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Anyone bought from these two UK C60-OO Suppliers?

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#1 Hip

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Posted 15 March 2018 - 02:18 PM

Has anyone bought C60 fullerenes in olive oil from these two UK suppliers:
London Research Labs C60 in Extra Virgin Olive Oil (ldnrl.com)
Carbon 60 Research (www.carbon60oliveoiluk.com)
If so, how did their products compare to the more established C60 suppliers? I cannot find any reviews about these two UK companies, so that's why I am asking for experiences.
London Research Labs look reliable, as their website seems professional and provides plenty of contact details (email, landline telephone and postal address). On their website they say:
"London Research Labs manufactures in the UK research grade Carbon 60 in Extra Virgin Olive Oil (C60 EVOO) using 99.+% solvent free C60 fullerenes from a certified US lab and an award winning low acidity organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Buy with confidence from the UK’s first and only dedicated C60 EVOO lab.
Carbon 60 Research also has a professional looking website, and for contact details, provides a contact form on the site. I believe www.carbon60oliveoiluk.com is the UK branch of carbon60oliveoil.com, as on their About page, they say:

"LongeCity recently compared the concentrations of Carbon 60 in the products of three leading vendors. The results are in: In this comparison study only carbon60oliveoil delivers the promised c60 concentration you’re paying for.
Why did we test so well?
They are referring to this thread on LongeCity, where the US carbon60oliveoil.com product was compared to two other US C60-OO suppliers, and was the only supplier whose product contained the stated concentration of C60. So the above quote implies that www.carbon60oliveoiluk.com provide the same product as carbon60oliveoil.com. And on their product label, www.carbon60oliveoiluk.com products say "Made in the USA". It does have a different logo to the US product though.

Edited by Hip, 15 March 2018 - 02:57 PM.

#2 Jontydolls

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Posted 30 April 2018 - 11:36 AM

Since hearing about C60 Oil on Youtube I have been researching the UK / European suppliers and have tried the products and researched the Companies as much as possible before committing myself to any one product. Back in September last year when I first started researching, I could find no Companies in the UK or Europe that manufactured or sold C60 except Vaughtner Wellness. However the way that the lady spoke to people and things she would say in posts was horrible so I gave them a very wide birth.  I contacted quite a few companies in the USA, with a variety of success, most do not respond or have been rude to me when I ask questions (C60 Live).  Since then a few people have started selling it here in the UK and I am keen to support UK business by sourcing the product here from a reputable company. 

I am naturally curious about this product, due to its potential. However, I am dubious about the people selling it due to previous experience with fraudsters in the health supplement industry and having heard a lot of bad info about cheap Chinese C60 on the market.  Having researched purchasing C60 and making my own high quality product, it is actually quite expensive to bring this product to market in a retail sense. If you are going to set up your own lab, etc you need a large amount of outlay to recoup and cutting corners, if you follow the Baati method, does not seem to be an option and that is why one of these Companies threw up a massive red flag for me.


Here are my findings about London Research Labs and Carbon60oliveoiluk 


London Research Labs

Claim to be a 'Real' Company you can contact!  They answer the phone, but no response to email when you ask questions concerning research

The business is not a bonafide registered business in the UK. No way of knowing who the boss is!  If things go wrong, they are gone, gone and very difficult to trace them. I feel a 'Real' business dealing with peoples health should be registered. 

They use a Fake address and claim to be based in Hatton Garden in London - The address given on their website is a correspondence address used by 1000's of other businesses.  

They are actually based 150 miles north of London in a small village in Lincolnshire.

Very basic website. Looks like it has been set up purely for selling the product in mass quantity. The website has no research, but they claim to be a research lab!

There are no labs that I could find in the UK making C60, despite their claims that they are making it here.  it is more than likely to be a domestic kitchen or converted garage set up on their property.

No customer feedback anywhere on their site.

No social media to follow for them

Pricing of products seems dubious. 100ml for £49 or 300ml for £79 - suggests corners being cut or poor quality C60 being used.


