevity Review 23 February 2025 - 09:53 PM

Kicking off the new year with a lifespan special, we will take a look at reversing the senescence of senescent cells to increase mouse lifespan; the discovery and beneficial effects of a subset of youthful stem cells which can also increase mouse longevity; the most comprehensive study of life-extending molecules in the roundworm c.elegans; and in the Canadian Content study, how disrupting the antioxidant defences in a specific organ in c.elegans can increase its lifespan.


In the Supplemental Section, you’ll find in Fasting, how 14 hrs fasting can improve cognition & sleep in older adults; in Diet, how carotenoid intake slows biological aging; in Exercise, how it can impact cancer; in Other Supplements, the benefits of ergothioneine found in mushrooms; in Combinations, how a four supplement combo shows benefits in Parkinson’s; in Reproductive Health, how OSKM gene therapy prolongs fertility; in Stem Cells, how they can reverse hearing loss; and in Odds & Sods, the life expectancy of cats in the UK. And of course much more!
(To make these suggestions easier to find, I’ve marked them with ***)



Canadian Longevity Association News


As you may have noticed, we’ve switched over to using Substack for these monthly reviews instead of Mailchimp, while still continuing to also use Patreon. Hopefully using Substack will expose us to a greater audience - it has already resulted in our first paid Substack subscription - thank you Cory!


The big news from January is that the CLA launched a new weekly video series, the first four episodes of which can be found here, or under the four highlighted studies below. Truth be told, we’re just dividing up the monthly video into weekly chunks to make the production less stressful, and to hopefully increase viewership by having shorter and more up to date videos. The weekly videos will still be compiled into a monthly roundup as you can see in the link above. With these new weekly videos, we finally took the plunge and started to post on TikTok as well.


Link to the CLA’s Online Store


Donate to the Canadian Longevity Association to help bring about a future where we don’t die of aging related diseases!


Please also follow, or join us on social media:


Twitter/X (I also have a personal account with more frequent longevity updates)


Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Meetup TikTok


Canadian Longevity Association YouTube Channel - where you can find video talk-throughs of these reviews.


Discord for longevity related chats and the place to have all your longevity related questions answered.


Previous newsletters can be found in the CLA Facebook Group, and also my Patreon account, which includes bonus material for supporters if you want to buy us a coffee.
Finally, we are always looking for more help or volunteers, regardless of your skill set or time availability. If you’d be interested in helping us, please fill out this Volunteer Registration Form.


January 2025 Highlights:


Senescent cells cause all kinds of dysfunction, and up until now, dealing with that dysfunction has involved either trying to remove those cells via senolytics, or stopping their release of inflammatory molecules via senomorphics. In this study, researchers have found a third method, which involves returning senescent cells to their original state, making them fully functional again. Exosomes were used to deliver a certain micro RNA which enabled the SCs to grow and divide again. The normal mice used in this study saw their appearance, physical performance and cognitive function improve. They also lived longer, with their average and maximum lifespans increasing by 15% and 12% respectively.
Exosomal miR-302b rejuvenates aging mice by reversing the proliferative arrest of senescent cells Full Text CLA Video Review


The aging of our stem cells is one of the primary drivers of our overall aging, however not all stem cells age at the same rate. In this study, researchers discovered that there is a small subset of our blood stem cells expressing low levels of the surface marker CD150 which exhibit a more youthful profile. When these stem cells were taken from old mice and given to other old mice, they rejuvenated the blood composition of the mice as well as improving their functional performance and lengthening their lives. Removing cells which produce high levels of CD150 could be a way to provide similar benefits to us.
Reducing functionally defective old HSCs alleviates aging-related phenotypes in old recipient mice Full Text Some Stem Cells Remain Youthful With Age - Lifespan.io Review
CLA Video Review


This is probably the most comprehensive study on lifespan extending molecules in the small roundworm c.elegans. The researchers tested 16 molecules which had previously been documented to increase c.elegans lifespan under a variety of conditions, finding out that those conditions played a pivotal role in whether or not the molecule successfully extended lifespan. They also tested combinations of the most successful molecules, finding out that most combinations did not produce an additive effect. In addition, they did a screen of other potential molecules, discovering five more that could extend c.elegans’ lifespan. This paper provided a cautionary note about trusting single molecule studies and the potential pitfalls of combining substances, especially as many longevity enthusiasts combine multiple supplements.
Comprehensive evaluation of lifespan-extending molecules in C. elegans Full Text
CLA Video Review


Canadian Content Study


Another c.elegans lifespan study coming from the lab of Jeremy Van Raamsdonk out of McGill, this time looking at how disrupting antioxidant defences in various tissues impacts lifespan. Building on their previous work they found that disrupting the production of superoxide dismutase (SOD) , one of our main antioxidants, only in the intestines could have the same life-extending effect as disrupting it throughout the worm's body. This is very basic research, and it will be a while before we know where this leads, but great that research like this is being done in Canada.
Intestine-specific disruption of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase extends longevity Full Text
CLA Video Review
Further Canadian content is indicated by CAN


Supplemental Section


*Cognitive function differs across healthy lifestyle behavior profiles: a 10-year population-based prospective cohort study Full Text
*Effects of multidomain lifestyle intervention on frailty among older men and women – a secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial Full Text


Fasting/Dietary Restriction – certainly the cheapest & also one of the most effective anti-ageing interventions currently available. It comes in many flavours, but I fast for at least 12 hours every day.
*Prolonged nightly fasting in older adults with memory decline: A single-group pilot study exploring changes in cognitive function and cardiometabolic risk factors Full Text***
Intermittent Fasting Enhances Motor Coordination Through Myelin Preservation in Aged Mice Full Text
*The Effects of Time-Restricted Eating on Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Overweight Older Adults: A Pilot Study Full Text


Diet let food be thy medicine…
*Dietary carotenoid intakes and biological aging among US adults, NHANES 1999–2018 Full Text***
*The role of the Mediterranean diet in reducing the risk of cognitive impairement, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease: a meta-analysis Full Text
*Long-Term Intake of Red Meat in Relation to Dementia Risk and Cognitive Function in US Adults
*Coffee drinking timing and mortality in US adults Full Text
*Dietary carbohydrate quality is associated with epigenetic age acceleration: a cross-sectional study of the CARDIA cohort Full Text


Exercise – if you could bottle the benefits of exercise, it would be the biggest blockbuster drug of all time.
*Global consensus on optimal exercise recommendations for enhancing healthy longevity in older adults (ICFSR) Full Text Full Text *Commentary
*Muscle Strength, Fitness Linked to Lower Mortality Risk in Patients With Cancer Abstract***
*Physical Activity and Life Expectancy Free of Cancer: Prospective Evidence From the UK Biobank Study Full Text***


Non-prescription Supplements (in alphabetical order)


Astaxanthin-loaded polylactic acid-glycolic acid nanoparticles alleviates atherosclerosis by suppressing macrophage ferroptosis via the NRF2/SLC7A11/GPX4 pathway Full Text
Astaxanthin Alleviates Lung Injury by Regulating Oxidative Stress, Inflammatory Response, P2X7 Receptor, NF-κB, Bcl-2, and Caspase-3 in LPS-Induced Endotoxemia Full Text


*Does curcumin supplementation affect inflammation, blood count and serum brain-derived neurotropic factor concentration in amateur long-distance runners? Full Text
*Immunomodulatory effects of novel nano micelle based curcumin in rheumatoid arthritis patients: A double blind randomized clinical trial Full Text
Combined effect of exercise and curcumin on inflammation-associated microRNAs and cytokines in old male rats: A promising approach against inflammaging Full Text


Exploring the Molecular Mechanisms of Fisetin in Treating Periodontitis Through Multiomics and Network Pharmacology Full Text


*Effects of Melatonin Supplementation on Muscle Strength, Manual Dexterity, and Postural Balance in Patients Living with Multiple sclerosis - A Randomized Controlled Trial


Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN)
Administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide suppresses the progression of age-related hearing loss in mice
Nicotinamide mononucleotide restores impaired metabolism, endothelial cell proliferation and angiogenesis in old sedentary male mice Full Text


Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)
*Cognitive and Alzheimer's disease biomarker effects of oral nicotinamide riboside (NR) supplementation in older adults with subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment Full Text
*A Pilot Trial of Nicotinamide Riboside and Coenzyme Q10 on Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Chronic Kidney Disease
Nicotinamide riboside supplementation ameliorates ovarian dysfunction in a PCOS mouse model Full Text


*The efficacy of resveratrol supplementation on inflammation and oxidative stress in type-2 diabetes mellitus patients: randomized double-blind placebo meta-analysis Full Text
The Antiaging and Antioxidative Effects of a Combination of Resveratrol and High-Intensity Interval Training on the Frontal Lobe in Aged Rats: The Role of SIRTS 4, SIRTS 5, SOD1, and SOD2 Full Text
Resveratrol enhances post-injury muscle regeneration by regulating antioxidant and mitochondrial biogenesis Full Text


*The Associations of Dietary Polyamines with Incident Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Large Prospective Cohort Study Full Text
*Spermidine Recovers the Autophagy Defects Underlying the Pathophysiology of Cell Trafficking Disorders Full Text


Other available supplements or natural substances (in alphabetical order)
Long-Term Creatine Supplementation Improves Cognitive and Hippocampal Structural Plasticity Impairments in a D-Gal-Induced Aging Model via Increasing CK-BB Activity in the Brain Full Text
*Dietary vitamin D intake and changes in body composition over three years in older adults with metabolic syndrome Full Text
Long-term intake of Tamogi-take mushroom (Pleurotus cornucopiae) mitigates age-related cardiovascular dysfunction and extends healthy life expectancy Full Text***
Ergothioneine improves healthspan of aged animals by enhancing cGPDH activity through CSE-dependent persulfidation Full Text***
The role of vitamin K2 in cognitive impairment: linking vascular health to brain health Full Text
Effects of Korean red ginseng on auditory, cognitive, and liver functions in a naturally aged mouse model Full Text


Combination of rapamycin and adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells enhances therapeutic potential for osteoarthritis Full Text
*Multi-omics characterization of improved cognitive functions in Parkinson’s disease patients after the combined metabolic activator treatment: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase II trial Full Text***
*Dapagliflozin combined with metformin improves blood glucose, bone metabolism and bone mineral density in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with osteoporosis Full Text


Prescription Supplements


Rapamycin (sirolimus)
*The bioavailability and blood levels of low-dose rapamycin for longevity in real-world cohorts of normative aging individuals Full Text


Miscellaneous Molecules & Prescription Drugs
*Use of SGLT2 Inhibitors in Frail Older Adults is Associated with Increased Survival: A Retrospective Study


Other Areas of Interest (in alphabetical order)


Ageing Clocks & other biomarkers of ageing
Why our biological clock ticks: Research reconciles major theories of aging Abstract
estiMAge: development of a DNA methylation clock to estimate the methylation age of single cells Full Text
*Cross-tissue comparison of epigenetic aging clocks in humans Full Text


*Longitudinal serum proteome mapping reveals biomarkers for healthy ageing and related cardiometabolic diseases Full Text
*Mid-life anti-inflammatory metabolites are inversely associated with long-term cardiovascular disease events Full Text


Epigenetics & Cellular Reprogramming
*Methylome analysis in long-lived men deciphers DNA methylation modifications associated with male longevity in humans Full Text


Exosomes (small packets of information released by cells)
Exosome-based targeted delivery of NF-κB ameliorates age-related neuroinflammation in the aged mouse brain Full Text
Mesenchymal stem cells derived exosomes: a new era in cardiac regeneration Full Text


Genetics including CRISPR
*SNP rs6543176 is associated with extreme human longevity but increased risk for cancer
Age-invariant genes: multi-tissue identification and characterization of murine reference genes Full Text


Lifespan Lengthening Interventions
Ginkgolide B increases healthspan and lifespan of female mice
Dietary cinnamon promotes longevity and extends healthspan via mTORC1 and autophagy signaling Full Text
Activation of Nuclear Receptor CAR: A Pathway to Delay Aging through Enhanced Capacity for Xenobiotic Resistance Full Text
L-Theanine Extends the Lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans by Reducing the End Products of Advanced Glycosylation Full Text


*New study reveals how a 'non-industrialized' style diet can reduce risk of chronic disease Full Text CAN
Maintaining Muscle by Restoring Gut Bacteria Full Text
Probiotics Slow Down Alzheimer’s Disease in Mice Full Text
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation from Young-Trained Donors Improves Cognitive Function in Old Mice Through Modulation of the Gut-Brain Axis Full Text


Observational Studies
*Antibiotics, vaccinations and anti-inflammatory medication linked to reduced risk of dementia Full Text
*Peaceful dying among Canada’s elderly: An analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Full Text CAN
*Evaluating vitamin C-related gene-environment and metabolite-environment interaction effects on intraocular pressure in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Full Text CAN
*Marital and living status and biological ageing trajectories: a longitudinal cohort study with a 20-year follow-up Full Text


Estimating the Effect of Adhering to the Recommendations of the 2019 Canada’s Food Guide on Health Outcomes in Older Adults: Protocol for a Target Trial Emulation Full Text CAN
Use of lecanemab and donanemab in the Canadian healthcare system: Evidence, challenges, and areas for future research Full Text CAN
Mikhail ‘Misha’ Blagosklonny’s enduring legacy in geroscience: the hyperfunction theory and the therapeutic potential of rapamycin Full Text
Aging and Cancer—Inextricably Linked Across the Lifespan Full Text
The Genetic and Epigenetic Arms of Human Ageing and Longevity Full Text


Other Ageing Biology
Delivery of FGF18 using mRNA-LNP protects the cartilage against degeneration via alleviating chondrocyte senescence Full Text
NAD World 3.0: the importance of the NMN transporter and eNAMPT in mammalian aging and longevity control Full Text


Regenerative Medicine
Tenascin-C promotes bone regeneration via inflammatory macrophages Full Text


Reproductive Health
How the Yamanaka Factors Affect Female Reproduction in Rats
Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c-My (OSKM) gene therapy in the hypothalamus prolongs fertility and ovulation in female rats Full Text***
*Hormone replacement therapy, menopausal age and lifestyle variables are associated with better cognitive performance at follow-up but not cognition over time in older-adult women irrespective of APOE4 carrier status and co-morbidities Full Text


From molecular to physical function: The aging trajectory Full Text CAN
High-Intensity and/or High-Volume Exercise Training: Double-Edged Sword Effects of Vigorous Physical Activity in Elderly People and/or in Middle-Age Cancer-Therapy-Treated Patients Full Text CAN
Deep learning and generative artificial intelligence in aging research and healthy longevity medicine Full Text


Senolytics/Senescent Cells
Dasatinib and Quercetin Limit Gingival Senescence, Inflammation, and Bone Loss Full Text
The senolytic cocktail, dasatinib and quercetin, impacts the chromatin structure of both young and senescent vascular smooth muscle cells Full Text
Transcriptomic signatures and network-based methods uncover new senescent cell anti-apoptotic pathways and senolytics Full Text
AP2A1 modulates cell states between senescence and rejuvenation Full Text


Skin & Beauty
*Exosomes for Aesthetic Dermatology: A Comprehensive Literature Review and Update Full Text
*Biotechnological Phytocomplex of Zanthoxylum piperitum (L.) DC. Enhances Collagen Biosynthesis In Vitro and Improves Skin Elasticity In Vivo Full Text
Protective Effect of Conditioned Medium of Immortalized Human Stem Cells from Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth Against Hair Graying Caused by X-Ray Irradiation via Its Antioxidative Activity Full Text
The Effect of Local Hyaluronic Acid Injection on Skin Aging: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Full Text


Stem Cells
Innovative treatment of age-related hearing loss using MSCs and EVs with Apelin Full Text***


*Effect of Physical Exercise on Telomere Length: Umbrella Review and Meta-Analysis Full Text
*Diet, lifestyle and telomere length: using Copula Graphical Models on NHANES data Full Text


Odds & Sods
Life expectancy of cats in Britain: moggies and mollies live longer Full Text***
Tree shrew as a new animal model for musculoskeletal disorders and aging Full Text
***Disclaimer 1 – I am NOT a doctor or indeed a scientist. All the information pertained within is for information purposes only; use at your own risk. Please consult with a healthcare practitioner if you need medical advice.***


**Disclaimer 2 In no way should supplements be a replacement for an unhealthy diet or lifestyle. A varied, plant dominant dietary pattern is the cornerstone for health. Try to eat the rainbow – the greater the variety, the greater the benefit. Even though I might take a supplement derived from a plant source, I still eat the plant in question. Also, make sure you move as much as possible – that is what we evolved to do.**


*Also bear in mind that most of the studies mentioned above are in rodents, not humans. Rodents, needless to say, do not always react the same way to drugs as humans do – witness the countless times cancer or another disease has been cured in rodents only to subsequently fail human trials. I have *starred any human trials.*

Chris Linnell's Longevity Review Newsletter - December 2024 Longevity Review 27 January 2025 - 10:11 PM

Hello and welcome to the final longevity review of 2024. This month we will take a look at gene therapy to increase telomere length; freeing the immune system to remove senescent cells; using probiotics to help with sarcopenia; and, in the Canadian content study, employing extracellular vesicles to deliver drugs to the brain to combat neuroinflammation.


In the Supplemental Section, you’ll find in Lifestyle how exercise and sleep improve memory the next day; in Diet, how moderate wine consumption can lower CVD risk, and how a well-balanced vegan diet can stimulate protein production as much as an omnivorous diet; in Exercise, a systematic review on HIIT and cognition; in Curcumin, a systematic review of its effects on exercise; in Miscellaneous Molecules, a systematic review of anti-diabetic medication’s anti-dementia benefits; in Novel Molecules, another AI generated drug; in Blood Factors, umbilical cord blood infusions helped with AML; in Exosomes, a review of their application in aging related diseases; in Genetics, gene therapy for hearing loss; in Observational, how intrinsic capacity in old age is greater in later born birth cohorts; in Other, RANKL treatment can restore the thymus; in Reproduction, berberine promotes aged fertility; in Senolytics, ABT-263 for aged skiing and wound healing; and, in Stem Cells, a review of their effectiveness for osteoarthritis.
(To make these suggestions easier to find, I’ve marked them with ***)



Canadian Longevity Association News


If you haven’t heard already, the CLA has opened up its own online store where you can buy CLA branded merchandise - all proceeds of course going to the CLA to further our activities.


We also have big plans for 2025, which will be revealed in due course - so watch this space!


