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Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) personal experience thread

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#1 LawrenceW

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Posted 22 March 2018 - 05:18 PM

My personal experience with Nicotinamide Mononucleotide


I was first bitten in 2006 by the anti-aging bug after reading Ray Kurzweil’s Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever.  I started up a vitamin supplement regimen including taking Resveratrol, eating healthier, attending the gym more regularly, and trended towards a generally healthier lifestyle. I have tried to keep current on all the latest anti-aging trends.


I still recall reading and bookmarking the Dec. 19, 2013, Harvard Medical School article, A New—and Reversible—Cause of Aging. In the article Dr. David Sinclair explains that, as we age, the levels of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) in our body drop substantially. He discovered that a natural substance found in our cells, Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN), when added to cells, increased the level of NAD+ and actually reversed the cell’s biological age.


At that time Sigma- Aldrich had NMN for sale at $1,700 per gram.  Correlating from the dose that Dr. Sinclair had fed his mice for 1 week, I would need 7.5 grams per day for 8 months.  That worked out to $3M at Sigma Aldrich pricing. A group of 7 of us decided that we would volunteer ourselves to begin a medically supervised program of supplementing with NMN. We scoured labs far and wide for better pricing. We finally received a batch of 99.1% purity NMN in the spring of 2015. 


I began taking Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) on July 15, 2015 and took my last dose of NMN for our first test program on April 7, 2016. I took a 3,400mg of NMN dose twice daily. I took my morning dose at around 7:00am and my evening dose at around 6:30pm.  I did not drink any caffeine during the 3-hour period prior to dosing, but I could have caffeine 20 minutes after dosing.  I weighed myself each morning as soon as I woke up. I experienced no side effects either physically or medically at any time while taking NMN. I did not change my eating habits or workout routine or frequency.


When I first started taking NMN, I immediately noticed a slight increase in energy. My weight beginning to drop within a couple of days. Within weeks I felt that I was shedding belly fat and noticed a visible flattening of my tummy. At about 3 weeks I noticed that the arthritis in my knuckles had started to clear up.  Within the first month I noticed that I was sleeping much more soundly, sleeping about an hour longer and waking up really refreshed and clear-minded. By 3 months all the arthritis had cleared up body-wide including my shoulder, elbows, knees and right hip. When I began I weighed 215.9 lbs. On January 7, 2016, I recorded my lowest weight of 196.8, a loss of 19.1 lbs.  At that time, I also noticed an increase in strength, endurance and muscle size.  By the end of the program I weighed 208 and I believe that I had lost around 20 lbs. of fat and replaced it with around 12 lbs. of muscle.


About midway through the program, my neighbors were stopping me and commenting that I was looking healthier, younger, more energetic, buff, really good, etc.  One of the more interesting comments was that I was moving like a much younger person. After that comment I focused on my walking mechanics. I realized that I was walking with much straighter posture, with shoulders back, chest out and a looser, more fluid and quicker stride, as all my joints were now more flexible and pain free. Physically, I felt like my body did 20 years earlier.  I had an interesting conversation with a cosmetic surgeon friend, who said that he could make a 70-year-old look like a 50-year-old, but he couldn’t make them move like a 50-year-old. I now believe that NMN can make one move like a much younger person.


In early January 2015, I went to see my doctor for my annual physical checkup with full bloodwork. When I went back in for results, the first question my doctor asked me was what I had been doing differently.  I asked why.  She said that my bloodwork had come back much improved from the previous year.  She pointed out that my kidney function/efficiency/health had improved dramatically:

BUN dropping from 14 to 7. 

Hgb A1C number had improved from being a pre-diabetic 6.0 to non-diabetic 5.6.

Total cholesterol had improved from 167 to 154.

Triglycerides had improved from 147 to 108. My LDL/HDL ratio had improved from 3.54 to 2.3.

Cardiac risk had always been low but had dropped from a 1.92 to a 1.26.  (Population average is 3.03 to 5.37).

Testosterone had increased from 247 to 335.

C-reactive protein had dropped from 0.7 to 0.3.

Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha had dropped from a 1.8 to a 1.4.

Interleukin-6 Plasma had dropped from a 1.2 to less than 0.7. 

These last three tests were all measurements of inflammation levels in my body.  As increased inflammation is tied to aging and a decrease in general health, I was pleased to see my inflammation levels being reduced. As a chronological 60-year old male, I was pleased to see that my biological age had dropped from 70 to 44.