Upon further digging, their privacy agreement and terms & Conditons have been copied from a Company in California without London Research Labs changing the fine points to make it their own document and legally binding in the UK.  


Here is an extract from their Privacy Policy 


"California Online Privacy Protection Act

CalOPPA is the first state law in the nation to require commercial websites and online services to post a privacy policy. The law’s reach stretches well beyond California to require any person or company in the United States (and conceivably the world) that operates websites collecting Personally Identifiable Information from California consumers to post a conspicuous privacy policy on its website stating exactly the information being collected and those individuals or companies with whom it is being shared. – See more at: http://consumercal.o....0FdRbT51.dpuf"


More worrying, here is an extract from their Terms & conditions


These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of 34 New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London, CMD, EC1N 8JY, United Kingdom.


They appear to have their own Laws!


To be so sloppy as to not change the Privacy Policy and T&C's to fit your Country and Business is again cause for concern.  I would question how sloppy they are being in making their product.


As for the product, upon inspection it has a thin consistency and light brown in colour, like dirty water. No instructions with the product. I could not vouch for its authenticity as I do not have the facilities to check. However having sourced and sampled a variety of C60 Olive Oil and spoken to several of the labs producing it in the USA I got this response back from the lab that has been producing C60 Olive Oil the longest 


"To answer your question: fresh, quality Carbon 60 olive oil will have a pleasing purple color that ranges from pinkish-purple to lavender when a small quantity is viewed through a clear applicator. This range of color variation is influenced in part by the chlorophyll level in the olive oil (even consistently using the same purity of C60 and the same brand of olive oil using the same process color will vary a bit - in rare occasions when chlorophyll levels are very high the oil will even appear a bit brownish-purple), and in part by trace inclusions of other carbon nano particles. Our product is made using an ultra pure (and solvent free) C60 containing less than .05% of these inclusions to the 99.95+% of Carbon 60. Higher levels of C70 will always skew the color more pink, and it doesn't take much for it to have that effect, so if a company uses a lower purity level it will never be even remotely purple."


I would be very cautious sourcing from this company. I feel that C60 is too unresearched to take chances on a company that misleads the customer into thinking they are something they are not.


I would conclude that London Research Labs is a dubious set up and I would avoid.



Carbon 60 Olive Oil UK


This Company claims to be dedicated to research. They are advertising for research participants to carry out a liver study on their site, which is encouraging. They have an ethos on reinvesting money from sales back into their research.

They are a bonafide business registered in the UK. Their registered office details check out as does their information on Companies House


The website is modern, clean and very informative regarding C60 Olive Oil. Lots of posted research from both animal studies and client feedback.  The site appears to be regularly updated.


They also sell a product called H2 Elite, which they claim can 'Enhance the C60 experience' - No evidence to back up this claim, but good link to the H2 research.


They claim to be working with Research Doctors and they include a quote on their website from a Dr Ratcliffe, a research scientist. Upon checking this all appears to be legitimate. 


They claim to be the authorised UK retailer of this product from the US manufacturer carbon60oliveoil.com. This is verifiable by checking their distributor page of the US site which i can confirm all checks out.


They have a Youtube channel, Facebook and Twitter, which all appear to be active


All PP and T&C's check out


They have a very fast and helpful email contact system, which I have found extremely helpful whilst conducting my own research. They have also recently introduced a telephone helpline. 


The product has a thick consistency and dark pinky / purple colour.  Sourced from the USA. From what I understand this UK retailer has made this their own brand for the UK / European Market. Guidelines included with their products


Pricing £50 for 100ml or £240 for 500ml. This seems consistent with the price of C60 and the customs, import charges incurred in UK. (I know because I have purchased from the USA and got stung for 23% tax)  There are other companies selling this same product (in different branding) for £65 on amazon and other sites.  


I would conclude that www.carbon60oliveoiluk.com is a genuine business of benefit to the C60 Oil research community. I say this because they have a very transparent set up, they appear genuinely interested in helping people, they appear to be doing research, I have found the customer service to be really good and the product they are selling appears genuine, proven by the Longecity study and backed by the USA company.


Hope that helps answer your question and that this research has been helpful.




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