Link to the CLA’s Online Store



Donate to the Canadian Longevity Association to help bring about a future where we don’t die of aging related diseases!


Please also follow, or join us on social media:


Twitter/X (I also have a personal account with more frequent longevity updates)


Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Meetup


Canadian Longevity Association YouTube Channel - where you can find video talk-throughs of these reviews.


Discord for longevity related chats and the place to have all your longevity related questions answered.


Previous newsletters can be found in the CLA Facebook Group, and also my Patreon account, which includes bonus material for supporters if you want to buy us a coffee.
Finally, we are always looking for more help or volunteers, regardless of your skill set or time availability. If you’d be interested in helping us, please fill out this Volunteer Registration Form.


December 2024 Highlights:


In this study, the potential of using gene therapy to extend telomere length was examined. Telomeres shorten with age and previous studies have shown that lengthening them can improve lifespan and other health benefits. Although the type of gene therapy used couldn’t be used in humans, the results nonetheless impressive, with one group of mice having an almost 50% increase in lifespan, which is the largest increase in mouse lifespan that I have seen. In addition, they showed great regenerative potential with improved skin wound healing and recovery from induced colitis.
Telomerase reverse transcriptase gene knock-in unleashes enhanced longevity and accelerated damage repair in mice Full Text


Senolytics (the removal of senescent, or zombie cells) have been in development for some time and have mainly focused on killing the cells directly by using molecules to have them commit suicide or engineering CAR-T cells to remove them. However, the immune system should be clearing senescent cells on its own, and that is what the researchers here have developed, by targeting a molecule (ganglioside GD3) on the surface of senescent cells which was hiding them from the immune system. Once removed, natural killer cells homed in on them and removed them. This could be a more selective and natural way of removing senescent cells.
A ganglioside-based immune checkpoint enables senescent cells to evade immunosurveillance during aging Full Text


In this study in both mice and sarcopenic humans (sarcopenia is the debilitating loss of muscle function with age), a probiotic containing a strain of Bifidobacterium animalis was able to improve muscle function and physical performance. It also changed the gut microbiota and their metabolites in a beneficial direction, and raised levels of creatine, which is important for muscles. It should be noted that there was no placebo control in the human study, but if larger placebo controlled studies are successfully carried out, then this could be an inexpensive way to alleviate sarcopenia.
*Bifidobacterium animalis Probio-M8 improves sarcopenia physical performance by mitigating creatine restrictions imposed by microbial metabolites Full Text


Canadian Content Study


I was pleasantly surprised to see this study, as it marks the first time that I have seen work coming from Canada on extracellular vesicles(EVs). The researchers, led by Charles Ramassamy and first author Rummenigge Oliveira Silva from the Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre, used EVs from human plasma and fat cells to cross the blood brain barrier to deliver donepezil, a drug used in Alzheimer’s which is also anti-inflammatory, to zebrafish larvae. This resulted in not only reduced inflammation but also increased movement when challenged with an inflammatory molecule. EVs show great potential for longevity, and I hope to see this work continued in Canada.
Exploring the potential of plasma and adipose mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles as novel platforms for neuroinflammation therapy Full Text CAN


Not a study, but a review of the accomplishments of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA), which has been running since 2014 and involves teams across Canada co-ordinating together to tackle dementia. This has resulted in the creation of a national dementia program, CAN-THUMBS UP. “CCNA is evidence that an organized “centrally-organized” approach to dementia research can catalyze important progress nationally and yield significant and measurable results.”


We need to set up something similar devoted to longevity and aging in general - the CLA will make that happen!


Impact of a national dementia research consortium: The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) Full Text CAN


Further Canadian content is indicated by CAN


Supplemental Section


*Tissue-specific methylomic responses to a lifestyle intervention in older adults associate with metabolic and physiological health improvements Full Text
*Associations of accelerometer-measured physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep with next-day cognitive performance in older adults: a micro-longitudinal study Full Text***
*Effectiveness and feasibility of a theory-informed intervention to improve Mediterranean diet adherence, physical activity and cognition in older adults at risk of dementia: the MedEx-UK randomised controlled trial Full Text


Fasting/Dietary Restriction
*Effect of Three Different Daily Protein Intakes in a Two-Meal Eating Pattern on Protein Turnover in Middle Age and Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial
*Multi-omic analysis of biological aging biomarkers in long-term calorie restriction and endurance exercise practitioners: A cross-sectional study Full Text
*The effect of Ramadan intermittent fasting on anthropometric, hormonal, metabolic, inflammatory, and oxidative stress markers in pre-and post-menopausal women: a prospective cohort of Saudi women Full Text


*Cardiovascular Protection Tracks With Wine Intake, Now Provable With Urinary Marker Full Text***
*A well-balanced vegan diet does not compromise daily mixed muscle protein synthesis rates when compared to an omnivorous diet in active older adults: a randomized controlled cross-over trial Full Text***
*Slower Pace of Epigenetic Aging and Lower Inflammatory Indicators in Females Following a Nutrient-Dense, Plant-Rich Diet Than Those in Females Following the Standard American Diet Full Text


*The effects of high-intensity interval training on cognitive performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis Full Text***
*Exercise training alters resting brain-derived neurotrophic factor concentration in older adults: A systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials Full Text
*Long-term impact of adherence to muscle-strengthening guidelines on inflammation markers: a 17-year follow-up study with obesity parameters as mediators Full Text


Non-prescription Supplements (in alphabetical order)


Delivery systems for astaxanthin: A review on approaches for in situ dosage in the treatment of inflammation associated diseases Full Text
Biological activities of astaxanthin in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
Oral administration of astaxanthin mitigates chronological skin aging in mice


*Evaluation of curcumin intake in reducing exercise-induced muscle damage in athletes: a systematic review Full Text***
Efficacy and mechanisms of curcumin in the treatment of osteoarthritis: A scoping review Full Text
The Dynamic Role of Curcumin in Mitigating Human Illnesses: Recent Advances in Therapeutic Applications Full Text


Fisetin as a Blueprint for Senotherapeutic Agents — Elucidating Geroprotective and Senolytic Properties with Molecular Modeling Full Text


*12-week melatonin intake attenuates cardiac autonomic dysfunction and oxidative stress in multiple sclerosis patients: a randomized controlled trial
The potential therapeutic role of melatonin in organ fibrosis: a comprehensive review Full Text
Protective Effects of Exogenous Melatonin Administration on White Fat Metabolism Disruption Induced by Aging and a High-Fat Diet in Mice Full Text


Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN)
Rejuvenating aged osteoprogenitors for bone repair Full Text


Resveratrol alleviates heart failure by activating foxo3a to counteract oxidative stress and apoptosis Full Text
Resveratrol and Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Protective Agents Against Age-Related Disease Full Text


*The Association of Dietary Polyamines with Mortality and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Prospective Study in UK Biobank Full Text
Spermidine Enhances Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Young and Aged Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neurons Full Text
Spermidine alleviates thymopoiesis defects and aging of the peripheral T-cell population in mice after radiation exposure Full Text


Other available supplements or natural substances (in alphabetical order)
*Beta-Alanine for Improving Exercise Capacity, Muscle Strength, and Functional Performance of Older Adults: A Systematic Review
*The impact of creatine levels on musculoskeletal health in the elderly: a mendelian randomization analysis Full Text
*The power of creatine plus resistance training for healthy aging: enhancing physical vitality and cognitive function Full Text
*The Association Between Dietary Magnesium Intake and Frailty in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Full Text
The Neuroprotective Effect of Rooibos Herbal Tea Against Alzheimer's Disease: A Review Full Text
*The effects of whey protein supplementation on indices of cardiometabolic health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Full Text


*Comparative Efficacy of Glucosamine-Based Combination Therapies in Alleviating Knee Osteoarthritis Pain: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis Full Text
Co-administration of coenzyme Q10 and curcumin mitigates cognitive deficits and exerts neuroprotective effects in aluminum chloride-induced Alzheimer's disease in aged mice Full Text


Prescription Supplements


*Metformin Treatment With or Without Mediterranean Diet for the Prevention of Age-Related Diseases in People With Metabolic Syndrome: The MeMeMe Randomized Trial Full Text
A Systematic Review on Clinical Evidence for Topical Metformin: Old Medication With New Application Full Text
Metformin in Antiviral Therapy: Evidence and Perspectives Full Text


Rapamycin (sirolimus)
Rapamycin administration causes a decrease in muscle contractile function and systemic glucose intolerance concomitant with reduced skeletal muscle Rictor, the mTORC2 component, expression independent of energy intake in young rats Full Text


Miscellaneous Molecules & Prescription Drugs
*Anti-diabetic agents and the risks of dementia in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials Full Text***
Losartan attenuates sex-dependent hypertension, neuroinflammation, and cognitive impairment in the aging male sprague–dawley rat Full Text
Spotlight on the Mechanism of Action of Semaglutide Full Text


Novel Molecules
Intestinal mucosal barrier repair and immune regulation with an AI-developed gut-restricted PHD inhibitor Full Text*** CAN
The metabolically resistant apelin-17 analog LIT01-196 reduces cardiac dysfunction and remodeling in heart failure after myocardial infarction Full Text
*Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Relationship of NX210c Peptide in Healthy Elderly Volunteers: Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Multiple Ascending Dose Study Full Text


Other Areas of Interest (in alphabetical order)


Ageing Clocks & other biomarkers of ageing
*Metabolomic age (MileAge) predicts health and life span: A comparison of multiple machine learning algorithms Full Text
Critical review of aging clocks and factors that may influence the pace of aging Full Text
The Immunosenescence Clock: A New Method for Evaluating Biological Age and Predicting Mortality Risk Full Text


An expert consensus statement on biomarkers of ageing for use in intervention studies Full Text
*Phenotypic upregulation of hexocylceramides and ether-linked phosphocholines as markers of human extreme longevity Full Text
*Biomarkers of cellular senescence and major health outcomes in older adults Full Text


Blood Factors or other Heterochronic Transplantation
The dominance of old blood, and age-related increase in protein production and noise Full Text
*A phase 2 pilot study of umbilical cord blood infusion as an adjuvant consolidation therapy in elderly patients with acute myeloid leukemia Full Text***


Exosomes (small packets of information released by cells)
*Plasma extracellular vesicles carry immune system-related peptides that predict human longevity Full Text
Comparative Analysis of the Therapeutic Potential of Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Aged and Young Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Osteoarthritis Pathogenesis Full Text
Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes: A Promising Therapeutic Strategy for Age-Related Diseases Full Text***


Genetics including CRISPR
A Potential Gene Therapy for Hearing Loss Full Text***
Cardiac bridging integrator 1 gene therapy rescues chronic non-ischemic heart failure in minipigs Full Text
*Lack of association between common polymorphisms associated with successful aging and longevity in the population of Sardinian Blue Zone Full Text


Lifespan Lengthening Interventions
Lithocholic acid phenocopies anti-ageing effects of calorie restriction Full Text
Lifelong Glutathione Deficiency in Mice Increased Lifespan and Delayed Age-Related Motor Declines Full Text
Hesperetin Increases Lifespan and Antioxidant Ability Correlating with IIS, HSP, mtUPR, and JNK Pathways of Chronic Oxidative Stress in Caenorhabditis elegans Full Text


*Diet-gut microbiome interaction and its impact on host blood glucose homeostasis: a series of nutritional n-of-1 trials Full Text
*Impact of daily avocado consumption on gut microbiota in adults with abdominal obesity: an ancillary study of HAT, a randomized controlled trial Full Text
Gut microbiota metabolism of branched-chain amino acids and their metabolites can improve the physiological function of aging mice Full Text


Observational Studies
*Dementia Incidence in Quebec Over 20 Years Full Text CAN
*New Disability in a Cohort Study of Older Men—The Manitoba Follow-Up Study Full Text CAN
*Adverse changes in close social ties in aging women and men: A population-based longitudinal study of the CLSA (2011–2021) Full Text CAN
*Impact of Age on Rheumatic Immune-related Adverse Events: Experience from the Canadian Research Group of Rheumatology in Immuno-Oncology (CanRIO) CAN
*A standard procedure for constructing a multi-level social vulnerability index using CLSA and SOS data as working examples Full Text CAN
*Association of urban green and blue space with accelerated ageing: A cohort Study in the UK Biobank Full Text
*Cohort trends in intrinsic capacity in England and China Full Text


Canadian Clinical Guidelines on Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults Full Text CAN
*Determinants of First Practice Location among Canadian Geriatric Medicine Trainees and Recent Graduates: Findings of a Cross-sectional Survey in 2023 Full Text CAN
Validation requirements for AI-based intervention-evaluation in aging and longevity research and practice Full Text
Disagreement on foundational principles of biological aging Full Text
On the causal connection in lifespan correlations and the possible existence of a ‘number of life’ at molecular level Full Text


Other Ageing Biology
Predicting the pro-longevity or anti-longevity effect of model organism genes with enhanced Gaussian noise augmentation-based contrastive learning on protein–protein interaction networks Full Text
Effects of Aging on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Mice Full Text
RANKL treatment restores thymic function and improves T cell–mediated immune responses in aged mice***


Reproductive Health
Berberine promotes primordial follicle activation and increases ovulated oocyte quantity in aged mice Full Text***
Dietary supplementation with lycopene improves semen quality and antioxidant status in breeder roosters Full Text
Canagliflozin treatment prevents follicular exhaustion and attenuates hallmarks of ovarian aging in genetically heterogenous mice


Chaperone-mediated autophagy as a modulator of aging and longevity Full Text
Epigenetic modifications and emerging therapeutic targets in cardiovascular aging and diseases Full Text
Centenarians—the way to healthy vascular ageing and longevity: a review Full Text


Senolytics/Senescent Cells
Topical ABT-263 treatment reduces aged skin senescence and improves subsequent wound healing Full Text***
Precision Targeting of Senescent Cells Full Text
Senolysis by GLS1 Inhibition Ameliorates Kidney Aging by Inducing Excessive mPTP Opening through MFN1 Full Text
Generation of a selective senolytic platform using a micelle-encapsulated Sudan Black B conjugated analog Full Text


Skin & Beauty
*Efficacy and Safety of Topical Application of Plant-Based Products on Skin Aging in Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Full Text
*Effects of Retinol, Natural Pea Peptide and Antioxidant Blend in a Topical Formulation: In Vitro and Clinical Evidence Full Text
*Phytoestrogens as Natural Anti-Aging Solutions for Enhanced Collagen Synthesis in Skin Full Text
*Silybum marianum Extract: A Highly Effective Natural Alternative to Retinoids to Prevent Skin Aging Without Side Effects Full Text


Stem Cells
*Safety and efficacy of autologous adipose-derived stem cells for knee osteoarthritis in the elderly population: A systematic review Full Text***
iPSC-derived mesenchymal stromal cells stimulate neovascularization less than their primary counterparts Full Text


Oral intake of degalactosylated whey protein increases peripheral blood telomere length in young and aged mice Full Text
*DNA methylation-based telomere length is more strongly associated with cardiovascular disease and long-term mortality than quantitative polymerase chain reaction-based telomere length: evidence from the NHANES 1999–2002 Full Text
The relationship between mitochondrial health, telomerase activity and longitudinal telomere attrition, considering the role of chronic stress Full Text


Odds & Sods
Hydra has mammal-like mutation rates facilitating fast adaptation despite its nonaging phenotype Full Text
Hallmarks of aging: A user’s guide for comparative biologists Full Text
Extreme longevity may be the rule not the exception in Balaenid whales Full Text
***Disclaimer 1 – I am NOT a doctor or indeed a scientist. All the information pertained within is for information purposes only; use at your own risk. Please consult with a healthcare practitioner if you need medical advice.***


**Disclaimer 2 In no way should supplements be a replacement for an unhealthy diet or lifestyle. A varied, plant dominant dietary pattern is the cornerstone for health. Try to eat the rainbow – the greater the variety, the greater the benefit. Even though I might take a supplement derived from a plant source, I still eat the plant in question. Also, make sure you move as much as possible – that is what we evolved to do.**


*Also bear in mind that most of the studies mentioned above are in rodents, not humans. Rodents, needless to say, do not always react the same way to drugs as humans do – witness the countless times cancer or another disease has been cured in rodents only to subsequently fail human trials. I have *starred any human trials.*

Chris Linnell's Longevity Review Newsletter - November 2024 Longevity Review 27 December 2024 - 10:59 PM

As we get closer to the holiday season, this review returns to its monthly format after a brief foray into a bi-monthly issue. Now that I have caught up with these reviews, we will take a look at how 16:8 time restricted eating in healthy, normal weight individuals can still reduce weight and fat mass, as well as improve the immune system and make their gut microbiome younger; how ergothioneine could improve cognition in older individuals with mild cognitive impairment; and for the first time, two Canadian Content Studies, the first of which looks at how senolytics could help with multiple sclerosis, while the second investigates how pterostilbene targets the hallmarks of aging.


In the Supplemental Section, you’ll find in Diet, how the purple colour of fruits and vegetables reduces mortality; in Exercise, how a home exercise program can prevent falls; in Combinations, how resveratrol and vitamin C reduce oxidative stress in women; in Exosomes, how extracellular vesicles could combat Alzheimer’s and arthritis; in Reproductive Health, how stem cells extended the reproductive life of monkeys; and, in Stem Cells, how vision was restored through their use. And, of course, much more!


(To make these suggestions easier to find, I’ve marked them with ***)



Canadian Longevity Association News


If you missed last month’s news, we’ve opened up an online store where you’ll be able to buy CLA branded merchandise! All proceeds go directly to the CLA to help fund our activities to bring healthy longevity to all Canadians.


Link to the CLA’s Online Store



Donate to the Canadian Longevity Association to help bring about a future where we don’t die of aging related diseases!


Please also follow, or join us on social media:


Twitter/X (I also have a personal account with more frequent longevity updates)


Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Meetup


Canadian Longevity Association YouTube Channel - where you can find video talk-throughs of these reviews.


Discord for longevity related chats and the place to have all your longevity related questions answered.


Previous newsletters can be found in the CLA Facebook Group, and also my Patreon account, which includes bonus material for supporters if you want to buy us a coffee.
Finally, we are always looking for more help or volunteers, regardless of your skill set or time availability. If you’d be interested in helping us, please fill out this Volunteer Registration Form.