I finally confessed that I had been taking NMN, an anti-aging dietary supplement discovered by Dr. Sinclair from Harvard Medical school.  Her comment was that she sees all sorts of patients that are taking the latest anti-aging pills or potions and they usually comment that they feel great or younger or more energetic and so on.  She says that, over all the years, this is the first time that she has seen the claimed benefits/results show up in the bloodwork.  Her other comment was that the improvements didn’t just exhibit in one part of the body but appeared to be system-wide. Her final comment was that it appeared that I had the bloodwork of a much younger and healthier person. I definitely felt like I had a much younger and healthier body.


After we completed an 8-month NMN program, our medical supervisor wanted us to quit for a one-year period to monitor us for any adverse reactions.  The first thing that I can report is that it was not physically addicting and there were no withdrawal issues at all.  About a month later I noticed that I was beginning to feel my age again. My joints were stiffening, and a tinge of arthritis was back. But even after the full year of no NMN, my arthritis had not returned to its pre-NMN level. My next annual physical, in August 2017, showed that the improvement to my kidneys was still holding. Results were:

My cholesterol numbers stayed at the improved levels.

Cardiac risk returned to my baseline number.

Testosterone continued to increase.

C-reactive protein, Tumor Necrosis factor and Interleukin-6 numbers had all returned to my baseline number. 

And my biological age which had started at 70, dropped to 44 had gone up to 76. 

HgbA1c number had gone back to 6.4, slightly higher than my original baseline.

My doctor wanted to immediately put me on Metformin to control my HgbA1c.  I told her that I was planning on starting up my NMN again and asked if we could test again in 3 months to see if the NMN controlled my HgbA1c.  She reluctantly agreed.


In summary, some of the benefits appeared to be lasting, while others went away after I stopped taking NMN.  Overall, I felt my initial experience with NMN was very positive with no downside risk.  Therefore, I started up again on Sept. 22, 2017, but experimented with a reduced NMN regimen of 1,600 mg twice per day. 


On Dec. 7, after almost 3 months on the 1,600mg twice-per-day NMN regimen, I went in for blood tests. My doctor was very pleased to see that my previous HgbA1c reading of 6.4 had reduced to a 5.8. She commented that if my HgbA1c came back up to 6.0, or if I quit taking NMN, then I would have to get started on Metformin immediately.


In addition to the good HgbA1c news, every arthritic joint was once again pain-free. My biological age dropped from 76 to 45. My inflammation markers all improved:

 C-reactive protein dropped from 0.9 to 0.49.

Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha dropped from 1.9 to 1.2

Interleukin-6 plasma dropped from 1.2 to 0.9.


As a result of my most recent set of blood tests coming in almost identical to those I had after my initial full dose NMN regimen, I decided to scale the dose back even further.  In late December, I began a 750 mg twice per day dosage and will be going in at the end of April for my next full blood panel. Physically, I still feel the same benefits as I did on the higher dose, but only the blood work will truly tell me what is going on inside.


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#2 midas

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Posted 22 March 2018 - 10:55 PM

Could we see some evidence of the blood work results please? (before and after NMN)

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#3 LawrenceW

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Posted 22 March 2018 - 11:30 PM



I have been tracking my blood tests for many years.  Comparing one test against the next is nice, but being able to track trends over many years is much better. Please see attached.


The April 2015 column is my baseline for NMN.  Jan. 2016 is after taking NMN for 6 months. 


Attached File  LW Lab results.xls   51.5KB   179 downloads


Edited by LawrenceW, 22 March 2018 - 11:31 PM.

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#4 theone

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Posted 30 March 2018 - 05:40 PM

I bit more anecdotal evidence.


My Dad has been on 170mg  of NMN for a bit over 3 weeks (will be increasing to 340mg this week).  He is reporting a bit more energy and has also lost a bit over 5 pounds. No change to his diet or exercise routine (he could loose another 15-20). He is up for his full semi-annual blood testing in May.  Hopefully we will see some improvements.


Edited by theone, 30 March 2018 - 05:46 PM.

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#5 LawrenceW

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Posted 01 April 2018 - 12:01 AM

More anecdotal evidence.


This morning I went golfing.  Normally, I could visually track the golf ball out to about 175 to 200 yards. This morning I realized that I was able to track the golf ball out to past 250 yards.  Once that I had realized this, I kept focusing on distant objects and the best way to describe it was that my distance vision was crisper and that I could resolve finer detail than before.

