Stem cell self-renewal protocol, update 2
The following looks complicated with a lot of supplements. But the core protocol requires just 2 things — stearic acid and C60. The basic idea is to put mitochondria into fusion with stearic acid, then to stimulate stem cells into symmetric division with C60. Mitochondrial morphology (fusion vs fission) biases division to either symmetric or asymmetric division. We want symmetric division for self-renewal and expansion of the stem cell pool — one stem cell becoming two. Then with the next treatment two becomes four, and so on in a compound interest fashion. Everything else is to protect stem cell telomeres and to make the process more efficient. The timing is based on cellular processes that run at different rates.
Time 0 (morning on empty stomach) —
Core brand Liposomal Glutathione — .5 g
Astragalus root extract powder — 5 g, in fruit juice, and/or Cycloastragenol — 10 mg
Optional —
L-Selenocysteine — 400 µg
One cap of LEF brand “Only Trace Minerals.”
Time 1:00 —
Stearic acid — 10 g, in brownie or hot chocolate (post #7)
Time 2:00 —
TUDCA — 500 mg
PQQ — 40 mg
Jiaogulan — 800 mg (or LEF brand AMPK activator)
L-Threonine — 5 g
ALA — 600 mg
Taurine — 5 g
NAC — 600 mg
Time 3:00 —
C60 — 1 teaspoon of .6 mg/ml in oil, 3 mg C60
Vitamin C — 2 g
Optional —
Potassium nitrate — 300 mg
Gym at Time 3:30
And later, if feeling fatigue, 5 g L-Threonine + tablespoon of olive oil
I typically use all the options.
Suggested schedule —
Three days in a row, then a break of two or more days.
Notes —
The fullerene C60 dissolved in oil is known to be an excellent antioxidant, and also has the ability to stimulate stem cells. The mechanism vis-à-vis stem cells has not appeared in published research, but I believe it is a physical feature of C60—that once attracted to the mitochondria for whatever reason, it has the right size and shape to plug UCP2 pores. These pores act as a governor on the ATP output by allowing protons to escape. Stem cell mitochondria are covered up with these pores, and thus function mostly by glycolysis rather than by oxidative processes. UCP2 pores are known to disappear before a stem cell begins dividing, and C60 appears to mimic that step by blocking the pores.
“We have shown that only UCP2 is present in undifferentiated stem cells and it disappears simultaneously with the initiation of neuronal differentiation.”
Thus if you take C60 from one of the online vendors and hope to live longer as the rats did, you probably won’t. In fact, by using up stem cells through asymmetric division, you may be robbing your future health to get an immediate but temporary benefit. This was not apparent with the rat trial as rats don’t live long enough for it to make a difference.
Stearic acid
Fusion was the missing factor all along. Stearic acts almost like a hormone, driving mitochondria into fusion, and fusion itself biases stem cells to self-renewal.
“We find that animal cells are poised to respond to both increases and decreases in C18:0 levels, with increased C18:0 dietary intake boosting mitochondrial fusion in vivo.”
And, “In this model, elongated [fused] mitochondria in NSCs [neural stem cells] maintain low ROS levels and promote self-renewal…”
Supplements to lengthen telomeres include antioxidants to reduce telomere shortening and supplements that stimulate telomerase. Since none are known to do the job completely, I’ve included a number of them —
Astragalus root extract
Vitamin C
Supplements to increase mitochondrial biogenesis and efficiency—
Trace minerals
Supplements that support stem cell nutrition—
Supplements that stimulate stem cells proliferation—
Supplements that stimulate muscle stem cells (satellite cells)—
Potassium nitrate (forms NO)
NAC + Taurine (forms H2S)
These work with exercise
I used Core brand Liposomal Glutathione for bioavailability. Optionally you could break open a cap or two of ordinary reduced glutathione, mix it in a little water and take it on an empty stomach, lying on your left side for 10-15 minutes for gastric absorption.
How to take
L-Threonine, taurine and NAC can be mixed into fruit juice. Mix dry powders first for best dispersion of NAC (which is rather corrosive). Stearic acid in brownies or hot chocolate on an empty stomach speeds up the digestion and absorption. Digestion of raw stearic acid powder or flakes (which does not melt at body temp) will likely take a long and variable amount of time. Imagine digesting candle wax.
Edited by Turnbuckle, 24 May 2018 - 01:45 AM.