November 2024 Highlights:


In this study of intermittent fasting, participants undertook a 16:8 Time Restricted Eating regimen over 30 days. Over that time, despite not reducing their caloric intake, the participants lost weight and fat mass, their senescent immune cells decreased, and their gut microbiome had a more youthful profile.
*Time-restricted eating reveals a “younger” immune system and reshapes the intestinal microbiome in humans Full Text


In this small year-long study in older adults with mild cognitive impairment, 25 mg of ergothioneine (the main active ingredient in mushrooms) three times a week, saw improvements in learning ability and memory, though other cognitive tests did not improve. A common marker for neurodegeneration and damage, neurofilament light chain (which is also elevated in traumatic brain injuries), remained stable while it increased substantially in the placebo group
*Investigating the efficacy of ergothioneine to delay cognitive decline in mild cognitively impaired subjects: A pilot study Full Text


Canadian Content Studies


I was delighted to find this study, as it is the first Canadian senolytic study that I am aware of. Researchers from McGill University looked at how a senolytic, Navitoclax, can impact a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. After first confirming that senescent microglia (a type of immune cell in the brain) play a role in disease progression, they then went about removing those cells. The results were that compared to the control, the treated mice had decreased disease severity, improved sight and neuronal survival, reduced demyelination and inflammation.
Senolytic treatment diminishes microglia and decreases severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Full Text CAN


In this study, researchers from the University of British Columbia, looked at how pterostilbene (found in blueberries and closely related to resveratrol) targets the hallmarks of aging via the up and down regulation of related genes. Several hallmarks were positively affected, with decreases in inflammatory immune responses having the biggest number of changed genes. “Pterostilbene target genes are enriched with functions that are tightly connected to slowing down aging and potentially increasing lifespan.”
Pterostilbene Targets Hallmarks of Aging in the Gene Expression Landscape in Blood of Healthy Rats Full Text CAN


Further Canadian content is indicated by CAN


Supplemental Section


*The effect of multidomain lifestyle intervention on health care service use and costs - secondary analyses from the Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER): a randomised controlled trial Full Text
*Lifestyle factors and incident multimorbidity related to chronic disease: a population-based cohort study Full Text


Fasting/Dietary Restriction – certainly the cheapest & also one of the most effective anti-ageing interventions currently available. It comes in many flavours, but I fast for at least 12 hours every day.
Ramadan fasting model modulates biomarkers of longevity and metabolism in male obese and non-obese rats Full Text
Energy metabolism dysregulation, cerebrovascular aging, and time-restricted eating: Current evidence and proof-of-concept findings Full Text


Dietlet food be thy medicine…
*Association of dietary anthocyanidins intake with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular diseases mortality in USA adults: a prospective cohort study Full Text***
Impact of Coffee Intake on Human Aging: Epidemiology and Cellular Mechanisms Full Text
*Nut consumption and disability-free survival in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study Full Text


Exercise – if you could bottle the benefits of exercise, it would be the biggest blockbuster drug of all time.
*Acute exercise boosts NAD+ metabolism of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells Full Text
*High-intensity interval exercise is more efficient than medium intensity exercise at inducing neurogenesis Full Text
*Association of cognitive performance with overall, dosage, intensity, and domain physical activity in aging: NHANES 2011–2014 Full Text
*Effect of a home-based exercise program on subsequent falls among community-dwelling older adults with cognitive frailty: A sub-group analysis of a randomized controlled trial Full Text*** CAN


Non-prescription Supplements (in alphabetical order)
NOTE - the supplements selected below are not exhaustive. They reflect what I thought were the most interesting ones back in 2019, with only a few updates since. I do individual searches for each and simply do not have time to do all others. Additionally, I’ve noticed how a lot of natural supplements affect the same genetic pathways, so I think that there is a lot of overlap and redundancy.


Astaxanthin – which is behind the pink colour of salmon & shrimp. Considered the most powerful carotenoid, it has anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuro-protective and skin-protective qualities.
*Impact of astaxanthin supplementation on markers of cardiometabolic health and tactical performance among firefighters Full Text
The effect of long term astaxanthin supplementation on the antioxidant status of racing Arabian horses – preliminary study Full Text


Curcumin – the spice which gives curries their yellow colour. Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Needs to be taken with black pepper (piperine) to improve bioavailability.
*Safety and efficacy of curcumin in the treatment of ulcerative colitis: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Full Text
*Impact of exercise intervention with or without curcumin supplementation on body fat composition, glucose, and lipid metabolism in obese adults: A meta-analysis


Nanoformulated fisetin ameliorates Alzheimer's disease via reducing proinflammatory cytokines and activating the NRF2/HO-1 pathway


Therapeutic effects of melatonin on the lungs of rats exposed to passive smoking Full Text
Melatonin ameliorates age-related sarcopenia by inhibiting fibrogenic conversion of satellite cell Full Text


Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN)
Nicotinamide mononucleotide protects STAT1 from oxidative stress-induced degradation to prevent colorectal tumorigenesis Full Text
*Effects of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials Full Text
Nicotinamide mononucleotide improves the ovarian reserve of POI by inhibiting NLRP3-mediated pyroptosis of ovarian granulosa cells Full Text


Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)
*Effect of nicotinamide riboside on airway inflammation in COPD: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial Full Text
Nicotinamide Riboside Ameliorates Fructose-Induced Lipid Metabolism Disorders in Mice by Activating Browning of WAT, and May Be Also Related to the Regulation of Gut Microbiota Full Text


*Effects of resveratrol supplementation on inflammatory markers, fatigue scale, fasting blood sugar and lipid profile in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients: a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial
The Cognitive Restoration Effects of Resveratrol: Insight Molecular through Behavioral Studies in Various Cognitive Impairment Models Full Text
Preclinical evidence and possible mechanisms of cardioprotective effects of resveratrol in diabetic cardiomyopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis Full Text


Other available supplements or natural substances (in alphabetical order)
Cannabidiol, a Strategy in Aging to Improve Redox State and Immunity in Male Rats Full Text
*Carnosine Supplementation Has No Effect on Inflammatory Markers in Adults with Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomised Controlled Trial Full Text
The Impact of Vitamin E Supplementation on Oxidative Stress, Cognitive Functions, and Aging-Related Gene Expression in Aged Mice Full Text
*Higher Magnesium Intake Is Associated With a Lower Risk of Frailty in Older Adults
High Blood Pressure and Impaired Brain Health: Investigating the Neuroprotective Potential of Magnesium Full Text
Anti-aging natural supplements: the main players in promoting healthy lifespan Full Text


Sex Differences in Response to Diet Enriched with Glutathione Precursors in the Aging Heart Full Text GlyNAC
*The Administration of Resveratrol and Vitamin C Reduces Oxidative Stress in Postmenopausal Women—A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial Full Text***
*Interaction between green tea and metformin and its effects on oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight women: a randomised clinical trial Full Text
*Human Supplementation with AM3, Spermidine, and Hesperidin Enhances Immune Function, Decreases Biological Age, and Improves Oxidative–Inflammatory State: A Randomized Controlled Trial Full Text
*Metformin plus lifestyle interventions versus lifestyle interventions alone for the delay or prevention of type 2 diabetes in individuals with prediabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Full Text


Prescription Supplements


Metformin: decelerates biomarkers of aging clocks Full Text
Metformin restores autophagic flux and mitochondrial function in late passage myoblast to impede age-related muscle loss Full Text
Metformin effectively alleviates the symptoms of Alzheimer in rats by lowering amyloid β deposition and enhancing the insulin signal Full Text


Miscellaneous Molecules & Prescription Drugs
*The effects of Dapagliflozin in a real-world population of HFrEF patients with different hemodynamic profiles: worse is better Full Text
*Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors Improve Body Composition by Increasing the Skeletal Muscle Mass/Fat Mass Ratio in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A 52-Week Prospective Real-Life Study Full Text with Metformin
GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors: new anti-aging tools? Full Text


Novel Molecules
Healthy longevity-associated protein improves cardiac function in murine models of cardiomyopathy with preserved ejection fraction Full Text
Lysophosphatidylethanolamine improves diastolic dysfunction by alleviating mitochondrial injury in the aging heart Full Text


Other Areas of Interest (in alphabetical order)


Ageing Clocks & other biomarkers of ageing
*Metabolite signatures of chronological age, aging, survival, and longevity Full Text
*Trends of genetic contributions on epigenetic clocks and related methylation sites with aging: A population-based adult twin study Full Text
*Estimation of physiological aging based on routine clinical biomarkers: a prospective cohort study in elderly Chinese and the UK Biobank Full Text


Exosomes (small packets of information released by cells)
Intranasal Spray Alleviates Early Alzheimer’s in Mice Full Text***
Finding Cells That Send Signals Against Arthritis Full Text***


Epigenetics & Cellular Reprogramming
Study of Direct Reprogramming Challenges Consensus Full Text CAN


Genetics including CRISPR
*FOXO3 Longevity Genotype Mitigates Risk Posed by Hypertension on Incident Coronary Artery Disease in Middle-aged Men: Kuakini Honolulu Heart Program Full Text
*Genetic variants associated with longevity in long-living Indians Full Text


Lifespan Lengthening Interventions
A small-molecule screen identifies novel aging modulators by targeting 5-HT/DA signaling pathway Full Text
The soil Mycobacterium sp. promotes health and longevity through different bacteria-derived molecules in Caenorhabditis elegans Full Text
Endogenous chondroitin extends lifespan by inhibiting VHA-7-mediated tubular lysosome formation Full Text


Mendelian randomization analyses support causal relationships between gut microbiome and longevity Full Text
Alleviating D-Galactose-Induced Aging in Mice by Modulating Gut-Liver Axis Using Lactiplantibacillus plantarum TY-Y10 Full Text
Gut microbiota and epigenetic age acceleration: a bi-directional Mendelian randomization study Full Text
2′-Fucosyllactose ameliorates aging-related osteoporosis by restoring gut microbial and innate immune homeostasis Full Text
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation, a tool to transfer healthy longevity Full Text


Observational Studies
*Slowed epigenetic aging in Olympic champions compared to non-champions Full Text
*The association between sleep duration trajectories and successful aging: a population-based cohort study Full Text
*Factors associated with high nutrition risk by 10-year age group: Data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Full Text CAN
*Sociodemographic determinants of mobility decline among community-dwelling older adults: findings from the Canadian longitudinal study on ageing Full Text CAN


*Attitudes towards geroprotection: measuring willingness, from lifestyle changes to drug use Full Text
A scenario for an evolutionary selection of ageing Full Text
Digital Doppelgängers and Lifespan Extension: What Matters? Full Text
The Epistemic Policies of Anti-Ageing Medicines in the European Union Full Text
Promoting the Concept Healthy Ageing for Use in Gerontological Health and Social Care Policy and Practice Full Text


Other Ageing Biology
Negative effects of lifespan extending intervention on resilience in mice Full Text
Elevated glucose levels increase vascular calcification risk by disrupting extracellular pyrophosphate metabolism Full Text
Isolating the direct effects of growth hormone on lifespan and metabolism in mice Full Text


Reproductive Health
Stem cell transplantation extends the reproductive life span of naturally aging cynomolgus monkeys Full Text***
*The role of anti-aging approaches in managing hypogonadism in sedentary older males Full Text
Building an Atlas of Human Ovarian Aging Full Text


*The effect of altered sleep timing on glycaemic outcomes: Systematic review of human intervention studies Full Text CAN
The Quest for Eternal Youth: Hallmarks of Aging and Rejuvenating Therapeutic Strategies Full Text
The mitochondrial integrated stress response: A novel approach to anti-aging and pro-longevity Full Text


Senolytics/Senescent Cells
Restoration of hair follicle inductive properties by depletion of senescent cells Full Text


Skin & Beauty
*TFC-1326 Compound Reduces Clinical Signs of Skin Aging. Evidence From In Vitro Human Adipose and Skin Models and Pilot Clinical Trial Full Text
*The Role of Cacao Powder in Enhancing Skin Moisture and Reducing Wrinkles: A 12-Week Clinical Trial and In Vitro Study Full Text
Comparing the Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma Alone Versus Combined With Microneedles or Radiofrequency for Neck Wrinkle Treatment Full Text


Stem Cells
*World-first stem-cell treatment restores vision in people Full Text***
Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived microglia integrate into mouse retina and recapitulate features of endogenous microglia Full Text
*Clinical outcomes of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell combined with high tibial osteotomy for knee osteoarthritis are correlated with stem cell stemness and senescence Full Text


Influence of diet and exercise on leukocyte telomere length, markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in rats Full Text


Odds & Sods
Predation affects the evolution of sex-specific longevity Full Text
*Cannabis Use and Age-Related Changes in Cognitive Function From Early Adulthood to Late Midlife in 5162 Danish Men Full Text
Convergent evolution associated with the loss of developmental diapause may promote extended lifespan in bees Full Text
Oxidative Stress in an African Ground Squirrel, a Case of Healthy Aging and Reproduction Full Text
***Disclaimer 1 – I am NOT a doctor or indeed a scientist. All the information pertained within is for information purposes only; use at your own risk. Please consult with a healthcare practitioner if you need medical advice.***


**Disclaimer 2 In no way should supplements be a replacement for an unhealthy diet or lifestyle. A varied, plant dominant dietary pattern is the cornerstone for health. Try to eat the rainbow – the greater the variety, the greater the benefit. Even though I might take a supplement derived from a plant source, I still eat the plant in question. Also, make sure you move as much as possible – that is what we evolved to do.**


*Also bear in mind that most of the studies mentioned above are in rodents, not humans. Rodents, needless to say, do not always react the same way to drugs as humans do – witness the countless times cancer or another disease has been cured in rodents only to subsequently fail human trials. I have *starred any human trials.*

Chris Linnell's Longevity Review Newsletter - September & October 2024 Longevity Review Part 2 12 December 2024 - 10:34 PM

In a bid to finally catch up with these Longevity Reviews, I took the decision to combine the results for September and October. This led to a fair amount of hand wringing as I sought to include only the biggest and most important studies for those two months, but my final selection for the Highlights Sections sees us taking a look at the most comprehensive dietary restriction study in mice to date; how the rat lifespan record might have been broken with exosome treatment; how an inhibitor of hyaluronan synthesis increases lifespan in mice; how exercise intensity is more important than volume for mortality reduction and, in the Canadian Content Study, how a protector of neurons plays a greater role in lifespan.


As a result of this merger, the supplemental section is bigger than normal. I tried to condense it as much as possible, but there were just too many studies that had to be included. Therefore, as a brief taster, you’ll find in Lifestyle the link between cardiovascular health and cancer mortality; in Fasting, how eating late affects blood glucose; in Diet, how dietary diversity affects aging; in other Supplements, reviews of Hesperetin & NAC; in Metformin, how it slows down aging in non-human primates; in Epigenetics, reprogramming senescent cells extends mouse lifespan; in Genetics, the use of CRISPR to find new ways to rejuvenate brain stem cells; in Opinion, some new theories on aging; in Reproductive Health, how genistein can help with menopause; and finally, in Telomeres, how astragalus increased telomere length in a human trial. (To make these suggestions easier to find, I’ve marked them with ***)


NOTE: The original post was too long, so I have split the Supplemental Section in two to accomodate the limit.



Canadian Longevity Association News


The big news over the last two months is that we’ve opened up an online shop!


That’s right, just in time for Christmas, you have all your shopping needs sorted! LOL


But seriously, you can now help fund the CLA’s activities, while sporting our logo on a wide and growing range of apparel. Take a look at our shop and if there is anything missing that you’d like to purchase, then drop us a line and we’ll happily and quickly add it.


Link to the CLA’s Online Store



Donate to the Canadian Longevity Association to help bring about a future where we don’t die of aging related diseases!


Please also follow, or join us on social media:


Twitter/X (I also have a personal account with more frequent longevity updates)


Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Meetup


Canadian Longevity Association YouTube Channel - where you can find video talk-throughs of these reviews.


Discord for longevity related chats and the place to have all your longevity related questions answered.


Previous newsletters can be found in the CLA Facebook Group, and also my Patreon account, which includes bonus material for supporters if you want to buy us a coffee.
Finally, we are always looking for more help or volunteers, regardless of your skill set or time availability. If you’d be interested in helping us, please fill out this Volunteer Registration Form.


Sep/Oct 2024 Highlights:


In the largest comparative study of different forms of dietary restriction in female mice, scientists from CALICO discovered some really interesting and puzzling results. They studied 20% and 40% caloric restriction, as well as 1 and 2 days a week fasting. The median and maximum respectively for each compared to the control were as follows: 20CR: 18% & 22%; 40CR: 36% & 38%; 1DF: 12% & 6%; 2DF: 11% & 15%.


The 40% caloric restriction mice were clearly the winners, but changes to their immune system might make them more susceptible to infection. Another big puzzle was that lower weight and fat was better in early life, but then reversed in late life. As the authors put it, “DR extends lifespan while decreasing body weight and fat mass, yet preserving body weight and fat mass is associated with longer lifespan. This paradox is a recurrent theme in this study.”


This is a really in depth and readable study, and I do recommend that you take a look at it.
Study probes how eating less can extend lifespan Full Text


A research group who have been following since they started out, and who I have covered several times in these highlights, have released their latest results. E5, a young blood plasma fraction mainly consisting of exosomes, was previously shown to reduce the epigenetic age and improve various biomarkers in rats. This new study, along with once again showing improved biomarkers and grip strength, takes it further by including lifespan. And, the result of that was that the median lifespan improved by 9.7% over controls. More tantalizingly, one of the rats potentially broke the rat lifespan record for this strain, dying at the age of 48 months, which was a 21.7% increase over the longest lived control rat!