Edited by LawrenceW, 01 April 2018 - 12:03 AM.

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#6 Precisely

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Posted 01 April 2018 - 05:03 PM

Thank you for sharing Lawrence. I tried NR for a while but a dose of only 125mg per day gave me such a rush (serotonin?) that it was impossible to sleep, even after 21 days. I am now waiting for a NMN shipment to see if that is better for me. The doses you have used are very very high. Have you really not noticed any side effects? And are there any info regarding if Sinclair tried different dosages?

#7 LawrenceW

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Posted 01 April 2018 - 07:08 PM



In the beginning and as there was no published data on dosing with NMN, other then Dr. Sinclair's 500 mg/kg mouse dosage, the lead guinea pig in our group began with 100 mg per dose twice per day and over a 2 month period worked his way up to the 1 gram per 28 pounds of human body weight per day equivalent of the Sinclair mouse dose.  Once he reached the target dose he continued on for 4 months at that dosage with monthly blood tests and under medical supervision looking for any and all side effects. After 4 months and no side effects noted, the medical supervisor approved the remaining 6 of us to get started. Of the 7 of us the only side effect that any of us noticed was a rapid slimming of our wallets.  Looking back at that large dose and now achieving the same benefits at a much lower dose, we have come to believe that the body simply takes what it wants and excretes the rest.  In other words in those early days we had some very expensive urine.

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#8 Precisely

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Posted 01 April 2018 - 07:53 PM

Thank you Lawrence. I will give an update on my progress and the perceived difference between NR and NMN (highly subjective of course) in a month or so. I have also contacted Hiroshima University that is currently doing a study on the long-term effects on NMN usage and asked about their choice of dosage (100 mg/person and second group of 200 mg/person) in relation to the dosages used by Dr Sinclair. If I get a reply I will post it here.

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#9 LawrenceW

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Posted 01 April 2018 - 08:04 PM

Thanks Precisely. Please keep us updated.  Do you mind if I ask which brand of NMN you bought?

#10 Precisely

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Posted 01 April 2018 - 08:37 PM

Not at all. AlivebyNature, pure NMN. And the NR I tested was Elysium basis.

#11 LawrenceW

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Posted 09 April 2018 - 06:18 PM

Another thing that I have notice is that the age spots on the back of my hands have lightened and some have gone away.

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#12 Precisely

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Posted 09 April 2018 - 07:47 PM

Btw Lawrence I saw that Dr Sinclair is taking 500mg NMN per day so you can probably cut down on your dose...
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#13 LawrenceW

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Posted 09 April 2018 - 09:31 PM



Yes, I also noted that Dr. Sinclair is taking 500mg of NMN every morning.


I plan on continuing with my current 750mg twice per day until I get my blood test results in early May.  I will adjust my dosage according to what my blood work tells me.



#14 aaaaaaal

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Posted 11 April 2018 - 01:01 PM

Btw Lawrence I saw that Dr Sinclair is taking 500mg NMN per day so you can probably cut down on your dose...


Yes, apparently his biological age went down quite significantly.


But where does he say he takes 500mg per day?  :) Thanks

#15 LawrenceW

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Posted 11 April 2018 - 01:52 PM



"But where does he say he takes 500mg per day?   :) Thanks"


Dr. Sinclair mentions his dosage in this article:  http://www.dailymail...ixir-youth.html


and he also discusses his dosage around the 33 minute mark in this video: 


That whole video is actually very interesting to watch.


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#16 LawrenceW

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Posted 01 May 2018 - 10:10 PM

Just went in for my annual physical with full blood panel.  Getting the lab results back next Wednesday.  I will post results here.

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#17 aaaaaaal

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Posted 08 May 2018 - 03:39 PM

Anecdotal, of course, but took 4 pills of 125mg NMN, went on a long walk with my dog and felt like I was 18 again. It's difficult to describe (or not, maybe I'm just lazy) but I felt like my body didn't weigh as much. I felt like sprinting for the first time in 5 yrs.
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#18 LawrenceW

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Posted 08 May 2018 - 04:27 PM

Wow, I am jealous.  My first day was a lot more subtle than what you are describing. Please keep us posted.

#19 able

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Posted 08 May 2018 - 04:58 PM

Anecdotal, of course, but took 4 pills of 125mg NMN, went on a long walk with my dog and felt like I was 18 again. It's difficult to describe (or not, maybe I'm just lazy) but I felt like my body didn't weigh as much. I felt like sprinting for the first time in 5 yrs.



Anecdotal for me also, but agree with you.  Increased endurance and strength are the 2 big things I notice as well. 


My results over the last 3 months have been simply astounding, but I have been reluctant to post due to the confounding factors, such as keto diet, intermittent fasting and mix of NR and NMN.


I’m a retired 59 year old in good health, with time to exercise 6 days a week.  


I was taking mostly Niagen the last 3 years,  and  noticed improved energy, skin, and hair.    On a lark, I  switched to NMN 9 months ago, averaging 500 mg a day,  but didn’t really notice a great deal of  difference between the 2. 


In January, I began experimenting with sublingual delivery of NMN and NR.  For me, the boost in energy was immediate. As it seemed I was getting better results, I increased dosage to over 1g a day.  I can’t say I notice a clear difference in results between the NMN and NR, but have gravitated to NMN  the last 2 months.


The big change was increased endurance in the gym and on my bike.  I had more and more “good days”, and found I was increasing the weights I used, and getting better times when I worked hard on the bike.  


After a month or so, I realized I could workout hard 3-4 times a week, rather than the 1-2 times I was doing previously (going easy the other days).


The more I worked, I found I recovered much better and regained strength.  Now, I can push weights in the gym like I did 20 years ago.  On the bike, the loop I ride hard on once a week I can do in 55 minutes instead for the 1:02 that I was doing 6 months ago.


I believe the sublingual delivery makes higher dosages more effective, as I never saw this boost when I tried 1g or more a day of niagen capsules.


I still have prostate problems, gray hair, and sore joints, - but energy, endurance, physique, and cognition are  like I am 20 years younger. 

Edited by able, 08 May 2018 - 05:01 PM.

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#20 bluemoon

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Posted 09 May 2018 - 05:16 AM



I still have prostate problems, gray hair, and sore joints, - but energy, endurance, physique, and cognition are  like I am 20 years younger. 


I'm curious how you could possibly know or sense that your cognition is 20 years younger. 

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#21 able

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Posted 09 May 2018 - 06:59 AM

I'm curious how you could possibly know or sense that your cognition is 20 years younger. 


I mean, thinking more clearly, and able to focus better.  Of course its very difficult to define that well in a few words, and 20 years was a more appropriate estimate for the physical changes, but I note improved mental clarity also and just threw that in there.

Edited by able, 09 May 2018 - 07:00 AM.

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#22 MikeDC

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Posted 09 May 2018 - 01:11 PM



I have been tracking my blood tests for many years.  Comparing one test against the next is nice, but being able to track trends over many years is much better. Please see attached.


The April 2015 column is my baseline for NMN.  Jan. 2016 is after taking NMN for 6 months. 



You have made big claims of NMN. Just checked your blood work and it shows your A1C has been trending up and now you are a diabetic.



  HgB A1C (Diabetes)   3.9-5.6             5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 5.6 6.1 6.4


​  You total cholesterol has been trending down and NMN didn't seem to have affected the trend.

​  Your C reactive protein had a high number just before NMN intake, so NMN seemed to have improved it greatly.

​  But looking at all the data, it is just a noise.



  Cholestrol, Total mg/dL 50 - 200 172 155 148 161 153 175 170 180 168 167 154 147 145



  C-reactive Protein mg/dL 0.0 - 5.6   1.8 0.37 0.7 0.46 0.52 0.25 0.48 0.48 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.9


So you are still taking 3.2 grams of NMN daily?  Could you reduce it to 500mg for one year?



Edited by MikeDC, 09 May 2018 - 01:26 PM.

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#23 LawrenceW

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Posted 09 May 2018 - 02:17 PM



Let me help you get your facts straight.


gB A1C (Diabetes)   3.9-5.6             


5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 were my annual numbers prior to starting NMN


5.6 was after I had taken NMN for 6 months.


6.1 was 10 months after my last dose of NMN from the initial trial period.


6.4 was after I had taken 500mg twice per day of Niagen for 3 months. My doctor and I both agree with you that the Niagen did not prevent me from becoming diabetic!


At the time of my 6.4 reading my doctor wanted to immediately put me on Metformin.  I told her that I would be starting up my NMN regimen again and would like to retest in 3 months.  I went back in Dec. 2017 and my A1C had dropped to 5.8 after 3 months of NMN. She said that if I stopped taking NMN to let her know and she would immediately put me on Metformin.  I am currently taking 750mg twice per day of NMN.