This was a very small study, with only 8 rats in each group, however I believe this to have great potential. Especially as they used young plasma from a different species, in case pigs, which means that if it were to work in humans, there would not be an issue of supply or ethical considerations. In correspondence with the researchers, I was told that they have now moved on to larger animals, specifically beagle dogs, with so far positive results, including a 50% reduction in IL-6, which they intend to publish in the coming year. This time, to further prove the cross species applicability, they have used young blood plasma from horses. In addition, they plan to test it on old cats with chronic kidney disease next year as well. If these studies are successful, the next step will be into humans. Needless to say, my fingers are crossed as I impatiently await the results!
Exosomes Break Rat Lifespan Record Full Text


In this study, it was found that an inhibitor of hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid) synthesis, 4-MU, increased the average and maximum lifespan of male mice by more than 20%. It seemed to do this by reducing blood glucose and increasing insulin sensitivity. Interestingly, the mice weighed less despite eating the same amount of food. This was a very small study, but this molecule is already in human trials, where it has recently passed phase 2a for pulmonary hypertension. I will be watching out for this molecule in the future.
Hymecromone Promotes Longevity and Insulin Sensitivity in Mice Full Text


Taking data from 7.5K US adults who wore actigraphs to measure their physical activity and were followed for seven years to assess mortality risk, it was unsurprisingly found that a greater volume and intensity of exercise was associated with reduced risk of death. However, it appears that intensity is more important than volume. Also longer continuous bouts of exercise were better than the same amount of exercise broken down into smaller chunks. There is a really nice infographic at the beginning of the article which does a good job summarizing these findings, and is worth checking out.
*Exercise Intensity, Duration, and Amount All Matter Full Text


Canadian Content Study


From McMaster University, researchers led by Bhagwati Gupta, have discovered how MANF, a protein which helps to protect neurons, plays a greater role in cell survival by regulating protein folding and clumping, as well as autophagy, the recycling system in cells. Working with c.elegans worms, those which lacked MANF had shorter survival times, while those which had more of it had 21% greater lifespan, and survived stress better. MANF is found in all animals, including us, and could play a role in healthy longevity.


From correspondence with Bhagwati, he said their current research “explores the proteins that interact with MANF to mediate its function and how secreted MANF affects different tissues and neuronal cells. We are also investigating the dynamics of MANF expression to better understand its role in cellular processes.” We wish them luck!
Protein shakeup: Researchers uncover new function of a protein that may unlock age-related illnesses Abstract Preprint Full Text


Further Canadian content is indicated by CAN


Supplemental Section


Other Areas of Interest (in alphabetical order)


Ageing Clocks & other biomarkers of ageing
*CheekAge, a next-generation epigenetic buccal clock, is predictive of mortality in human blood Full Text
*A metabolomic profile of biological aging in 250,341 individuals from the UK Biobank Full Text
*Effects of testosterone and metformin on the GlycanAge index of biological age and the composition of the IgG glycome Full Text
*There are multiple clocks that time us: Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations among 14 alternative indicators of age and aging Full Text


Blood Factors or other Heterochronic Transplantation
Hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1 - a novel signaling molecule for rejuvenating aged skin Full Text
Cellular and transcriptomic changes by the supplementation of aged rat serum in human pluripotent stem cell-derived myogenic progenitors Full Text


Epigenetics & Cellular Reprogramming
Reprogramming Senescent Cells Extends Lifespan in Mice Abstract
Rejuvenating the Hippocampus With Metabolites Full Text
Neuronal Reprogramming Alleviates Alzheimer’s in Mice Full Text


Exosomes (small packets of information released by cells)
Young small extracellular vesicles rejuvenate replicative senescence by remodeling Drp1 translocation-mediated mitochondrial dynamics Full Text
Extracellular Vesicles to Fight Liver Fibrosis Full Text
Extracellular Vesicles for Treating Arthritis Full Text


Genetics including CRISPR
*Depletion of loss-of-function germline mutations in centenarians reveals longevity genes Full Text
CRISPR helps brain stem cells regain youth in mice Full Text***
Towards Fine-Tuned Control of Gene Expression Full Text


Lifespan Lengthening Interventions
Berberine extends healthspan and delays neurodegenerative diseases in Caenorhabditis elegans through ROS-dependent PMK-1/SKN-1 activation Full Text
Ageing-associated long non-coding RNA extends lifespan and reduces translation in non-dividing cells Full Text
Systems biology approaches identify metabolic signatures of dietary lifespan and healthspan across species Full Text


Effects of non-pharmacological interventions on gut microbiota and intestinal permeability in older adults: A systematic review: Non-pharmacological interventions on gut microbiota/barrier Full Text
Can longer lifespan be associated with gut microbiota involvement in lipid metabolism? Full Text
Impact of Mouthwash-Induced Oral Microbiome Disruption on Alzheimer's Disease Risk: A Perspective Review Full Text


Observational Studies
*Do people reach 100 by surviving, delaying, or avoiding diseases? A life course comparison of centenarians and non-centenarians from the same birth cohorts Full Text
*Delayed onset of cognitive terminal decline in later born cohorts: Evidence from a longitudinal study of two cohorts born 29-years apart
*Resilience among older adults with multimorbidity using the Connor-Davidson scale in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging: health behaviour, socio-economic, and social support predictors Full Text CAN
*Cross-sectional and prospective associations between sleep health and multimorbidity in middle to older-aged adults: Results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) CAN
*Linking cognitive and behavioral reserve: Evidence from the CAN-PROTECT study Full Text CAN
*Younger epigenetic age is associated with higher cardiorespiratory fitness in individuals with airflow limitation Full Text CAN
*Association of Muscle Strength With All-Cause Mortality in the Oldest Old: Prospective Cohort Study From 28 Countries Full Text
*Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Lifespan: a Mendelian randomization study in Europeans Full Text


Defining an ageing-related pathology, disease or syndrome: International Consensus Statement Full Text
The impact of short-lived controls on the interpretation of lifespan experiments and progress in geroscience – through the lens of the “900-day rule” Preprint
*Have We Maxed Out on Life Expectancy Gains? Full Text
Five-factor theory of aging and death due to aging Full Text***
The evolution of ageing: classic theories and emerging ideas Full Text***
The Power of a Complex Systems Perspective to Elucidate Aging Full Text***


Other Ageing Biology
A New Atlas for Cellular Rejuvenation Full Text
Autodigestion From Gut Enzymes May Drive Aging Full Text
Microplastic exposure linked to accelerated aging and impaired adipogenesis in fat cells Full Text


Regenerative Medicine
Durable Muscle Extracellular Matrix Engineered with Adhesive Phenolic Moieties for Effective Skeletal Muscle Regeneration in Muscle Atrophy Full Text


Reproductive Health
Eggs from older mice regain youth when grown in young cells Abstract
New treatment extends ovarian function in older mice Abstract
*Testosterone and resistance training improved physical performance and reduced fatigue in frail older men: 1 year follow-up of a randomized clinical trial Full Text
*The association between age at natural menopause and risk of asthma among postmenopausal women from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Full Text CAN
*The Role of Curcumin in Modulating Vascular Function and Structure during Menopause: A Systematic Review Full Text
The Therapeutic Role of Genistein in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women Full Text***


Inflamm-ageing: How cytokines and nutrition shape the trajectory of ageing Full Text
Is the liver resilient to the process of ageing? Full Text
A new clinical age of aging research Full Text
Genetic and Epigenetic Alterations in Aging and Rejuvenation of Human Full Text
Longevity biotechnology: bridging AI, biomarkers, geroscience and clinical applications for healthy longevity Full Text


Senolytics/Senescent Cells
Senolytics Cocktail Dasatinib and Quercetin alleviate chondrocyte senescence and facet joint osteoarthritis in mice Full Text
A Senolytic Treatment for Liver Sepsis Full Text
Senescent cell transplantation into the skin induces age-related peripheral dysfunction and cognitive decline Full Text


Skin & Beauty
CASIN exerts anti-aging effects through RPL4 on the skin of naturally aging mice Full Text
HAPLN1 in Blood Found to Rejuvenate Skin Full Text
*The Efficacy and Safety of CollaSel Pro® Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptide Supplementation without Addons in Improving Skin Health in Adult Females Full Text
*The Effects of an Oral Supplementation of a Natural Keratin Hydrolysate on Skin Aging: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study in Healthy Women Full Text
*Topical Platelet Exosomes Reduce Senescence Signaling in Human Skin: An Exploratory Prospective Trial Full Text


Stem Cells
*A Bank of Centenarian Stem Cells Full Text
Rejuvenation of the reconstitution potential and reversal of myeloid bias of aged HSCs upon pH treatment Full Text
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Rejuvenate Aged Mice Full Text


Astragalus Supplement Lengthens Telomeres in the Middle-Aged Full Text***
Telomere stabilization by metformin mitigates the progression of atherosclerosis via the AMPK-dependent p-PGC-1α pathway Full Text
*Elevated 1-Hour Post Load Glucose as a Predictor for Telomere Attrition: a study based on a Chinese Community population Full Text


Odds & Sods
*Variety is the spice of learning, memory study suggests Full Text
*Ambient ultraviolet radiation as a cardioprotective factor: A global and regional analysis Full Text
Bats as instructive animal models for studying longevity and aging Full Text
More social species live longer, have longer generation times and longer reproductive windows Full Text


***Disclaimer 1 – I am NOT a doctor or indeed a scientist. All the information pertained within is for information purposes only; use at your own risk. Please consult with a healthcare practitioner if you need medical advice.***


**Disclaimer 2 In no way should supplements be a replacement for an unhealthy diet or lifestyle. A varied, plant dominant dietary pattern is the cornerstone for health. Try to eat the rainbow – the greater the variety, the greater the benefit. Even though I might take a supplement derived from a plant source, I still eat the plant in question. Also, make sure you move as much as possible – that is what we evolved to do.**


*Also bear in mind that most of the studies mentioned above are in rodents, not humans. Rodents, needless to say, do not always react the same way to drugs as humans do – witness the countless times cancer or another disease has been cured in rodents only to subsequently fail human trials. I have *starred any human trials.*

Chris Linnell's Longevity Review Newsletter - September & October 2024 Longevity Review Part 1 12 December 2024 - 09:55 PM

In a bid to finally catch up with these Longevity Reviews, I took the decision to combine the results for September and October. This led to a fair amount of hand wringing as I sought to include only the biggest and most important studies for those two months, but my final selection for the Highlights Sections sees us taking a look at the most comprehensive dietary restriction study in mice to date; how the rat lifespan record might have been broken with exosome treatment; how an inhibitor of hyaluronan synthesis increases lifespan in mice; how exercise intensity is more important than volume for mortality reduction and, in the Canadian Content Study, how a protector of neurons plays a greater role in lifespan.


As a result of this merger, the supplemental section is bigger than normal. I tried to condense it as much as possible, but there were just too many studies that had to be included. Therefore, as a brief taster, you’ll find in Lifestyle the link between cardiovascular health and cancer mortality; in Fasting, how eating late affects blood glucose; in Diet, how dietary diversity affects aging; in other Supplements, reviews of Hesperetin & NAC; in Metformin, how it slows down aging in non-human primates; in Epigenetics, reprogramming senescent cells extends mouse lifespan; in Genetics, the use of CRISPR to find new ways to rejuvenate brain stem cells; in Opinion, some new theories on aging; in Reproductive Health, how genistein can help with menopause; and finally, in Telomeres, how astragalus increased telomere length in a human trial. (To make these suggestions easier to find, I’ve marked them with ***)


NOTE: The original post was too long, so I have split the Supplemental Section in two to accomodate the limit.



Canadian Longevity Association News


The big news over the last two months is that we’ve opened up an online shop!


That’s right, just in time for Christmas, you have all your shopping needs sorted! LOL


But seriously, you can now help fund the CLA’s activities, while sporting our logo on a wide and growing range of apparel. Take a look at our shop and if there is anything missing that you’d like to purchase, then drop us a line and we’ll happily and quickly add it.


Link to the CLA’s Online Store



Donate to the Canadian Longevity Association to help bring about a future where we don’t die of aging related diseases!


Please also follow, or join us on social media:


Twitter/X (I also have a personal account with more frequent longevity updates)


Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Meetup


Canadian Longevity Association YouTube Channel - where you can find video talk-throughs of these reviews.


Discord for longevity related chats and the place to have all your longevity related questions answered.


Previous newsletters can be found in the CLA Facebook Group, and also my Patreon account, which includes bonus material for supporters if you want to buy us a coffee.
Finally, we are always looking for more help or volunteers, regardless of your skill set or time availability. If you’d be interested in helping us, please fill out this Volunteer Registration Form.


Sep/Oct 2024 Highlights:


In the largest comparative study of different forms of dietary restriction in female mice, scientists from CALICO discovered some really interesting and puzzling results. They studied 20% and 40% caloric restriction, as well as 1 and 2 days a week fasting. The median and maximum respectively for each compared to the control were as follows: 20CR: 18% & 22%; 40CR: 36% & 38%; 1DF: 12% & 6%; 2DF: 11% & 15%.


The 40% caloric restriction mice were clearly the winners, but changes to their immune system might make them more susceptible to infection. Another big puzzle was that lower weight and fat was better in early life, but then reversed in late life. As the authors put it, “DR extends lifespan while decreasing body weight and fat mass, yet preserving body weight and fat mass is associated with longer lifespan. This paradox is a recurrent theme in this study.”


This is a really in depth and readable study, and I do recommend that you take a look at it.
Study probes how eating less can extend lifespan Full Text


A research group who have been following since they started out, and who I have covered several times in these highlights, have released their latest results. E5, a young blood plasma fraction mainly consisting of exosomes, was previously shown to reduce the epigenetic age and improve various biomarkers in rats. This new study, along with once again showing improved biomarkers and grip strength, takes it further by including lifespan. And, the result of that was that the median lifespan improved by 9.7% over controls. More tantalizingly, one of the rats potentially broke the rat lifespan record for this strain, dying at the age of 48 months, which was a 21.7% increase over the longest lived control rat!


This was a very small study, with only 8 rats in each group, however I believe this to have great potential. Especially as they used young plasma from a different species, in case pigs, which means that if it were to work in humans, there would not be an issue of supply or ethical considerations. In correspondence with the researchers, I was told that they have now moved on to larger animals, specifically beagle dogs, with so far positive results, including a 50% reduction in IL-6, which they intend to publish in the coming year. This time, to further prove the cross species applicability, they have used young blood plasma from horses. In addition, they plan to test it on old cats with chronic kidney disease next year as well. If these studies are successful, the next step will be into humans. Needless to say, my fingers are crossed as I impatiently await the results!
Exosomes Break Rat Lifespan Record Full Text


In this study, it was found that an inhibitor of hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid) synthesis, 4-MU, increased the average and maximum lifespan of male mice by more than 20%. It seemed to do this by reducing blood glucose and increasing insulin sensitivity. Interestingly, the mice weighed less despite eating the same amount of food. This was a very small study, but this molecule is already in human trials, where it has recently passed phase 2a for pulmonary hypertension. I will be watching out for this molecule in the future.
Hymecromone Promotes Longevity and Insulin Sensitivity in Mice Full Text


Taking data from 7.5K US adults who wore actigraphs to measure their physical activity and were followed for seven years to assess mortality risk, it was unsurprisingly found that a greater volume and intensity of exercise was associated with reduced risk of death. However, it appears that intensity is more important than volume. Also longer continuous bouts of exercise were better than the same amount of exercise broken down into smaller chunks. There is a really nice infographic at the beginning of the article which does a good job summarizing these findings, and is worth checking out.
*Exercise Intensity, Duration, and Amount All Matter Full Text


Canadian Content Study


From McMaster University, researchers led by Bhagwati Gupta, have discovered how MANF, a protein which helps to protect neurons, plays a greater role in cell survival by regulating protein folding and clumping, as well as autophagy, the recycling system in cells. Working with c.elegans worms, those which lacked MANF had shorter survival times, while those which had more of it had 21% greater lifespan, and survived stress better. MANF is found in all animals, including us, and could play a role in healthy longevity.


From correspondence with Bhagwati, he said their current research “explores the proteins that interact with MANF to mediate its function and how secreted MANF affects different tissues and neuronal cells. We are also investigating the dynamics of MANF expression to better understand its role in cellular processes.” We wish them luck!
Protein shakeup: Researchers uncover new function of a protein that may unlock age-related illnesses Abstract Preprint Full Text


Further Canadian content is indicated by CAN


Supplemental Section


*Cardiovascular health and cancer mortality: evidence from US NHANES and UK Biobank cohort studies Full Text***
*Phenotypic age mediates effects of Life's Essential 8 on reduced mortality risk in US adults Full Text
*Optimal lifestyle patterns for delaying ageing and reducing all-cause mortality: insights from the UK Biobank Full Text
*Tree-based analysis of longevity predictors and their ten-year changes: a 35-Year mortality follow-up Full Text
*Mediterranean Diet-Based Sustainable Healthy Diet and Multicomponent Training Combined Intervention Effect on Body Composition, Anthropometry, and Physical Fitness in Healthy Aging Full Text


Fasting/Dietary Restriction – certainly the cheapest & also one of the most effective anti-ageing interventions currently available. It comes in many flavours, but I fast for at least 12 hours every day.
*Associations of daily eating frequency and nighttime fasting duration with biological aging in Full Text***
*Late eating is associated with poor glucose tolerance, independent of body weight, fat mass, energy intake and diet composition in prediabetes or early onset type 2 diabetes Full Text
*The Effects of Time-Restricted Eating on Fat Loss in Adults with Overweight and Obese Depend upon the Eating Window and Intervention Strategies: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Full Text


Diet let food be thy medicine…
*Association between plant and animal protein and biological aging: findings from the UK Biobank Full Text
*Intake of vegetables and fruits at midlife and the risk of physical frailty in later life Full Text
*A reduced carbohydrate diet improves glycemic regulation in hyperglycemic older people in a retirement home: The SAGE study CAN
*Dietary Diversity Is Associated With Delayed Aging Full Text***


Exercise – if you could bottle the benefits of exercise, it would be the biggest blockbuster drug of all time.
*Optimal dose and type of exercise to improve cognitive function in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of RCTs Full Text
*Hydrolyzed collagen supplementation prior to resistance exercise augments collagen synthesis in a dose-response manner in resistance-trained, middle-aged men
*Does Taking a Break Matter—Adaptations in Muscle Strength and Size Between Continuous and Periodic Resistance Training Full Text


Non-prescription Supplements (in alphabetical order)
NOTE - the supplements selected below are not exhaustive. They reflect what I thought were the most interesting ones back in 2019, with only a few updates since. I do individual searches for each and simply do not have time to do all others. Additionally, I’ve noticed how a lot of natural supplements affect the same genetic pathways, so I think that there is a lot of overlap and redundancy.


Astaxanthin – which is behind the pink colour of salmon & shrimp. Considered the most powerful carotenoid, it has anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuro-protective and skin-protective qualities.
*Astaxanthin improves assisted reproductive technology outcomes in poor ovarian responders through alleviating oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis: a randomized clinical trial Full Text
*Astaxanthin compound nutrient improved insulin resistance, hormone levels, embryo quality and pregnancy outcomes in polycystic ovary syndrome patients undergoing in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection Full Text


Curcumin – the spice which gives curries their yellow colour. Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Needs to be taken with black pepper (piperine) to improve bioavailability.
*The effect of curcumin supplementation on glycemic indices in adults: A meta-analysis of meta-analyses
*The effect of curcumin supplementation on endothelial function and blood pressure in patients with metabolic disorders: A meta-analysis of meta-analyses
*Curcumin extract improves beta cell functions in obese patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial Full Text


Fisetin as a Senotherapeutic Agent: Evidence and Perspectives for Age-Related Diseases Full Text


Dysfunctional mitochondria in age-related neurodegeneration: Utility of melatonin as an antioxidant treatment Full Text
Unlocking the health benefits of melatonin supplementation: A promising preventative and therapeutic strategy Full Text


Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN)
Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation rescues mitochondrial and energy metabolism functions and ameliorates inflammatory states in the ovaries of aging mice Full Text
Research advances in the function and anti-aging effects of nicotinamide mononucleotide Full Text
*The versatile multi-functional substance NMN: its unique characteristics, metabolic properties, pharmacodynamic effects, clinical trials, and diverse applications Full Text


Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)
NAD+ depletion is central to placental dysfunction in an inflammatory subclass of preeclampsia Full Text CAN


From Nature to Treatment: The Impact of Pterostilbene on Mitigating Retinal Ischemia–Reperfusion Damage by Reducing Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Apoptosis Full Text
Exploration of Nutraceutical Potentials of Isorhapontigenin, Oxyresveratrol and Pterostilbene: A Metabolomic Approach Full Text


Resveratrol as a potential therapeutic agent for sarcopenic obesity: Insights from in vivoperiments Full Text
Resveratrol delays the progression of diabetic nephropathy through multiple pathways: A dose–response meta-analysis based on animal models Full Text
The role and current research status of resveratrol in the treatment of osteoarthritis and its mechanisms: a narrative review Full Text


The longevity factor spermidine is part of a highly heritable complex erythrocyte phenotype associated with longevity Full Text


Other available supplements or natural substances (in alphabetical order)
*Efficacy of Berberis vulgaris and Berberis integerrima on glycemic indices and weight profile in type 2 diabetic patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Full Text
*Blueberry Extract Aids Cognition in People With Inflammation Full Text
The impact of cysteine on lifespan in three model organisms: A systematic review and meta-analysis Full Text
Comprehensive review of Hesperetin: Advancements in pharmacokinetics, pharmacological effects, and novel formulations Full Text***
*N-acetylcysteine Clinical Applications Full Text***
*Dose–response relationship of dietary Omega-3 fatty acids on slowing phenotypic age acceleration: a cross-sectional study Full Text
Royal jelly a promising therapeutic intervention and functional food supplement: A systematic review Full Text


Plant extracts and omega-3 improve short-term memory and modulate the microbiota-gut-brain axis in D-Galactose model mice Full Text
Plant extracts and omega-3 supplementation modulate hippocampal oxylipin profile in response to LPS-induced neuroinflammation Full Text
The Combined Effect of Green Tea, Saffron, Resveratrol, and Citicoline against Neurodegeneration Induced by Oxidative Stress in an In Vitro Model of Cognitive Decline Full Text


Prescription Supplements


The brain aged more slowly in monkeys given a cheap diabetes drug
Metformin Slows Aging in Non-Human Primates Abstract ***
*Metformin Exhibits Anti-Inflammatory Effects by Regulating microRNA-451/CXCL16 and B Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma 2 in Patients With Osteoarthritis Full Text
Metformin: Beyond Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Full Text


Rapamycin (sirolimus)
Calorie restriction and rapamycin distinctly restore non-canonical ORF translation in the muscles of aging mice Full Text
Rapamycin Treatment Reduces Brain Pericyte Constriction in Ischemic Stroke Full Text
*A single-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, two-arm study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of once-weekly sirolimus (rapamycin) on muscle strength and endurance in older adults following a 13-week exercise program Full Text


Miscellaneous Molecules & Prescription Drugs
*Effect of frailty on effectiveness and safety of GLP-1 receptor agonists versus SGLT2 inhibitors in people with type 2 diabetes in Taiwan: a retrospective, nationwide, longitudinal study Full Text
Expanding access to weight-loss drugs could save thousands of lives a year Full Text
*Association between statin usage and mortality outcomes in aging U.S. cancer survivors: a nationwide cohort study Full Text
*Association between prescription drugs and all-cause mortality risk in the UK population Full Text


Novel Molecules
Blocking a Dopamine Receptor May Improve Memory Full Text
NX210c drug candidate peptide strengthens mouse and human blood-brain barriers Full Text


***Disclaimer 1 – I am NOT a doctor or indeed a scientist. All the information pertained within is for information purposes only; use at your own risk. Please consult with a healthcare practitioner if you need medical advice.***


**Disclaimer 2 In no way should supplements be a replacement for an unhealthy diet or lifestyle. A varied, plant dominant dietary pattern is the cornerstone for health. Try to eat the rainbow – the greater the variety, the greater the benefit. Even though I might take a supplement derived from a plant source, I still eat the plant in question. Also, make sure you move as much as possible – that is what we evolved to do.**


*Also bear in mind that most of the studies mentioned above are in rodents, not humans. Rodents, needless to say, do not always react the same way to drugs as humans do – witness the countless times cancer or another disease has been cured in rodents only to subsequently fail human trials. I have *starred any human trials.*

Chris Linnell's Longevity Review Newsletter - August 2024 Longevity Review 22 November 2024 - 09:06 PM

Hello again! I’m returning after a health related absence, so this review has taken a lot longer to get finished - trying now desperately to get back on track! I might combine the next two months into one so that I’ll have caught up.


August was highlighted by the results of the first human rapamycin study devoted to longevity; the synthesis of a novel autophagy activator which increased mouse lifespan; the improvement of aging in rats with MSC treatment; a review of combination treatments in mice; a look at the 11th Aging Research & Drug Discovery meeting; and for the Canadian content study, the discovery of a new DNA repair mechanism.


In the Supplemental Section, you’ll find in NMN, a couple of systematic reviews of human trials to date; in Other Supplements, how taking creatine can help with sleep on training days; in Combinations, how mTOR and SGLT-2 inhibitors could be synergistic; in Exosomes, how ultrasound preconditioned exosomes help with rotator cuff regeneration; in Genetics, how regenerative genes improves lifespan across the species barrier; in Observational Studies, how there are two distinct periods where rapid aging occurs; in Reproductive Health, how users of hormone therapy are biologically younger; and in Skin & Beauty, a review of Coenzyme Q10 for skiing aging. (To make these suggestions easier to find, I’ve marked them with ***)



Donate to the Canadian Longevity Association to help bring about a future where we don’t die of aging related diseases!


Please also follow, or join us on social media:


Twitter/X (I also have a personal account with more frequent longevity updates)


Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Meetup


Canadian Longevity Association YouTube Channel - where you can find video talk-throughs of these reviews.


Discord for longevity related chats and the place to have all your longevity related questions answered.


Previous newsletters can be found in the CLA Facebook Group, and also my Patreon account, which includes bonus material for supporters if you want to buy us a coffee.
Finally, we are always looking for more help or volunteers, regardless of your skill set or time availability. If you’d be interested in helping us, please fill out this Volunteer Registration Form.


August 2024 Highlights:


I’m delighted to bring you the results of the very first rapamycin trial designed from the outset to investigate longevity. I’m especially excited as I was involved in the crowdfunding campaign, helping to write the campaign page and being one of the donors. The trial lasted for 48 weeks and featured 114 participants which took either 5mg, 10mg of rapamycin or a placebo once a week.


Although aimed at longevity as the target, this trial was still primarily a safety trial, hoping to get as many learnings as possible for subsequent larger trials. Unfortunately, the biggest learning was that the compounded form of rapamycin used was only 28% as bioavailable as the generic version, so that the 5mg and 10mg doses translated to roughly 1.4mg and 2.9mg respectively. The authors only found this out once the trial was underway and is the subject of the first paper shown below.


The most important result was that weekly low dose rapamycin was safe to take for a large number of people with minimal side effects, in fact, any minor side effects were similar to placebo. As for changes caused by rapamycin, “Lean tissue mass and self-reported pain improved significantly for women using 10mg rapamycin. Trends of improvement in bone mineral density were observed in males using 10mg rapamycin, but no other significant effects were observed.”


Although I had hoped that there would be more significant effects, it is not particularly surprising considering the reduced doses, and fortunately there were still effects at those doses. The authors will take the learnings and apply them to subsequent larger and longer lasting trials. In addition, this is only the first paper, with other parameters still to be reported on. Note: this study is still a pre-print, so it has yet to be peer reviewed.
*The bioavailability of compounded and generic rapamycin in normative aging individuals: A retrospective study and review with clinical implications Full Text
*Safety and efficacy of rapamycin on healthspan metrics after one year: PEARL Trial Results Full Text


Here, researchers synthesised a novel autophagy (a recycling mechanism in our cells) activator, CXM102, which rejuvenated bone marrow stem cells. This resulted in increased bone growth, and less bone loss in middle aged mice. In addition, inflammation and organ fibrosis was decreased. Most noteworthy, CXM102 treatment led to increased lifespan, which surpassed that of rapamycin, which acted as a positive control (though the number of animals was so small that it could just be statistical noise). Very interested to see larger lifespan studies carried out on this new molecule.
Rejuvenation of BMSCs senescence by pharmacological enhancement of TFEB-mediated autophagy alleviates aged-related bone loss and extends lifespan in middle aged mice Full Text


In this study researchers thoroughly tested the anti-aging effects of human derived umbilical Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs), a form of stem cells, in older rats. The MSCs turned out to reduce oxidative stress, repair tissue, regulate metabolism and improve immune functions across multiple organs. They also altered the microbiota towards a more youthful state. Altogether showing that MSCs “concurrently regulate multiple aging processes and improve a range of aging phenotypes”, “thus presenting a promising anti-aging therapeutic approach.”
MSC Treatment Improves Age-Related Phenotypes in Rats Full Text


I normally don’t include reviews in the Highlights section, but when that review is of all the combination studies done in mice for longevity, I make an exception! If you’ve read these reviews before, you’ll know that I continually emphasise that effective longevity treatments are going to require multiple avenues of attack as aging is such a multifaceted problem.


This review is a great resource, as it lists each of the interventions, gives the primary hallmark of aging it targets as well as giving the percentage of lifespan increase. Well worth your perusal.
Combining Treatments Against Multiple Hallmarks of Aging Full Text


Finishing off with another longevity conference, this time with the biggest and most important of them all - the Aging Research and Drug Discovery meeting (ARDD), held in Copenhagen at the end of every summer. This year was the biggest ever, with more than 160 talks, and you can read about in this write up by Arkadi Mazin of Lifespan.io:
For the 11th Year in Copenhagen: Highlights from ARDD 2024 ARDD Website
In addition, most of the talks are recorded and are uploaded to the meeting’s YouTube channel. ARDD YouTube Channel


Canadian Content Study


From Western University, first author Robert Szabla and his group have discovered a new DNA repair mechanism in the bacterium Deinococcus Radiodurans, which is one of the hardiest organisms, being able to withstand huge amounts of radiation. The mechanism consists of a single protein, DdrC, which scans DNA, and then snaps shut like a mousetrap when it detects damage, alerting the cell to then fix that damage. Equally excitingly, they were able to transfer this protein to another single celled organism, making it much more resistant to DNA damage.


This could in theory be applied to human cells as well, which is a direction the research team will be moving in, as shared to me by Robert that “we will be exploring whether exogenous DdrC can improve DNA damage resistance in human cells”. Watch this space!
Newly discovered protein stops DNA damage Full Text Brief YouTube Video


Further Canadian content is indicated by CAN


Supplemental Section


*A healthy lifestyle may counteract diabetes-associated brain aging Full Text
*Association between Life's Essential 8 and cognitive function among older adults in the United States Full Text


Fasting/Dietary Restriction – certainly the cheapest & also one of the most effective anti-ageing interventions currently available.
Spermidine is essential for fasting-mediated autophagy and longevity Full Text
Fasting and calorie restriction modulate age-associated immunosenescence and inflammaging Full Text


Dietlet food be thy medicine…
*Anti-Inflammatory Diets Mitigate Risk of Dementia Full Text
*Red and processed meat consumption associated with higher type 2 diabetes risk, study of two million people finds Full Text
*Dietary trajectories over 21 years and frailty in Norwegian older adults: the Tromsø Study 1994–2016 Full Text
*Plant but not animal sourced nitrate intake is associated with lower dementia-related mortality in the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle Study Full Text
*Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Mortality Among Older Adults With Health-Related or Socioeconomic Risk Factors Full Text


Exercise – if you could bottle the benefits of exercise, it would be the biggest blockbuster drug of all time.
*Associations Between Professional Sports and Longevity Full Text
*Weekend-Oriented Physical Activity Superior for Brain Health Abstract


Non-prescription Supplements (in alphabetical order)
NOTE - the supplements selected below are not exhaustive. They reflect what I thought were the most interesting ones back in 2019, with only a few updates since. I do individual searches for each and simply do not have time to do all others. Additionally, I’ve noticed how a lot of natural supplements affect the same genetic pathways, so I think that there is a lot of overlap and redundancy.


Astaxanthin – which is behind the pink colour of salmon & shrimp. Considered the most powerful carotenoid, it has anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuro-protective and skin-protective qualities.
*The effect of astaxanthin after varicocele surgery on antioxidant status and semen quality in infertile men: A triple-blind randomized clinical trial Full Text
*Exploring the Impact of Astaxanthin Supplementation in Conjunction with a 12-Week CrossFit Training Regimen on Selected Adipo-Myokines Levels in Obese Males Full Text


Curcumin – the spice which gives curries their yellow colour. Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Needs to be taken with black pepper (piperine) to improve bioavailability.
Curcumin: A Golden Approach to Healthy Aging: A Systematic Review of the Evidence Full Text
Curcumin and Cognitive Function: A Systematic Review of the Effects of Curcumin on Adults With and Without Neurocognitive Disorders Full Text


*Daily consumption of ketone ester, bis-octanoyl ®-1,3-butanediol, is safe and tolerable in healthy older adults in a randomized, parallel arm, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot study Full Text
A Ketosis-Related Compound Alleviates Arthritis in Rats Full Text


Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN)
*Efficacy of oral nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation on glucose and lipid metabolism for adults: a systematic review with meta-analysis on randomized controlled trials Full Text***
*Improved Physical Performance Parameters in Patients Taking Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN): A Systematic Review of Randomized Control Trials Full Text***


Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)
Nicotinamide riboside modulates the reactive species interactome, bioenergetic status and proteomic landscape in a brain-region-specific manner Full Text


Effects of Pterostilbene on Cardiovascular Health and Disease Full Text


*Oral resveratrol in adults with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized placebo-controlled trial (ARTHROL) Full Text


A surge in endogenous spermidine is essential for rapamycin-induced autophagy and longevity Full Text
*Non-Linear Association of Dietary Polyamines with the Risk of Incident Dementia: Results from Population-Based Cohort of the UK Biobank Full Text


Other available supplements or natural substances (in alphabetical order)
*Vitamin B12 status and skeletal muscle function among elderly: A literature review and pilot study on the effect of oral vitamin B12 supplementation in improving muscle function Full Text
The impact of carnosine on biological ageing – A geroscience approach Full Text
*Creatine Improves Total Sleep Duration Following Resistance Training Days versus Non-Resistance Training Days among Naturally Menstruating Females Full Text***
*Comparison of functional performance outcomes between oral patented crystalline glucosamine sulfate and platelet-rich plasma among knee osteoarthritis patients: a propensity score matching analysis Full Text
Effects of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) on the Hallmarks of Aging Full Text
*ω-3 PUFA for Secondary Prevention of White Matter Lesions and Neuronal Integrity Breakdown in Older Adults Full Text
Omega-3 PUFAs slow organ aging through promoting energy metabolism Full Text
Rosemary extract activates oligodendrogenesis genes in mouse brain and improves learning and memory ability Full Text
Mitigation of aging-related plasticity decline through taurine supplementation and environmental enrichment Full Text
Bidirectional Effect of Long-Term Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Treatment on mTOR Activity and Metabolome Full Text


mTOR and SGLT-2 Inhibitors Impact Age-Related Processes Full Text***
*A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Biological Effects and Safety of a Polyphenol Supplement on Healthy Ageing Full Text
Synergistic anti-aging effect of Dendrobium officinale polysaccharide and spermidine: A metabolomics analysis focusing on the regulation of lipid, nucleotide and energy metabolism
*Functional and metabolic effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation and the role of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate addition in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized clinical trial Full Text


Prescription Supplements


Metformin: From diabetes to cancer to prolongation of life Full Text


Rapamycin (sirolimus)
Calorie restriction and rapamycin distinctly mitigate aging-associated protein phosphorylation changes in mouse muscles Full Text
Rapamycin Attenuates H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress-Related Senescence in Human Skin Fibroblasts


Miscellaneous Molecules & Prescription Drugs
GDF11 protects against mitochondrial-dysfunction-dependent NLRP3 inflammasome activation to attenuate osteoarthritis Full Text
*Comparative renal outcomes of matched cohorts of patients with type 2 diabetes receiving SGLT2 inhibitors or GLP-1 receptor agonists under routine care Full Text


Other Areas of Interest (in alphabetical order)


Ageing Clocks & other biomarkers of ageing
*Proteomic aging clock predicts mortality and risk of common age-related diseases in diverse populations Full Tex
New Epigenetic Clock Built on Lurking DNA Fragments Full Text
*A systematic review of phenotypic and epigenetic clocks used for aging and mortality quantification in humans Full Text


Blood Factors or other Heterochronic Transplantation
Aging insights from heterochronic parabiosis models Full Text


Epigenetics & Cellular Reprogramming
Some Cells Age Much Faster Than Others Full Text


Exosomes (small packets of information released by cells)
Engineered exosome therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases Full Text
Exosomes derived from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell preconditioned by low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulation promote bone–tendon interface fibrocartilage regeneration and ameliorate rotator cuff fatty infiltration Full Text***
Exploring senescence as a modifier of β cell extracellular vesicles in type 1 diabetes Full Text CAN


Genetics including CRISPR
Highly regenerative species-specific genes improve age-associated features in the adult Drosophila midgut Full Text***


Lifespan Lengthening Interventions
Heat-killed probiotic Levilactobacillus brevis MKAK9 and its exopolysaccharide promote longevity by modulating aging hallmarks and enhancing immune responses in Caenorhabditis elegans Full Text
Newly discovered gene may influence longevity Full Text
Characterization of effects of mTOR inhibitors on aging in C. elegans Full Text