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#24 LawrenceW

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Posted 09 May 2018 - 02:43 PM

I'm curious how you could possibly know or sense that your cognition is 20 years younger. 





If you are truly that curious, try some NMN and then you will understand for yourself. The sensation that Able is describing is the same that I have experienced and have heard from the people that I know that are on NMN.

#25 mikela

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Posted 09 May 2018 - 08:16 PM

I've been using NR since it first showed up on the scene.  I recently added 500mg of NMN sublingualy and have been amazed by the energy boost.  I was able to do extra reps with weights.  Does anyone see any issue with using both?  I have been taking 2 NR capsules (250mg) first thing in the morning and taking the NMN sublingualy later in the morning or early afternoon.

Edited by mikela, 09 May 2018 - 08:17 PM.

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#26 able

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Posted 09 May 2018 - 09:16 PM

I've been using NR since it first showed up on the scene.  I recently added 500mg of NMN sublingualy and have been amazed by the energy boost.  I was able to do extra reps with weights.  Does anyone see any issue with using both?  I have been taking 2 NR capsules (250mg) first thing in the morning and taking the NMN sublingualy later in the morning or early afternoon.



YES!  that is exactly what I notice in the difference between the two.  For some reason NMN has had more effect (for me) in strength and endurance.  


For that reason, I have switched to taking it around my exercise time as alivebynature recommends.   It is very strange since the research shows NMN seems least successful at elevating NAD+ in muscle, but in my results is where it excels in results.  


I do occasionally take NR in the mornings.  Personally, I don't see any more risk from mixing them vs taking large doses of either. AFAIK, extra NR or NMN just ends up as expensive urine.

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Posted 09 May 2018 - 09:21 PM

I take both and although I can't distinguish the difference (and I take different quantities of each), I do notice that my recovery is excellent. Ran 4+ miles the other day (which is good for me, getting back into the spring swing) and had zero joint pain with barely any soreness the next day.

Edited by TMNMK, 09 May 2018 - 09:23 PM.

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#28 able

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Posted 09 May 2018 - 09:29 PM

I take both and although I can't distinguish the difference (and I take different quantities of each), I do notice that my recovery is excellent. Ran 4+ miles the other day (which is good for me, getting back into the spring swing) and had zero joint pain with barely any soreness the next day.


That is also the same response I notice.  I feel good and energized, but mostly is not a stimulant effect.  Mostly is  better recovery. So I can exercise harder and more often, and week after week have gotten stronger and faster as a result.  

Edited by able, 09 May 2018 - 09:31 PM.

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#29 Kirito

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Posted 10 May 2018 - 01:42 AM

I can also report increased endurance and more mental clarity from NMN. More so than NR did.

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#30 LawrenceW

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Posted 10 May 2018 - 02:57 AM

Just got my lab results. 



But before we get into that I would like to bring everyone up to speed on my history with NMN.


July 11, 2015 – May 5, 2016 I took 3,400mg of NMN twice per day.


May 6, 2016 – May 21, 2017 I didn’t take any NMN or NR


May 22, 2017 – Aug. 28, 2017 I took 500 mg of Niagen twice per day.


Aug. 29, 2017 – Sept. 21, 2017 I didn’t take any NMN or NR


Sept. 22, 2017 – Dec. 21, 2017 I took 1,600 mg of NMN twice per day


Dec. 22, 2017 – May 8, 2018 I took 750 mg of NMN twice per day.


Here are the highlights from my most recent blood work


A1C was 5.8 and stayed at 5.8.

Testosterone had come down from 445 to 406

C-Reactive dropped from .49 to .31

The rest had insignificant changes from the previous blood panel.



It turns out that my May 2018 numbers were almost identical to my Dec. 2017 numbers. As the Dec. numbers were based on 1,600 mg of NMN twice per day and the May numbers were based on 750 mg twice per day, it appears that the 750 mg twice per day dose is just as effective as the 1,600 mg twice per day. It looks like I once again had very expensive urine from September to December last year!


Based on today's numbers I am going to reduce my NMN dosage to 500 mg twice per day starting tomorrow morning and check that in 3 months with another blood panel.


BTW for those looking for a MG/KG dosage I weigh 209 lbs or 95 kgs. Therefore my new 1,000 mg per day dosage equates to 10.46 mg/kg human or 122 mg/kg mouse dosage.

Edited by LawrenceW, 10 May 2018 - 03:18 AM.

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