Association between Accelerated Biological Aging, Diet, and Gut Microbiome Full Text
The Role of Akkermansia muciniphila on Improving Gut and Metabolic Health Modulation: A Meta-Analysis of Preclinical Mouse Model Studies Full Text


Observational Studies
*Association between weight change and serum anti-aging protein α-Klotho: a cross-sectional study in middle-aged and older adults Full Text
*Nonlinear dynamics of multi-omics profiles during human aging Full Text***
*Individual socioeconomic status, neighborhood disadvantage, and cognitive aging: A longitudinal analysis of the CLSA Full Text CAN
*The association between trajectories of marital status and successful aging varies by sex: Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Full Text CAN


Inflated expectations: the strange craze for translational research on aging: Given existing confusion about the basic science of aging, why the high optimism in the private sector about the prospects of developing anti-aging treatments? Full Text
Enhanced cellular longevity arising from environmental fluctuations Full Text


Other Ageing Biology
Cleaning up the aging brain: Scientists restore brain's trash disposal system Cleaning up the aging brain Abstract
*Inflammation May Drive Fat Distribution in Older People Full Text
Why Bone Destruction Is Accelerated with Aging Full Text


Reproductive Health
*Hormone Therapy and Biological Aging in Postmenopausal Women Full Text***
A scoping review regarding reproductive capacity modulation based on alpha-ketoglutarate supplementation Full Text
*Effect of astaxanthin supplementation on female fertility and reproductive outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical and animal studies Full Text


Precision epigenetic editing: Technological advances, enduring challenges, and therapeutic applications Full Text
Recent advances in Alzheimer’s disease: Mechanisms, clinical trials and new drug development strategies Full Text
Anti-ageing interventions for the treatment of cardiovascular disease Full Text
Advances in targeted therapies for age-related osteoarthritis: A comprehensive review of current research Full Text


Senolytics/Senescent Cells
Senolytic intervention improves cognition, metabolism, and adiposity in female APPNL−F/NL−F mice Full Text
Glutaminase-1 inhibition alleviates senescence of Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells via senolysis Full Text
Intermittent clearance of p21-highly-expressing cells extends lifespan and confers sustained benefits to health and physical function


Skin & Beauty
The Role of Coenzyme Q10 in Skin Aging and Opportunities for Topical Intervention: A Review Full Text***
*Influence of collagen peptide supplementation on visible signs of skin and nail health and -aging in an East Asian population Full Text
*Cosmeceuticals: A Review of Clinical Studies Claiming to Contain Specific, Well-Characterized Strains of Probiotics or Postbiotics Full Text
How Supplement Formulas, Including NOVOS, Affect Skin Aging Full Text


The Impact of the Mediterranean Diet on Telomere Biology: Implications for Disease Management—A Narrative Review Full Text
***Disclaimer 1 – I am NOT a doctor or indeed a scientist. All the information pertained within is for information purposes only; use at your own risk. Please consult with a healthcare practitioner if you need medical advice.***


**Disclaimer 2In no way should supplements be a replacement for an unhealthy diet or lifestyle. A varied, plant dominant dietary pattern is the cornerstone for health. Try to eat the rainbow – the greater the variety, the greater the benefit. Even though I might take a supplement derived from a plant source, I still eat the plant in question. Also, make sure you move as much as possible – that is what we evolved to do.**


*Also bear in mind that most of the studies mentioned above are in rodents, not humans. Rodents, needless to say, do not always react the same way to drugs as humans do – witness the countless times cancer or another disease has been cured in rodents only to subsequently fail human trials. I have *starred any human trials.*

Chris Linnell's Longevity Review Newsletter - July 2024 Longevity Review 06 August 2024 - 05:01 PM

Entering the height of the summer, as soon as I post this newsletter and video, I’m going to be taking a couple of weeks off from all things longevity for the first time in more than five years. But, before I do that, I'll still bring you the latest developments in longevity, as July was a bit of a blockbuster month, or it at least had a standout study - the blocking of an inflammatory signalling molecule resulting in a massive increase of mouse health & lifespan. In Roundup, there is also an epigenetic reprogramming study for cognition, and even a lifespan extension study coming out of Canada!


In the Supplemental Section, you will find in Diet, the benefits of switching to a whole foods diet; in Exercise, long term improvement of learning via HIIT; Astaxanthin & Resveratrol for PCOS; in Combinations, Lutein/Zeaxanthin Supplements help with AMD; in Lifespan, HK extract increases mouse lifespan by 12-13%; in Microbiome, fecal transplantation improves vascular aging; in Other Ageing Biology, PEPITEM protects against inflammaging; in Reviews, a look at the effects of road traffic noise exposure; in Skin & Beauty, yet another study of the benefits of collagen; and, in Odds & Sods, improving physical performance with HBOT. Plus of course much more! (To make these suggestions easier to find, I’ve marked them with ***)



Canadian Longevity Association News


I had a meeting with my local MP, Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, to give him an update on developments in the field of longevity. He is a supporter of our mission, and gave some useful advice for when we take our advocacy to the federal government.


We also held our third Longevity Boardwalk, with the weather this time fully cooperating with some glorious sunshine. And, our online store continues to take shape - we’re getting some samples delivered, and if they’re up to scratch, we will launch!


Donate to the Canadian Longevity Association to help bring about a future where we don’t die of aging related diseases!


Please also follow, or join us on social media:


Twitter/X (I also have a personal account with more frequent longevity updates)


Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Meetup


Canadian Longevity Association YouTube Channel - where you can find video talk-throughs of these reviews.


Discord for longevity related chats and the place to have all your longevity related questions answered.


Previous newsletters can be found in the CLA Facebook Group, and also my Patreon account, which includes bonus material for supporters if you want to buy us a coffee.
Finally, we are always looking for more help or volunteers, regardless of your skill set or time availability. If you’d be interested in helping us, please fill out this Volunteer Registration Form.


July 2024 Round-Up:


This lifespan study in mice is the standout study of July, and perhaps even the year so far. It is the type of study that excites me and gives me optimism that effective longevity treatments are not too far off in our future.


The study involved both genetic knockout and pharmacological inhibition of IL-11, an inflammatory signalling molecule, and saw an increase in mouse health, such as a reduction in frailty, and a whopping 22-25% increase in median lifespan, depending on the sex and mode of treatment. This is on par with the current single intervention leader, rapamycin, but without any potential side effects. Even more promising is that drugs of this class have already passed human safety studies for pulmonary fibrosis, and could be on the market in a few years.
Mice live longer when inflammation-boosting protein is blocked Lifespan.io Analysis Full Text


Partial epigenetic reprogramming is one of the most exciting areas of longevity research, as it involves resetting gene expression to a more youthful state, and has so far shown great promise. Here is the first study showing improved cognition and memory using epigenetic reprogramming in normal, not transgenic, animals. It reduced the epigenetic age of the hippocampus and also showed a reversal of gene expressions which increase with age. It was a very small study, so did not show statistical significance, but it almost reached it, which hopefully larger studies will be able to confirm.
Cellular Reprogramming Improves Cognition in Aged Rats Full Text


Canadian Content Study


I was so thrilled to see this study, as it’s the first time I’ve seen a lifespan extension study coming out of Canada (though that doesn’t mean there haven’t been others before that I missed!).


Coming out of McGill University, this study has to do with the mitochondria, the powerhouses in our cells, and the processes of fission and fusion, which involve the break up for recycling of defective mitochondria and improved performance respectively. The authors found that increasing either fission or fusion increased worm lifespan mainly by activating multiple pathways of cellular resilience. This is very basic research, so it will be a long time before this becomes relevant to humans.
Overexpression of mitochondrial fission or mitochondrial fusion genes enhances resilience and extends longevity Full Text


Further Canadian content is indicated by CAN


Supplemental Section


*New study finds 40-percent of cancer cases and almost half of all deaths in the US linked to modifiable risk factors Full Text
*Effect of Multimodal Intervention in Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Shanghai Full Text


Fasting/Dietary Restriction – certainly the cheapest & also one of the most effective anti-ageing interventions currently available. It comes in many flavours, but I fast for at least 12 hours every day.
Extended lifespan in female Drosophila melanogaster through late-life calorie restriction Full Text
The effects of time restricted feeding on age-related changes in the mouse retina Full Text
Intermittent Fasting Targets Osteocyte Neuropeptide Y to Relieve Osteoarthritis Full Text


Dietlet food be thy medicine…
*Blood fat profiles confirm health benefits of replacing butter with high-quality plant oils Full Text
*A Switch to Whole Food Diets Benefits Elderly People Full Text***
*Unveiling the epigenetic impact of vegan vs. omnivorous diets on aging: insights from the Twins Nutrition Study (TwiNS) Full Text
Coffee consumption and cardiometabolic health: a comprehensive review of the evidence Full Text


Exercise – if you could bottle the benefits of exercise, it would be the biggest blockbuster drug of all time.
*Long-Term Improvement in Hippocampal-Dependent Learning Ability in Healthy, Aged Individuals Following High Intensity Interval Training Full Text***
*Dose-response relationship between physical activity and frailty: A systematic review and meta-analysis Full Text
*Effects of walking on epigenetic age acceleration: a Mendelian randomization study Full Text


Non-prescription Supplements (in alphabetical order)
NOTE - the supplements selected below are not exhaustive. They reflect what I thought were the most interesting ones back in 2019, with only a few updates since. I do individual searches for each and simply do not have time to do all others. Additionally, I’ve noticed how a lot of natural supplements affect the same genetic pathways, so I think that there is a lot of overlap and redundancy.


Astaxanthin – which is behind the pink colour of salmon & shrimp. Considered the most powerful carotenoid, it has anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuro-protective and skin-protective qualities.
Astaxanthin attenuates diabetic kidney injury through upregulation of autophagy in podocytes and pathological crosstalk with mesangial cells Full Text***
*Randomized clinical trial of astaxanthin supplement on serum inflammatory markers and ER stress-apoptosis gene expression in PBMCs of women with PCOS Full Text


Curcumin – the spice which gives curries their yellow colour. Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Needs to be taken with black pepper (piperine) to improve bioavailability.
*Meta-analysis of the effect of curcumin supplementation on skeletal muscle damage status Full Text
Curcumin and Gut Microbiota: A Narrative Overview with Focus on Glycemic Control Full Text
Target analysis and identification of curcumin against vascular calcification Full Text


The Flavonoid Fisetin Reduces Multiple Physiological Risk Factors for Dementia


*Effect of melatonin supplementation on cardiometabolic risk factors, oxidative stress and hormonal profile in PCOS patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials Full Text
*Melatonin mediates intestinal barrier dysfunction and systemic inflammation in moderate-severe OSA patients Full Text
Immunoregulatory Properties of Melatonin in the Humoral Immune System: A Narrative Review Full Text


Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN)
Therapeutic effect of nicotinamide mononucleotide on Alzheimer’s disease through activating autophagy and anti-oxidative stress Full Text
NAD+ overconsumption by poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) under oxidative stress induces cytoskeletal disruption in vascular endothelial cell Full Text


Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)
*Acute nicotinamide riboside supplementation increases human cerebral NAD+ levels in vivo Full Text
Nicotinamide riboside restores nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels and alleviates brain injury by inhibiting oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in a mouse model of intracerebral hemorrhage Full Text
Protective Effect of Nicotinamide Riboside on Glucocorticoid-Induced Glaucoma: Mitigating Mitochondrial Damage and Extracellular Matrix Deposition Full Text


*Resveratrol ameliorates mitochondrial biogenesis and reproductive outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome undergoing assisted reproduction: a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial Full Text***
Effects of resveratrol on biochemical and structural outcomes in osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical studies Full Text


Spermidine supplementation in honey bees: Autophagy and epigenetic modifications Full Text
Spermidine as an epigenetic regulator of autophagy in neurodegenerative disorders Full Text


Other available supplements or natural substances (in alphabetical order)
Alpha-ketoglutarate ameliorates age-related and surgery induced temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis via regulating IKK/NF-κB signaling Full Text
*β-Alanine supplementation improves fractional anisotropy scores in the hippocampus and amygdala in 60–80-year-old men and women Full Text
*Whole Coffee Cherry Extract Improves Working Memory and Response Inhibition: Acute and Longitudinal Results from a Remote, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial Full Text
*Associations of fish oil with cardiovascular disease events: results from the Taiwan longitudinal study in aging Full Text
Late-life dietary folate restriction reduces biosynthesis without compromising healthspan in mice Full Text
PDZK1 protects against mechanical overload-induced chondrocyte senescence and osteoarthritis by targeting mitochondrial function Full Text mitoQ
*Targeting aging with urolithin A in humans: A systematic review Full Text


Medium-chain triglycerides combined with DHA improve cognitive function by inhibiting neurocyte apoptosis of the brain in SAMP8 mice Full Text
*Supplements slow disease progression during late stage of 'dry' age-related macular degeneration Abstract ***
Effectiveness and mechanisms of combined use of antioxidant nutrients in protecting against oxidative stress-induced neuronal loss and related neurological deficits Full Text
*Investigating the Effects and Mechanisms of Combined Vitamin D and K Supplementation in Postmenopausal Women: An Up-to-Date Comprehensive Review of Clinical Studies Full Text
*Metabolic effects of very-low calorie diet, Semaglutide, or combination of the two, in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus Full Text


Prescription Supplements


A Mechanistic Analysis of Metformin's Biphasic Effects on Lifespan and Healthspan in C. elegans: Elixir in Youth, Poison in Elder
Metformin prevents the onset and progression of intervertebral disc degeneration: New insights and potential mechanisms (Review) Full Text
Metformin beyond type 2 diabetes: Emerging and potential new indications Full Text


Miscellaneous Molecules & Prescription Drugs
Chronic angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition attenuates frailty and protects against atrial fibrillation in aging mice CAN
*Discontinuation versus continuation of statins: A systematic review Full Text CAN
*Impact of SGLT2 Inhibitors on Very Elderly Population with Heart Failure with Reduce Ejection Fraction: Real Life Data Full Text
Age-Related Effects of AT1 Receptor Antagonist Losartan on Cognitive Decline in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Full Text
Empagliflozin protects against heart failure with preserved ejection fraction partly by inhibiting the senescence-associated STAT1–STING axis Full Text
*Effect of low-dose terazosin on arterial stiffness improvement: A pilot study Full Text


Novel Molecules
Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase inhibition mimics and boosts exercise-mediated improvements in muscle function in aged mice Full Text
Recombinant FOXN1 fusion protein increases T cell generation in old mice Full Text
Discovery and characterization of a new class of NAD+-independent SIRT1 activators Full Text


Other Areas of Interest (in alphabetical order)


Ageing Clocks & other biomarkers of ageing
PRC2-AgeIndex as a universal biomarker of aging and rejuvenation Full Text
Proteomic signatures improve risk prediction for common and rare diseases Full Text
Epistemic uncertainty challenges aging clock reliability in predicting rejuvenation effects Full Text


Epigenetics & Cellular Reprogramming
Strategies for modeling aging and age-related diseases Full Text
Targeting neuronal epigenomes for brain rejuvenation Full Text


Exosomes (small packets of information released by cells)
Hypoxia-Preconditioned BMSC-Derived Exosomes Induce Mitophagy via the BNIP3–ANAX2 Axis to Alleviate Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Full Text
Exosomes derived from hTERT-immortalized cells delay cellular senescence of human fibroblasts Full Text


Lifespan Lengthening Interventions
Targeting senescence induced by age or chemotherapy with a polyphenol-rich natural extract improves longevity and healthspan in mice Full Text HK Extract ***
An expedited screening platform for the discovery of anti-ageing compounds in vitro and in vivo Full Text
A Senomorphlytic Three-Drug Combination Discovered in Salsola collina for Delaying Aging Phenotypes and Extending Healthspan Full Text


The Gut and Skin Microbiome and Its Association with Aging Clocks Full Text
Fecal Microbiota Transfer from Young Mice Reverts Vascular Aging Hallmarks and Metabolic Impairments in Aged Mice Full Text***
*Probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum TSF331, Lactobacillus reuteri TSR332, and Lactobacillus plantarum TSP05 improved liver function and uric acid management-A pilot study Full Text


Observational Studies
*Is the relationship between chronic pain and mortality causal? A propensity score analysis Full Text CAN
*Exploring the relationship between marital quality and cognitive function: A systematic review Full Text CAN
*Obesity and risk of diseases associated with hallmarks of cellular ageing: a multicohort study Full Text
*Gratitude and Mortality Among Older US Female Nurses Full Text
*Phthalate exposure and markers of biological aging: The mediating role of inflammation and moderating role of dietary nutrient intake Full Text


Can geroscience be translated into healthcare? Full Text
Aging and “Age-Related” Diseases - What Is the Relation? Full Text
How evolution makes us age: Introducing the evolvable soma theory of ageing


Other Ageing Biology
PEPITEM -- a novel protective agent for 'inflammageing' Full Text***
NFκB dynamics-dependent epigenetic changes modulate inflammatory gene expression and induce cellular senescence Full Text


Reproductive Health
*Hormone therapy is associated with lower Alzheimer’s disease tau biomarkers in post-menopausal females -evidence from two independent cohorts Full Text CAN
*Antioxidants and Fertility in Women with Ovarian Ageing: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Full Text
FOXO4-DRI improves spermatogenesis in aged mice through reducing senescence-associated secretory phenotype secretion from Leydig cells Full Text


Road traffic noise exposure and its impact on health: evidence from animal and human studies—chronic stress, inflammation, and oxidative stress as key components of the complex downstream pathway underlying noise-induced non-auditory health effects Full Text***
Extraordinary model systems for regeneration Full Text
Natural Compounds for Preventing Age-Related Diseases and Cancers Full Text
The influence of sex-specific factors on biological transformations and health outcomes in aging processes Full Text


Senolytics/Senescent Cells
Inhibitory immune checkpoints suppress the surveillance of senescent cells promoting their accumulation with aging and in age-related diseases Full Text
Procyanidin C1 inhibits bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice by selective clearance of senescent myofibroblasts Full Text
*Effects of intermittent senolytic therapy on bone metabolism in postmenopausal women: a phase 2 randomized controlled trial


Skin & Beauty
*Senomorphic activity of a combination of niacinamide and hyaluronic acid: correlation with clinical improvement of skin aging Full Text
*A Clinical Trial Shows Improvement in Skin Collagen, Hydration, Elasticity, Wrinkles, Scalp, and Hair Condition following 12-Week Oral Intake of a Supplement Containing Hydrolysed Collagen Full Text***
Triethylene Glycol Squalene Improves Hair Regeneration by Maintaining the Inductive Capacity of Human Dermal Papilla Cells and Preventing Premature Aging


Stem Cells
11β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 transgenic mesenchymal stem cells attenuate inflammation in models of sepsis Full Text
Three-dimensional cultured human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells attenuate pulmonary fibrosis by improving the balance of mitochondrial fusion and fission Full Text


*Pharmacotherapeutic Considerations on Telomere Biology: The Positive Effect of Pharmacologically Active Substances on Telomere Length Full Text
*The association of metabolic syndrome with telomere length as a marker of cellular aging: a systematic review and meta-analysis Full Text
*Association between telomere length and erectile dysfunction: a cross-sectional study Full Text


Odds & Sods
*The lifelong orgasm gap: exploring age’s impact on orgasm rates Full Text
*Physical enhancement of older adults using hyperbaric oxygen: a randomized controlled trial Full Text***
Feline Cognition and the Role of Nutrition: An Evolutionary Perspective and Historical Review Full Text
***Disclaimer 1 – I am NOT a doctor or indeed a scientist. All the information pertained within is for information purposes only; use at your own risk. Please consult with a healthcare practitioner if you need medical advice.***


**Disclaimer 2 In no way should supplements be a replacement for an unhealthy diet or lifestyle. A varied, plant dominant dietary pattern is the cornerstone for health. Try to eat the rainbow – the greater the variety, the greater the benefit. Even though I might take a supplement derived from a plant source, I still eat the plant in question. Also, make sure you move as much as possible – that is what we evolved to do.**


*Also bear in mind that most of the studies mentioned above are in rodents, not humans. Rodents, needless to say, do not always react the same way to drugs as humans do – witness the countless times cancer or another disease has been cured in rodents only to subsequently fail human trials. I have *starred any human trials.*

Chris Linnell's Longevity Review Newsletter - June 2024 Longevity Review 29 July 2024 - 08:45 PM

With summer in full swing, we will take a look at how early Alzheimer’s could be slowed, stopped or even reversed through extensive lifestyle changes; how CRISPR gene therapy could be used to repair damaged organs; the first lifespan study of NMN; a look at Longevity Summit Dublin; and, how natural antioxidants could prevent the loss of testosterone in older men in the Canadian Content Study.


In the supplemental section you will find in Exercise, how heavy resistance training can have long lasting effects; in Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) how it improves walking in a human trial; In Other Supplements, how Taurine reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome; in Microbiome, how probiotics improve cognition and inflammation; in Observational Studies, how 70 is the new 60; in Skin & Beauty, a couple more studies on the benefits of collagen; and in Odds and Sods, how organic light-emitting diode therapy promotes longevity. Plus of course much more!



Canadian Longevity Association News


The big news this month is that we launched the first phase of our website update! The website had been relatively unchanged for the past two years due to a lack of resources, but we’ve now finally made some changes to improve its look and content. It is still very much a work in progress, but should see further improvements as the year progresses. Please take a look and tell us what you think!


We have started the process of creating our online merchandise store, so you will soon be able to purchase CLA branded items such as T-shirts, coffee mugs etc. It’s important for us to get more revenue so that we can do more to advocate for longevity, and ultimately improve YOUR health and wellbeing.


We held our second monthly Longevity Walk along the Boardwalk, which was once again marred by a rainy forecast, but also once again, by the time we left on the walk, the heavens had cleared.

Chris Linnell's Longevity Review Newsletter - May 2024 Longevity Review 30 June 2024 - 07:38 PM

As we transition towards summer you will find in this month’s Longevity Review, a study showing that senolytics might already be in widespread use; further proof of the mortality benefits of the Mediterranean diet; a Canadian study showing how increased protein intake boosts muscle building in the elderly; news from a longevity conference and a heavyweight debate on the path forward for longevity.
In the supplemental section you will find in Fasting, how intermittent fasting improves gut health; in Exercise, how exercise acts as a senolytic; in Combinations, a pair of studies showing synergistic effects between vitamin D intake and physical activity; in Genetics, a gene therapy for dementia; in Lifespan, the latest Interventions Testing Program results; in Other Ageing Biology, how the naked mole rat continues to defy the law of mortality; in Skin & Beauty, successful skin care trials; in Stem Cells, a therapy for low grade inflammation; and in Odds & Sods, more studies on the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. And, of course, much more!



Canadian Longevity Association News


We had our first in-person event of the year, with a longevity walk along the boardwalk in Toronto. Although the weather didn’t start off being cooperative, by the time the walk started, the heavens had cleared and it turned out to be nice and sunny so that good times were had by all.
We also had another volunteer join our ever expanding team - welcome Mike Cottrill!


Donate to the Canadian Longevity Association to help bring about a future where we don’t die of aging related diseases!


Please also follow, or join us on social media:


Twitter/X (I also have a personal account with more frequent longevity updates)


Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Meetup


Canadian Longevity Association YouTube Channel - where you can find video talk-throughs of these reviews.


Discord for longevity related chats and the place to have all your longevity related questions answered.


Previous newsletters can be found in the CLA Facebook Group, and also my Patreon account, which includes bonus material for supporters if you want to buy us a coffee.
Finally, we are always looking for more help or volunteers, regardless of your skill set or time availability. If you’d be interested in helping us, please fill out this Volunteer Registration Form.


May 2024 Round-Up:


Are millions of people already taking senolytics? That is the intriguing question posed by this paper which posits that SGLT2 inhibitors, used to treat diabetes, heart failure and chronic kidney disease, also act as an indirect senolytic. The evidence appears to be that this is true, which opens up the possibility of expanding their indications to treat aging more generally.
SGLT2 inhibition eliminates senescent cells and alleviates pathological aging Full Text


By now we should all be aware of the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, with countless studies to back up that claim. However, most of those studies were over short timeframes, not exceeding a few years. This study, on the other hand, tracked 25K women over 25 years and found that those who more closely followed the diet had a 23% lower risk of mortality than those who didn’t.
*Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Risk of All-Cause Mortality in Women Full Text


One of the first major longevity conferences of the year, the Rejuvenation Startup Summit, took place in Berlin in May, with numerous talks from researchers and biotechs working on longevity. You can read more about it in this detailed write up from Lifespan.io. You can also check out the videos of the talks, which have begun to be posted on YouTube.
“Everything Happens in Berlin”: Highlights from the Summit
Rejuvenation Startup Summit Videos


There was also a highly anticipated debate between Aubrey de Grey and Peter Fedichev, over the best strategy to defeat aging with (in simplistic terms) Aubrey arguing for reversal, while Peter argued for a halting of the aging process. There was a $10K prize for the winner.
How to Defeat Aging? Two Scientists Offer Their Visions
Debate Video


Canadian Content Study


The importance of having enough muscle mass when you age cannot be overstated - the lower the muscle mass, the greater the risk of frailty and ultimately, mortality. But, how to achieve that? Apart from resistance training, adequate protein intake is essential. In fact, older people need substantially more than younger adults as they don’t synthesize it as effectively.


This study, from McMaster University, looked at giving older men an additional 50 grams of protein over the recommended daily amount (0.8g/kg) in the form of whey, pea or collagen protein to be consumed over breakfast and lunch. This resulted in a 9% increase in protein synthesis for both whey and pea protein, but not for collagen.
*The effects of whey, pea, and collagen protein supplementation beyond the recommended dietary allowance on integrated myofibrillar protein synthetic rates in older males: a randomized controlled trial Full Text


Other Canadian studies can be found marked as CAN throughout this newsletter.


Supplemental Section


*Protein Intake and Physical Activity Levels as Determinants of Sarcopenia Risk in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Full Text
*Epigenetic Age Mediates the Association of Life's Essential 8 With Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality Full Text
*Physical activity and fiber intake beneficial for muscle mass and strength preservation during aging: A comprehensive cross-sectional study in the UK biobank cohort Full Text


Fasting/Dietary Restriction – certainly the cheapest & also one of the most effective anti-ageing interventions currently available. It comes in many flavours, but I fast for at least 12 hours every day.
*Intermittent fasting shows promise in improving gut health, weight management Full Text
Intermittent fasting protects against liver inflammation and liver cancer Full Text
*Effect of time-restricted eating and intermittent fasting on cognitive function and mental health in older adults: A systematic review Full Text


Diet let food be thy medicine…
*Dietary protein and amino acid intakes for mitigating sarcopenia in humans Full Text
*Association of coffee and tea consumption with osteoporosis risk: A prospective study from the UK biobank
*Effect of Food Groups on Aging in Older Women
*Identifying the relation between food groups and biological ageing: a data-driven approach Full Text


Exercise – if you could bottle the benefits of exercise, it would be the biggest blockbuster drug of all time.
*Exercise May Remove Senescent Cells Through Inflammation Full Text
*Effects of physical exercise on neuromuscular junction degeneration during ageing: A systematic review Full Text
Potential molecular mechanism of exercise reversing insulin resistance and improving neurodegenerative diseases Full Text


Non-prescription Supplements (in alphabetical order)
NOTE - the supplements selected below are not exhaustive. They reflect what I thought were the most interesting ones back in 2019, with only a few updates since. I do individual searches for each and simply do not have time to do all others. Additionally, I’ve noticed how a lot of natural supplements affect the same genetic pathways, so I think that there is a lot of overlap and redundancy.


Astaxanthin – which is behind the pink colour of salmon & shrimp. Considered the most powerful carotenoid, it has anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuro-protective and skin-protective qualities.
*Comparative Pharmacokinetic Study of Standard Astaxanthin and its Micellar Formulation in Healthy Male Volunteers Full Text
Protective effects of astaxanthin on particulate matter 2.5‑induced senescence in HaCaT keratinocytes via maintenance of redox homeostasis Full Text


Curcumin – the spice which gives curries their yellow colour. Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Needs to be taken with black pepper (piperine) to improve bioavailability.
*Effect of nano-curcumin supplementation on angina status, and traditional and novel cardiovascular risk factors in overweight or obese patients with coronary slow flow phenomenon: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial Full Text
*Effects of curcumin in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis Full Text


*Clinical validation of C12FDG as a marker associated with senescence and osteoarthritic phenotypes Full Text


Melatonin promotes hair regeneration by modulating the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway Full Text
*Clinical Studies Using Topical Melatonin Full Text


Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN)
Integrated transcriptome and metabolome study reveal the therapeutic effects of nicotinamide riboside and nicotinamide mononucleotide on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Full Text & NR
Toxicology study profile of Nicotinamide mononucleotide after acute and 90-day sub chronic dosing in Wistar rats and mutagenicity tests Full Text
*Ingestion of β-nicotinamide mononucleotide increased blood NAD levels, maintained walking speed, and improved sleep quality in older adults in a double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled study


Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)
Nicotinamide riboside attenuates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury via regulating SIRT3/SOD2 signaling pathway Full Text
Hepatic steatosis induced by nicotine plus Coca-Cola™ is prevented by nicotinamide riboside (NR) Full Text


SIRT1, resveratrol and aging Full Text


Other available supplements or natural substances (in alphabetical order)
Potential Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Anti-Aging and Aging-Related Diseases: Current Evidence and Perspectives Full Text
Real-world Chinese herbal medicine for Parkinson's disease: a hospital-based retrospective analysis of electronic medical records Full Text
*Emerging Roles of Vitamin B12 in Aging and Inflammation Full Text
The evidence to date: implications of l-ascorbic acid in the pathophysiology of aging Full Text
Why One Antioxidant Might Alleviate Disc Degeneration Full Text
Quercetin promotes the proportion and maturation of NK cells by binding to MYH9 and improves cognitive functions in aged mice Full Text
*The effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on muscle and whole-body protein synthesis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Full Text
Urolithin A improves Alzheimer's disease cognition and restores mitophagy and lysosomal functions Full Text


*Synergistic impact of 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations and physical activity on delaying aging Full Text
*Association of physical activity and vitamin D deficiency with cognitive impairment in older adults: a population based cross-sectional analysis Full Text
A cocktail of rapamycin, acarbose, and phenylbutyrate prevents age-related cognitive decline in mice by targeting multiple aging pathways Full Text
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), Vitamin D3, and Probiotics Supplementation Improve Memory, Glial Reactivity, and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in an Aluminum-Induced Cognitive Impairment Rat Model Full Text
A randomized, controlled clinical trial demonstrates improved owner-assessed cognitive function in senior dogs receiving a senolytic and NAD+ precursor combination Full Text


Prescription Supplements


*Metformin mitigates dementia risk among individuals with type 2 diabetes Full Text


Rapamycin (sirolimus)
Inhibition of mTOR prevents glucotoxicity-mediated increase of SA-beta-gal, p16INK4a, and insulin hypersecretion, without restoring electrical features of mouse pancreatic islets Full Text


Miscellaneous Molecules & Prescription Drugs
Intermittent glucocorticoid treatment improves muscle metabolism via the PGC1α/Lipin1 axis in an aging-related sarcopenia model Full Text
Hydroxycitrate delays early mortality in mice and promotes muscle regeneration while inducing a rich hepatic energetic status Full Text
SGLT2 inhibition to target kidney aging Full Text
Hypothalamic sex-specific metabolic shift by canagliflozin during aging Full Text


Novel Molecules
Small-molecule-induced epigenetic rejuvenation promotes SREBP condensation and overcomes barriers to CNS myelin regeneration


Other Areas of Interest (in alphabetical order)


Ageing Clocks & other biomarkers of ageing
How biological aging clocks tick Full Text
Quantifying the stochastic component of epigenetic aging Full Text
*Proteomic aging clock (PAC) predicts age-related outcomes in middle-aged and older adults Full Text
*The effect of epigenetic aging on neurodegenerative diseases: a Mendelian randomization study Full Text


Blood Factors or other Heterochronic Transplantation
Young blood-mediated cerebromicrovascular rejuvenation through heterochronic parabiosis: enhancing blood-brain barrier integrity and capillarization in the aged mouse brain
Long-term hematopoietic transfer of the anti-cancer and lifespan-extending capabilities of a genetically engineered blood system by transplantation of bone marrow mononuclear cells Full Text


Epigenetics & Cellular Reprogramming
A youthful touch: Reversal of aging hallmarks by cell reprogramming Full Text


Exosomes (small packets of information released by cells)
Strategies in product engineering of mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes: unveiling the mechanisms underpinning the promotive effects of mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes Full Tex
Mesenchymal Stem Cells-based Cell-free Therapy Targeting Neuroinflammation Full Text


Genetics including CRISPR
Emerging technology has a brilliant future: the CRISPR-Cas system for senescence, inflammation, and cartilage repair in osteoarthritis Full Text
*Progranulin AAV gene therapy for frontotemporal dementia: translational studies and phase 1/2 trial interim results Full Text
*Genetic effects and causal association analyses of 14 common conditions/diseases in multimorbidity patterns Full Text


Lifespan Lengthening Interventions
Lifespan effects in male UM-HET3 mice treated with sodium thiosulfate, 16-hydroxyestriol, and late-start canagliflozin
Targeting CK2 eliminates senescent cells and prolongs lifespan in Zmpste24-deficient mice Full Text
Translatability of life-extending pharmacological treatments between different species Full Text
Low-dose naltrexone extends healthspan and lifespan in C. elegans via SKN-1 activation Full Text


Enhancing probiotic impact: engineering Saccharomyces boulardii for optimal acetic acid production and gastric passage tolerance Full Text
Oral Administration of Bifidobacterium lactis Ameliorates Cognitive Deficits in Mice Intracerebroventricularly Administered Amyloid Beta via Regulation the Activation of Mitogen-activated Protein Kinases Full Text
*Association of the oral microbiome with cognitive function among older adults: NHANES 2011–2012 Full Text


Observational Studies
*Arthritis is associated with high nutritional risk among older Canadian adults from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Full Text CAN
*Short communication: Lifetime musical activity and resting-state functional connectivity in cognitive networks Full Text
*Circulating microRNA profile of long-lived Okinawans identifies novel potential targets for optimizing lifespan and health span Full Text
*Predictive values of relative fat mass and body mass index on cardiovascular health in community-dwelling older adults: Results from the Longevity Check-up (Lookup) 7+ Full Text


Gerogenes and gerosuppression: the pillars of precision geromedicine Full Text May
The beginning of becoming a human Full Text
Successful Aging and Subjective Aging: Toward a Framework to Research a Neglected Connection Full Text
Psychogenic Aging: A Novel Prospect to Integrate Psychobiological Hallmarks of Aging Full Text


Other Ageing Biology
Identification and characterization of small molecule inhibitors of the LINE-1 retrotransposon endonuclease Full Text
Intracellular cytokines in peritoneal leukocytes relate to lifespan in aging and long-lived female mice Full Text
Trio preserves motor synapses and prolongs motor ability during aging Full Text
Five years later, with double the demographic data, naked mole-rat mortality rates continue to defy Gompertzian laws by not increasing with age Full Text


Reproductive Health
*Examining the Effects of Nutrient Supplementation on Metabolic Pathways via Mitochondrial Ferredoxin in Aging Ovaries Full Text
Expert Consensus on Prevention and Treatment of Aging-Related Gonadal Dysfunction Full Text
Preservation of ovarian function using human pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells Full Text
*The efficacy of oral Lavandula angustifolia Mill. essential oil on menopausal symptoms, serum lipid profile, and cortisol concentration in postmenopausal women: A triple-blind, randomized, controlled trial Full Text


Impact of Aging on Cardiovascular Diseases: From Chronological Observation to Biological Insights: JACC Family Series Full Text
Molecular mechanisms of aging and anti-aging strategies Full Text
Physical Activity and Oxidative Stress in Aging Full Text


Senolytics/Senescent Cells
Senolytics and cell senescence: historical and evolutionary perspectives Full Text
Senolytic combination of dasatinib and quercetin attenuates renal damage in diabetic kidney disease Full Text
Failure of senolytic treatment to prevent cognitive decline in a female rodent model of aging Full Text
The potential for senotherapy as a novel approach to extend life quality in veterinary medicine Full Text


Skin & Beauty
*Anti-aging Effects of Tirbanibulin 1% Ointment: A Real-Life Experience Full Text
*Beneficial Effects of Multi-Micronutrient Supplementation with Collagen Peptides on Global Wrinkles, Skin Elasticity and Appearance in Healthy Female Subjects Full Text
*Low-level laser therapy for skin rejuvenation: A safe and effective solution baked by data and visual evidence Full Text


Stem Cells
*Safety and efficacy of autologous adipose tissue-derived stem cell transplantation in aging-related low-grade inflammation patients: a single-group, open-label, phase I clinical trial Full Text
Dental pulp stem cells ameliorate D-galactose-induced cardiac ageing in rats Full Text
Rejuvenation of peripheral immune cells attenuates Alzheimer’s disease-like pathologies and behavioral deficits in a mouse model Full Text


Elevated tissue status of omega-3 fatty acids protects against age-related telomere attrition in fat-1 transgenic mice Full Text


Odds & Sods
Cannabinoids and healthy ageing: the potential for extending healthspan and lifespan in preclinical models with an emphasis on Caenorhabditis elegans Full Text
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Reduces the Traumatic Brain Injury–Mediated Neuroinflammation Through Enrichment of Prevotella Copri in the Gut of Male Rats Full Text
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: future prospects in regenerative therapy and anti-aging Full Text
Hyperbaric Oxygen Improves Long-Term Learning and Memory Impairment by Attenuating Neuronal Apoptosis in aMCI Rats Full Text
***Disclaimer 1 – I am NOT a doctor or indeed a scientist. All the information pertained within is for information purposes only; use at your own risk. Please consult with a healthcare practitioner if you need medical advice.***


**Disclaimer 2In no way should supplements be a replacement for an unhealthy diet or lifestyle. A varied, plant dominant dietary pattern is the cornerstone for health. Try to eat the rainbow – the greater the variety, the greater the benefit. Even though I might take a supplement derived from a plant source, I still eat the plant in question. Also, make sure you move as much as possible – that is what we evolved to do.**


*Also bear in mind that most of the studies mentioned above are in rodents, not humans. Rodents, needless to say, do not always react the same way to drugs as humans do – witness the countless times cancer or another disease has been cured in rodents only to subsequently fail human trials. I have *starred any human trials.*

Chris Linnell's Longevity Review Newsletter - April 2024 Longevity Review 16 May 2024 - 06:26 PM

In this month’s Longevity Review you will find how small extracellular vesicles, which cells use to communicate with each other, can increase lifespan in mice; how stem cells taken from umbilical cords can help with frailty in humans; the best time of day to exercise to reduce your mortality if you suffer from obesity or diabetes; and, in the Canadian Content section, how the nuclear envelope is more dynamic than initially thought, and helps repair DNA damage.


In the supplemental section you will find, under exercise, the effects of different intensities of resistance training; in additional supplements, two reviews of vitamin D and one of magnesium; in opinion an interesting piece on how we need a new discipline of juventology; in reproduction, a number of ways to delay Ovarian aging using stem cells, NMN, NR & quercetin; and, in stem cells, how transplanting mitochondria can improve muscle function. In addition, there are a record six Canadian studies in this edition, marked by CAN. Plus of course much more!



Canadian Longevity Association News


We onboarded two more volunteers who will help with content creation for the website and help with cybersecurity - welcome aboard Brennan and Mike! Please consider bringing your own unique skills to help us and join our growing team.


We have also finally started work on improving and expanding our website. Some initial changes will soon be going live.


Donate to the Canadian Longevity Association to help bring about a future where we don’t die of aging related diseases!


Please also follow, or join us on social media:


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Canadian Longevity Association YouTube Channel - where you can find video talk-throughs of these reviews.


Discord for longevity related chats and the place to have all your longevity related questions answered.


Previous newsletters can be found in the CLA Facebook Group, and also my Patreon account, which includes bonus material for supporters if you want to buy us a coffee.
Finally, we are always looking for more help or volunteers, regardless of your skill set or time availability. If you’d be interested in helping us, please fill out this Volunteer Registration Form.


April 2024 Round-Up:
In this study, small extracellular vesicles (sEVs)(small packets of chemical information cells use to communicate with each other) from young male mice extended the average lifespan of old male mice by 12% - a considerable amount considering treatment only started in old age. In addition, various physiological functions improved, including fertility. Additionally, this treatment seemed to cross the species barrier as sEVs taken from younger human males had a similar effect on the mice, which indicates, if the reverse held true, that we might be able to get an abundant source of young sEVs from farm animals for example.
Young Extracellular Vesicles Extend Life in Old Mice Full Text


Further showing the potential of sEVs and their ilk, this small human study of umbilical cord stem cells improved various parameters of frailty in elderly Chinese, which improved their quality of life. I link this to sEVs as the main benefit of stem cells derives from the substances they excrete, sEVs among them, as the cells themselves do not last long in the body.
*Stem Cells Alleviate Frailty in Clinical Trial Full Text


Here is a very actionable association study using data from the UK Biobank. For older people with obesity, the best time of day to perform moderate to vigorous physical activity was in the evenings, with a whopping 61% reduction in mortality compared to those who did not exercise. This was considerably better than exercising in the morning or afternoon, though any time of day is better than none.
*Evening Aerobic Exercise Associated with Least Mortality Full Text


Canadian Content Highlight
In this groundbreaking study from the lab of University of Toronto professor Dr. Karim Mekhail, they showed that the envelope which surrounds the nucleus in our cells is actively involved in the repair of DNA damage. Although this paper mainly concentrates on the effects on cancer, they also briefly touch on progeria and by extension, aging. The lab is actively pursuing studies related to this on aging, including means to reverse changes to the envelope with age.
Toronto researchers uncover human DNA repair by nuclear metamorphosis
Team effort reveals cells reshape their nucleus to repair DNA, impacting cancer and aging
DNA double-strand break–capturing nuclear envelope tubules drive DNA repair Abstract
Full Text


Supplemental Section


*Protein-enriched soup and weekly exercise improve muscle health: A randomized trial in mid-to-old age with inadequate protein intake Full Text
*Association between Life’s Essential 8 and cognitive function: insights from NHANES 2011–2014 Full Text
*Lifestyle-related factors in late midlife as predictors of frailty from late midlife into old age: a longitudinal birth cohort study Full Text


Fasting/Dietary Restriction – certainly the cheapest & also one of the most effective anti-ageing interventions currently available. It comes in many flavours, but I fast for at least 12 hours every day.
*Effect of calorie restriction and intermittent fasting on glucose homeostasis, lipid profile, inflammatory, and hormonal markers in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review Full Text
*Neuroprotective effects of intermittent fasting in the aging brain Full Text
*Effect of Isocaloric, Time-Restricted Eating on Body Weight in Adults With Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial


Diet let food be thy medicine…
*The association of the dietary inflammatory potential with risk of overall and site-specific cancers: A community-based longitudinal study in the UK Biobank Full Text
*Wild Blueberry Extract Intervention in Healthy Older Adults: A Multi-Study, Randomised, Controlled Investigation of Acute Cognitive and Cardiovascular Effects Full Text
*Alcohol consumption and accelerated biological ageing in middle-aged and older people: A longitudinal study from two cohorts


Exercise – if you could bottle the benefits of exercise, it would be the biggest blockbuster drug of all time.
*Effect of resistance circuit training on comprehensive health indicators in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis Full Text
*Presence of specific lipids indicate tissue ageing and can be decreased through exercise Full Text


Non-prescription Supplements (in alphabetical order)
NOTE - the supplements selected below are not exhaustive. They reflect what I thought were the most interesting ones back in 2019, with only a few updates since. I do individual searches for each and simply do not have time to do all others. Additionally, I’ve noticed how a lot of natural supplements affect the same genetic pathways, so I think that there is a lot of overlap and redundancy.


Astaxanthin – which is behind the pink colour of salmon & shrimp. Considered the most powerful carotenoid, it has anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuro-protective and skin-protective qualities.
Astaxanthin prevents bone loss in osteoporotic rats with palmitic acid through suppressing oxidative stress Full Text
Nrf2 Plays a Key Role in Erythropoiesis during Aging Full Text


Curcumin – the spice which gives curries their yellow colour. Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Needs to be taken with black pepper (piperine) to improve bioavailability.
*Patient-reported outcomes of curcumin supplementation in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis: a cross-sectional survey
*The efficacy of curcumin in relieving osteoarthritis: A meta-analysis of meta-analyses
Advancing Gastrointestinal Health: Curcumin’s Efficacy and Nanopreparations Full Text
Curcumin attenuates brain aging by reducing apoptosis and oxidative stress
*Curcumin as a Multifunctional Spice Ingredient against Mental Disorders in Humans: Current Clinical Studies and Bioavailability Concerns Full Text


A Clinical, Pharmacological, and Formulation Evaluation of Melatonin in the Treatment of Ocular Disorders—A Systematic Review Full Text
*The Positive Association between Melatonin-Containing Food Consumption and Older Adult Life Satisfaction, Psychoemotional State, and Cognitive Function Full Text
Antioxidant Actions of Melatonin: A Systematic Review of Animal Studies Full Text


Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN)
A Magnesium Binding Site And The Anomeric Effect Regulate The Abiotic Redox Chemistry Of Nicotinamide Nucleotides Full Text CAN
LXR/CD38 activation drives cholesterol-induced macrophage senescence and neurodegeneration via NAD+ depletion Full Text


Pterostilbene Protects against Osteoarthritis through NLRP3 Inflammasome Inactivation and Improves Gut Microbiota as Evidenced by In Vivo and In Vitro Studies Full Text


Resveratrol alleviates acute lung injury in mice by promoting Pink1/Parkin-related mitophagy and inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activation Full Text
Exploring the multimodal health-promoting properties of resveratrol: A comprehensive review Full Text
Potential role of resveratrol in prevention and therapy of diabetic complications: a critical review Full Text


Other available supplements or natural substances (in alphabetical order)
Comparing the efficacy of concomitant treatment of resistance exercise and creatine monohydrate versus multiple individual therapies in age related sarcopenia Full Text
*Consensus Statement on Vitamin D Status Assessment and Supplementation: Whys, Whens, and Hows Full Text
*The Power of Vitamin D: Is the Future in Precision Nutrition through Personalized Supplementation Plans? Full Text
L-Ergothioneine slows the progression of age-related hearing loss in CBA/CaJ mice
Association between dietary magnesium intake, inflammation, and neurodegeneration Full Text
*The efficacy and safety of Nigella sativa in the management of osteoarthritis: A systematic review Full Text
*Improvement in Visceral Adipose Tissue and LDL Cholesterol by High PUFA Intake: 1-Year Results of the NutriAct Trial Full Text
Methylated urolithin A, mitigates cognitive impairment by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome and ameliorating mitochondrial dysfunction in aging mice


*The effect of curcumin and high-content eicosapentaenoic acid supplementations in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: a double-blinded randomized clinical trial Full Text
*Effects of vitamin D3, omega-3 s and a simple strength training exercise program on bone health: the DO-HEALTH randomized controlled trial Full Text
Combined Metabolic Activators with Different NAD+ Precursors Improve Metabolic Functions in the Animal Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases Full Text


Prescription Supplements


Causal association of metformin treatment with diverse cardiovascular diseases: a Mendelian randomization analysis Full Text


Rapamycin (sirolimus)
*Evaluating the effect of rapamycin treatment in Alzheimer’s disease and aging using in vivo imaging: the ERAP phase IIa clinical study protocol Full Text
Effect and Mechanism of Rapamycin on Cognitive Deficits in Animal Models of Alzheimer's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Preclinical Studies


Miscellaneous Molecules & Prescription Drugs
Transcriptome-based deep learning analysis identifies drug candidates targeting protein synthesis and autophagy for the treatment of muscle wasting disorder Full Text
Canagliflozin inhibits PASMCs proliferation via regulating SGLT1/AMPK signaling and attenuates artery remodeling in MCT-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension Full Text
Itaconate alleviates anesthesia/surgery-induced cognitive impairment by activating a Nrf2-dependent anti-neuroinflammation and neurogenesis via gut-brain axis Full Text
Doxycycline decelerates aging in progeria mice Full Text
GLP-2 ameliorates D-galactose induced muscle aging by IGF-1/Pi3k/Akt/FoxO3a signaling pathway in C2C12 cells and mice Full Text


Novel Molecules
BRD2-specific inhibitor, BBC0403, inhibits the progression of osteoarthritis pathogenesis in osteoarthritis-induced C57BL/6 male mice Full Text


Other Areas of Interest (in alphabetical order)


Ageing Clocks & other biomarkers of ageing
*Aging Measurements Can Vary by Time of Day Full Text
*A Comparison of 5 Measures of Accelerated Biological Aging and Their Association With Incident Cardiovascular Disease: The CARDIA Study Full Text
*Accelerated epigenetic age is associated with whole-brain functional connectivity and impaired cognitive performance in older adults Full Text


Epigenetics & Cellular Reprogramming
Nonlinear DNA methylation trajectories in aging male mice Full Text
*Very Long-Lived People Have Protected Epigenetics
*Methylation entropy landscape of Chinese long-lived individuals reveals lower epigenetic noise related to human healthy aging Full Text


Exosomes (small packets of information released by cells)
Stem cell secretome treatment improves whole-body metabolism, reduces adiposity, and promotes skeletal muscle function in aged mice Full Text
The complexity of extracellular vesicles: Bridging the gap between cellular communication and neuropathology Full Text CAN
Young osteocyte-derived extracellular vesicles facilitate osteogenesis by transferring tropomyosin-1 Full Text


Genetics including CRISPR
*Cognitively healthy centenarians are genetically protected against Alzheimer's disease Full Text
*Polygenic markers of survival and longevity in the antioxidant genes PON1, PON2, MTHFR, MSRA, SOD1, NQO1, and CAT in a 20-year follow-up study in the population from the Volga-Ural region


Lifespan Lengthening Interventions
Low-Molecular Weight Compounds that Extend the Chronological Lifespan of Yeasts, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe Full Text
A Re-Analysis Finds Potential Life-Prolonging Compounds Full Text


*Oral microbial signatures associated with age and frailty in Canadian adults Full Text CAN
Polyphenolic Compounds: Orchestrating Intestinal Microbiota Harmony during Aging Full Text
*Age and aging process alter the gut microbes Full Text


Observational Studies
*Associations Between Age at Menopause, Vascular Risk, and 3-Year Cognitive Change in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging CAN
*Serum klotho levels and mortality patterns in frail individuals: unraveling the u-shaped association Full Text
*The prognostic value of serum α-klotho in age-related diseases among the US population: A prospective population-based cohort study Full Text
*Systolic Blood Pressure and Survival to Very Old Age: Results From the Women’s Health Initiative Full Text
*Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 Full Text
*People think 'old age' starts later than it used to, study finds Abstract


Exploring juventology: unlocking the secrets of youthspan and longevity programs Full Text
Ageing as a two-phase process: theoretical framework Full Text
NIA Translational Geroscience Network: An infrastructure to facilitate geroscience-guided clinical trials Full Text


Other Ageing Biology
Identification of prospective aging drug targets via Mendelian randomization analysis Full Text
The coupling between healthspan and lifespan in Caenorhabditis depends on complex interactions between compound intervention and genetic background Full Text
Predictive Models of Life Span in Old Female Mice Based on Immune, Redox, and Behavioral Parameters Full Text
Mitochondria Injection Alleviates Parkinson’s in Mice
Mitochondrial transplantation exhibits neuroprotective effects and improves behavioral deficits in an animal model of Parkinson's disease Full Text


Regenerative Medicine
Regeneration of Nonhuman Primate Hearts With Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell–Derived Cardiac Spheroids Full Text


Reproductive Health
Efficacy and safety of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for ovarian ageing in a mouse model Full Text
NMN and NR Reverse Ovarian Aging in Rats Full Text
*The impact of resveratrol on the outcome of the in vitro fertilization: an exploratory randomized placebo-controlled trial Full Text
Quercetin Delays Ovarian Aging in Middle-Aged Mice Full Text


Genetic, Environmental, and Stochastic Components of Lifespan Variability: The Drosophila Paradigm Full Text
Will cellular immunotherapies end neurodegenerative diseases? Full Text
How does a fly die? Insights into ageing from the pathophysiology of Drosophila mortality Full Text


Senolytics/Senescent Cells
Chemical Strategies for the Detection and Elimination of Senescent Cells Full Text
Senescence and senolysis in cancer: The latest findings Full Text
Cellular Senescence as a Targetable Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Diseases: Therapeutic Implications: JACC Family Series Full Text


Skin & Beauty
Discovery of a novel and highly selective JAK3 inhibitor as a potent hair growth promoter Full Text
*Exosomes and Signaling Nanovesicles from the Nanofiltration of Preconditioned Adipose Tissue with Skin-B® in Tissue Regeneration and Antiaging: A Clinical Study and Case Report Full Text
*Use of platelet rich plasma for skin rejuvenation Full Text


Stem Cells
Rebuilding and rebooting immunity with stem cells Full Text CAN
Transplanting Mitochondria Improves Muscle Function Full Text
The Effect of Short-Term NAD3® Supplementation on Circulating Adult Stem Cells in Healthy Individuals Aged 40-70 Years Full Text


*Telomeres and aging: on and off the planet! Full Text
New insights from bidirectional Mendelian randomization: causal relationships between telomere length and mitochondrial DNA copy number in aging biomarkers Full Text
*Genetic susceptibility to chronic diseases leads to heart failure among Europeans: the influence of leukocyte telomere length Full Text


Odds & Sods
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy promotes the browning of white fat and contributes to the healing of diabetic wounds Full Text
*Cannabis smoking is associated with advanced epigenetic age Full Text
FNDC5/irisin mediates the protective effects of Innovative theta-shaking exercise on mouse memory Full Text
*Effect of whole-body vibration stimulation on plasma soluble TNF receptors in elderly with sarcopenia: a randomized controlled trial Full Text
***Disclaimer 1 – I am NOT a doctor or indeed a scientist. All the information pertained within is for information purposes only; use at your own risk. Please consult with a healthcare practitioner if you need medical advice.***


**Disclaimer 2In no way should supplements be a replacement for an unhealthy diet or lifestyle. A varied, plant dominant dietary pattern is the cornerstone for health. Try to eat the rainbow – the greater the variety, the greater the benefit. Even though I might take a supplement derived from a plant source, I still eat the plant in question. Also, make sure you move as much as possible – that is what we evolved to do.**


*Also bear in mind that most of the studies mentioned above are in rodents, not humans. Rodents, needless to say, do not always react the same way to drugs as humans do – witness the countless times cancer or another disease has been cured in rodents only to subsequently fail human trials. I have *starred any human trials.*

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